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Author Topic: Life Need Advise  (Read 2825 times)

Major JSilva

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Life Need Advise
« on: 07 Feb 2011, 05:29 »

Yes as the subject may or may not suggest I need some advise,

To some it up my life is in a flurrying shitstorm right down but I'm not panicing, angry , demoralized or despressed at all, just kind of lost I assume.

For those who don't talk to me on a daily basis or may not now me personally I'll give you the summary.

1. I've gotten kicked , yes booted out of high school for the second time
2. Ain't got no job
3. Not that I could really give a flying shit for my dad but as I found out though I suspected it he ran away back to brazil, while this doesn't bother me. I haven't talked with him in 2 years and he kind of abandoned my family 9 years ago of course he tried to stay in touch but never paid child support to my mom haha

So I ask what do I do from here? I've thought about long and hard(no punt intended), I've thought of some plans but the route a choose will have little affect short-term but its impact will last a lifetime.



P.S. I wasn't drunk when I wrote this nor am I bullshitting about this. It as real as it gets.


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Re: Life Need Advise
« Reply #1 on: 07 Feb 2011, 06:00 »

It simplistic to give advice based on what you've written. I don't know the specifics of your life situation, and I don't know what kind of person you are.

However: Go back to High School. Choose another one if that one won't take you.

That's really all I've got. Sorry.

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Re: Life Need Advise
« Reply #2 on: 07 Feb 2011, 07:18 »

This holds pretty much no matter what: go back to high school and finish it.

Specific advice would depend on why you were kicked.

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Re: Life Need Advise
« Reply #3 on: 07 Feb 2011, 08:28 »

Go back to highschool.

Be there for your mother.

And I think you are lying to yourself about not caring for you father. Point three is the biggest of your post. You care, even if it is in a negative way. I think it is important for you to find out his motivations, even if you disapprove of them. Staying in touch usually hints at a sort of caring, even if it conflicts with not paying. Find out why if you can or want. It may help you understand things better or put you at peace.

Seeking professional help may also be worth it. This ain't something a person should be fixing all by themselves.

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Re: Life Need Advise
« Reply #5 on: 07 Feb 2011, 13:53 »

I'm going to try to give a bit more useful advice then "go back to school" (no offence to anyone suggesting this) but from the sounds of it Silva, you're completely unmotivated, and as long as you're in that state, you won't be able to do well in school. You need to find out what you're passionate about, what you want to accomplish in life, and then work towards that goal. It doesn't need to be your only goal, but have something that drives you. If you have a purpose, then you can do whole boatloads of shit that you wouldn't put up with normally.
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Re: Life Need Advise
« Reply #6 on: 07 Feb 2011, 14:19 »

I agree with the above (excellent link Lallara).

I recommend that you avoid online games.


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Re: Life Need Advise
« Reply #7 on: 07 Feb 2011, 14:33 »

School is definitely by far the easiest means of acquiring the level of education you will likely need to succeed in life. It isn't the only option, though. If you have self-discipline, you might be able to complete your studies from home. If you really aren't academically inclined, then there may be apprenticeships / internships you can look into. Volunteering is well worth looking into as well: no money, but you can gain valuable transferable skills while working for a good cause. Helping others can be a great way of regaining lost motivation.
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Re: Life Need Advise
« Reply #8 on: 07 Feb 2011, 16:00 »

As Nikita & Wanoah said: do some volunteering and take a long hard look at yourself.
See who you are and where you want to go in the future and go on from there. Voluntary work helps a lot and looks great on your CV/resume.
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Major JSilva

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Re: Life Need Advise
« Reply #9 on: 07 Feb 2011, 18:40 »

Thanks for the advise everyone. I currently am taking online courses for high school so I'm hopingto get my diploma that way so I'll have to keep on track with that and see how it turns outs.


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Re: Life Need Advise
« Reply #10 on: 07 Feb 2011, 18:48 »

A little levity in life advice.


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Re: Life Need Advise
« Reply #11 on: 07 Feb 2011, 20:40 »

Whatever you decide to do, you need something outside of yourself to live for. If you live for yourself, you have little to look forward to besides death, so there is no reason not to simply experience as much pleasure as possible right now, since death is possible at any time. If you have something to live for, a cause, ideal, or person outside yourself, you will strive for that thing so that your efforts will continue to have meaning and effect beyond your death. If you live for yourself, internal drive and motivation is often lacking. If you live for something or someone outside yourself, that goal will push you beyond what is comfortable or easy for you. It will make you a better person, and, in addition, equip you for life's other challenges.

I can only speak from personal experience, of course. I am a Christian, and I have found my faith to be the most powerful driving force in my life. It has caused me to devote much intellectual effort towards the idea of how best to improve the condition of my fellow man, as well as driving my physical efforts towards the creation of wealth that might therefore be used to provide both jobs and charity for others. As a Christian, I of course recommend it to others. Yet, I acknowledge that much good has been done by those who believe differently than I do. I also acknowledge that caution must be taken in whole-hearted dedication to a cause, but that is another discussion entirely. The fact is that, for whatever reason, we cannot fulfill ourselves through simple self-gratification and hedonism.

Now, as to your parents. I grew up with an abusive mother. I won't go into it much, save to say that it was quite bad, especially later on. I realize that parents can have a powerful effect on children, but I caution you to remember that it does not define you. We cannot choose all of the circumstances we find ourselves in, but our life and character is defined not by those things that happen to us, but how we respond to them. Meaninglessness in our lives is easily attained through simple acceptance of our helplessness. Meaning originates from our determination to have it. To quote the Bible, as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Therefore, whatever your dad has done will change you, but you determine what that change will be. Will you be a failure who was forever scarred by abandonment, or a success that triumphed over it?

The fact that my mother tried to destroy me as a person means to me simply that I have someone to prove wrong, a challenge to become greater than. To me, now, she seems more a nuisance than a threat. Do the old wounds still hurt? Yes. But I am proud that I was able to triumph over them. Not arrogant, mind you, but happy. We are what we choose to be.


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Re: Life Need Advise
« Reply #12 on: 07 Feb 2011, 21:36 »

High School is the big one. Priority One.

And while I wouldn't recommend this for everyone (definitely not), I would for some: A few years in the Military can be a real catalyst for change in a person.

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Re: Life Need Advise
« Reply #13 on: 07 Feb 2011, 23:28 »

And while I wouldn't recommend this for everyone (definitely not), I would for some: A few years in the Military can be a real catalyst for change in a person.

Fair warning, the military is not for everyone and may not meet your expectations depending on where within it you might find yourself (I grew up an AF dependent and am now in the AF; but I grew up seeing one part of the AF and am now in another part).

It does however enable opportunities, like the GI Bill,  which can enable you to pay for most of college after serving a few years and gaining a better understanding of who you are and what you want to become.  While you may be several years senior to most college classmates by that point, you will have a wealth of real experience to draw upon that they simply will not have (I didn't).  If you follow that path, when applying for a job after college, military service becomes a discriminator (or so I am told).

You might find you just thrive in the environment and want to make uniformed service a career.

At the end of your first term, assuming you have been a good Soldier, Sailor, Airman, or Marine, you should have lots of options.

So, like everyone else said finish High School.

You might also want to look for something else, somewhere you can focus your energy/anger/whatever.  Some people find it in sports, others in writing.  Eve (and other Video Games) are not the place to focus it; not the same kind of release as even a simple run or writing a paragraph.

These don't have to be formal, they may just be finding a basketball court where you go every other day and shoot for 30 minutes or just a personal (unshared) blog.

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Re: Life Need Advise
« Reply #14 on: 08 Feb 2011, 01:32 »

I'll second the bit about finding a therapist.  It can be a soul shaking experience to have someone who will really listen to what you're saying, and it can be a powerful force in you coming to grips with what you are feeling and what you are going through.
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