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Author Topic: [Character] Kshatriya Sebtin  (Read 842 times)


  • Clonejack
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[Character] Kshatriya Sebtin
« on: 23 Jan 2011, 02:15 »

CONCORD DED Public Capsuleer Datasheet
Full Name: Kshatriya E'Unyielding E'Astrin E'Kimotoro Sebtini
DED Callsign: Kshatriya Sebtin
Blood Type: O+
Age: 25
Height: 190cm
Weight: 90kg
Hair Colour: Red
Eye Colour: Blue
Political Alignment: Minmatar Republic, Anti-Amarr
Date of Birth: 87.08.24
Place of Birth: Iteron "Birthship Astrin", Hirtamon, Ihilakken, The Forge
Employment History: Brutor Tribe, House of Sebtin (Unregistered)
Status: Active

DED Threat Assessment:
Having in the past being on record as advocating violent and radical action against the Amarr Empire, especially concerning the topic of slavery, since mid-112 he has only been seen engaging in activities against the Sansha Incursions typically using 'Rifter' class frigates. As such his capacity for undertaking high-level threats is limited. In addition, although coming from a rich background, K. Sebtin's personal wealth is estimated to be around 10M ISK with his clan (House of Sebtin) disapproving of his actions,  further limiting his options. However in the event that his status within the clan changes K. Sebtin could become a more serious threat.

Personality Assessment:
K.Sebtin has shown on multiple occasions to have a charismatic streak as seen from his leading of anti-slavery protests during his student days as well as his multiple arrests by Caldari security forces following violent Union activity. Unlike most frigate capsuleers he has a small crew numbering around 40 individuals, all members of the House of Sebtin. These crew members have turned the Rifter "BirthShip Unyielding" into a community of its own, fitting into the cultural practices of their clan. K. Sebtin has also shown a tendancy for unnecessary violence and advocating extreme or otherwise radical views.

Physical Assessment: Kshatriya Sebtin can be expected to have the military and physical capabilities of all graduates of the Republic Military School. No known allergies. No known diseases. No known Physical Enhancement implants.

CONCORD database entry on 'House of Sebtin'
[spoiler]The House of Sebtin had its origins as a small clan of the Sebiestor tribe within the rural areas of Matar's northern continent Mikramurka. They were locally known for living a pre-industrial existence while hand-crafting complicated and beautiful clockwork devices, the most famous of which is the now lost Metal Swan, an ornate egg that when wound up and activated folds and shapes itself until it is transformed into a waterbird.

The Sebtini (as they would later refer to themselves) were enslaved during one of the early raids prior to the conquest of the Minmatar and had the relative luck of serving the one master and thus maintaining their social and familial links during the enslavement, something that the majority of later Minmatar slaves did not enjoy.

Recognized early on by their Amarrian master for the mechanical aptitude as well as the passive nature the clan possessed the majority were assigned as semi-skilled labour, operating on assembly lines while living out of transports and moving from station to station within the Empire.

While the early treatment and conditions on the transports was what was to be expected on any slave ship after a few years the practical, if not legal, status of the Sebtini began to change. The first cause of this was their passive nature and adoption of Ammarian culture and religion. This allowed the master to reduce the amount of Ammarians needed on the transports, mainly to his own extended family, while appointing the Sebtini to roles of greater responsibility within the fleet.

The second cause was that the line between master and slave began to blur. It started normally enough with half-breed children being born of Amarrian fathers and Minmatar mothers (sexual slaves a common occurance) but by the third and fourth generations of the enslavement common-law marriages between the reverse were a common event with the offspring being classed as Amarrian by the authorities.

By the time of the Minmatar rebellion centuries later the Sebtini were still slaves by law but that was as far as it went; an independant society had evolved and it could also be argued that the Sebtini was its own nation. Cultural practices seperate from either Minmater or Amarrian society developed, arranged marriages were used between ships to ensure the clan remained united while warding off inbreeding; It was required that a female upon coming of age of fifteen had to marry a male not belonging to either parent's Birthship. It was not a matter of love or sexual preference it was about unity and survival.

Another cultural practice was the adoption of adults not of the clan. From time to time slaves and low ranking freeman of various origins would arrive on the ships and due to lack of options stayed and be absorbed into the clan. This practice along with the already mixed ancestry weakened the claim to belong to the Sebiestor tribe and encouraged the creation of a new identity as the Sebtini.

The society was also stratified into two tiers, those legally identified as Minmatar on the bottom and those as Amarrian on the top. This was partly out of neccessity, a slave couldn't own a ship or any property for that matter nor could they engage in any trading activity or travel alone on stations. An Ammarian on the other hand could own property, engage in business activities and enter stations unmolested by security services. This however required keeping up appearances, the Amarrian had their own quarters, the Minmater slept in communal rooms. One had a legal name, the other had a number. One was free, one was a slave.
After a few crackdowns on 'impure' and fraudulant claims to Noble bloodlines Amarrian Sebtini attempted to keep their blood 'pure' and beyond suspicion by only marrying other Amarrian Sebtini. This created a de-facto aristocratic class within Sebtini society to the point of labelling themselves as a low-ranking noble dynasty called the 'House of Sebtin'. This practice continued after the Minmatar Rebellion when such divisions were no long required, however the title remained as a formal name for the clan.

But the most important thing to the clan is The Fleet. It is everything to a Sebtini for without it they are nothing, it is the only link to a nearly forgotten past remaining. Generations have lived and died on these humble transports, they are the Birthships, it is who they are, it is home. The Fleet expands and contracts depending on the size of the clan and many ships and thousands of lifes over the centuries have been lost to ensure the survival of the clan. From a single ship staying behind to delay pirates while the rest escape, to hundreds sacrificing their lives to fulfil mandated freeman-to-slave ship ratios the needs of the Fleet are greater than any individual and every Sebtini has been raised to believe this.

The Minmatar Rebellion was something of a catastrophe for the Sebtini Fleet as the outbreak of hostilities suddenly made the normally safe trade routes into warzones with no clear friend or foe. The clan had little to gain from rebellion or even obtaining their freedom and so the Fleet attempted to cross the lines into Amarr controlled space but were attacked by various groups, some were Amarrian navy believing the Sebtini were an invasion force, others were Amarrian militia not concerned with the particular loyalties of the Sebtini, only that all Minmatar should die. And then there was the multiple independant rebel groups, some boarded the ships attempting to 'liberate' the enslaved only to be repelled by the slaves. Others thought the fleet consisted of the Ammatar and other collaborators, only worthy of death. To top off this chaos were pirates who were taking advantage of the suddenly trapped trade fleets throughout the Empire.

With no other alternative the Fleet fled along with millions other Minmatar into Gallente space. By the time the Sebtini arrived the Fleet's population had declined from 105,000 before the Rebellion to just over 55,000. Over half the ships were destroyed in the process with the entire clan having to spend years in extremely cramp conditions with a severe food shortage.

Seeing the need to earn the gratitude of their new protectors the Sebtini undertook multiple missions on the behalf of the Gallente in their conflict with the Caldari but due to the danger of these missions, even if they were just courier jobs, the majority of the clan stayed in stations for the remainder of the war. Again the passive nature of the Sebtini saw themselves adapt to their new surroundings, adopting Gallente customs, clothing and many even changed their names. At this point in time the first Gallentes marry into the clan.

By the end of the Gallente-Caldari war in YC-12 several new Iteron transports were aquired allowing the entire clan to once again travel through the stars, although in more comfort than in the old Amarrian Bestowers. The Sebtini spent the next century as they had the previous seven hundred years, in small transports going from station to station and working on the assembly lines while increasing their numbers. Eventually the Fleet left Gallente space and started to operate purely in the Forge in order to service the Jita market. The pay may not have been as good as the more regional areas but work was more plentiful and the clan's collective wealth slowly increased.

In YC-111 the first Capsuleer belonging to the clan was created. The leader of the House of Sebtin, Minmat, was already in his seventies and the procedure was not certain to succeed but used his position and much of the clan's wealth to ensure his immortality. Ultimately it was a success and using his access to the capsuleer market rapidly built up a fortune beyond the wildest dreams of the clan's collective ancestors. Quickly following Minmat were other Capsuleers, at first high ranking Sebtini were recruited in order to expand into manufacturing and obtain access to freighters, but afterwards promising young members were sent to various higher educational establishments throughout the cluster, with the intention that the youth would learn skills that would strengthen the clans commercial capabilities.

By early YC-113 there were three primary Birthships in the Sebtini Fleet, the Yonada a Fenrir, the Sirius also a Fenrir, and the Justinian a Providence. The majority of the clan lived within these three freighters and served as an army of labour on whichever station the particular Birthship happened to be visiting. There are also a number of smaller Birthships within the Fleet, mainly Hoarders and Primaes. However due to the freighters being far more efficent at carrying cargo and manpower around the cluster these ships are usually docked in Jita 4-4 within the clan leaders docking bay, the ship inhabitants contributing to the massive warehouse labour force servicing the Jita market.

The wealth and security of the clan had never been greater but the perceived threats to the survival of the House of Sebtin had increased. The primary cause of this perceived threat was the weakening of communal ties and loss of identity. Under Amarrian rule and during the struggle for survival through the Gallente-Caldari War the Fleet and ones place within it was paramount but as wealth increased so did the influence of Gallente and Caldari culture, especially the previously alien notion of Individualism.

Three generations had been born and raised consuming the mass media and popular culture of these two states, promoting behaviour that the earlier generations would have considered inappropriate to outright insane such as choosing ones own sexual partner, arguing against the clan leaders and the adoption by teenagers of highly visible clothing and musical styles belonging to subcultures typically frowned upon by authorities. One of the more popular subcultures adopted by Sebtini youth was that of the Minmatar Tribalist. Permanent facial tattoos and traditional clothing, including imitation Khumaaks were the hallmarks  of this subculture and as far as the clan leaders were concerned this was the antithesis of everything the clan stood for especially concerning tattoos as they were considered barbaric and drew unwanted attention.

But it was not purely the young who were rebelling against the status quo. As part of the process of 'fitting in' the Caldari state, the majority of the clan adopted clothing, hairstyles, practices and even names that were considered acceptable for a typical worker on board a Caldari space station. In addition the clan negotiated contracts favourable to the stations on which they worked, often to the anger of other workers. However this only strengthened the sense of losing their identity as Sebtini and many rebelled in their own way such as reverting to their birth name, attending station-side bars and other establishments and in a few cases getting Minmatar styled tattoos but usually in places that could be covered up.

A cultural guilt had also developed in the decades following the Minmatar Rebellion over the House of Sebtin's inaction during the conflict. This was reinforced by the return of hundreds of graduates sent to learn at various schools throughout the cluster and as have happened often in history the students did not only learn the skills expected by their masters back home. Many undertook courses in political theory and philosophy and engaged in student politics, participating in multiple protests for the most part peaceful but sometimes violent. Upon their return there was a strong push for the House of Sebtin to participate more actively in the politics of New Eden with many of the graduates becoming union leaders and pushing for better wages and conditions, risking the good relations the clan had with various corporations and the Caldari state.

A smaller but much more vocal group within these graduates advocated that the entire clan support the Minmatar militias fighting against the Amarr Empire, not just with money but in combat, actively destroying Amarrian-aligned spaceships. The more passive measures such as donating to buy a slaves freedom or running a war orphins charity saw wide support but the idea of actually going to war with the Amarr Empire was denounced by the clan leaders and the majority of the Sebtini. The first cause of this denouncement was political. The House of Sebtin had made their fortune in providing the Jita market, within Caldari space, with manpower and materials and it was a reasonable fear that going to war with the Amarr would make many enemies within the Caldari political system, forcing the clan to move operations to the poorer economies of the Minmatar Republic.

The other and much more important cause was that such a move would split the clan along ethnic lines. Although the entire clan identified themselves as Sebtini, such a designation was not officially recognized meaning that everyone was legally classed as Minmatar or Amarr. The adoption of Minmatar culture had already caused tensions but it was feared by the clan leaders that war would force the Amarrian Sebtini, about twenty percent of the clan, to either split or in a worse case scenario fight against the Minmatar.

The leader of the "Liberators" as the pro-war group called themselves, Kshatriya E'Unyielding E'Astrin E'Kimotoro Sebtini, better known as Kshatriya Sebtin, increased his rhetoric against all Amarrians, including demonizing the Amarrian Sebtini as the 'enemy at home'. This continued until a young Minmatar Sebtini murdered a prominent Amarrian Sebtini in a public place of a Caldari station. This action brought the attention of the Caldari Security Services and CONCORD to the House of Sebtin and destroyed any chance of keeping this issue in-house. The murderer was arrested and later executed by the Caldari State but the State had no evidence that Kshatriya Sebtin or his followers had any involvement in the murder, rather annoyingly to the clan leaders as they hoped the Liberators would all face execution.

The situation would have probably resulted in a bloody end for the Liberators had it not been for Sansha's Nation conducting incursions into high-security space during the middle of YC112. The House of Sebtin negotiated an agreement with Kshatriya Sebtin in that for ceasing all negative activity against Ammarians either word or deed the clan would allow his followers to begin hostilities against Sansha forces as well as provide limited financial assistance to this end.

As of early YC113 the situation was unchanged and provided the stability desired to the House of Sebtin, enabling them to resume good relations with the Caldari state. However this is a temporary solution and it is secretly feared by the clan leaders that when  Kshatriya Sebtin and the Liberators return they will be seen as heroes by the general populace.[/spoiler]

Using the 60-day trials I created a 'batch' of industry alts that can be trained up and then activated when they are needed. This is my own RP explanation for their existence. Please tell me of any PF conflicts.

Detei-Sebtin (aka the Servitor)
[spoiler]Origin of the Servitor: As the commercial empire of the House of Sebtin expanded it hit a bottleneck in production capacity. Although the clan had more than enough ISK to fulfil its desired manufacturing activities, there was simply not enough potential capsuleers residing upon the Birthships in order to manage the production lines. Unwilling to take the risk in allowing outsiders such access to the clans wealth Minmat Sebtin funded the research into finding a way to allow less than optimal subjects to become capsuleers.

After the initial research “test subjects” were obtained from the ruins of various space-installations and scavenging the aftermath of battle, as such no one would notice or care about the loss of such individuals. The unfortunate survivors were exposed to extreme mental and physical testing with the vast majority suffering from fatal brain and organ damage, and all but a few who made it to the second stage experiencing irrecoverable mind-lock.

The end result was the Servitor, superficially yet another capsuleer of Tube Child background with all the behaviour expected of demigods, but below the surface significant differences reside.

Extensive memory blocking coupled with significant physical alterations have suppressed the original identity, getting as close to a 'blank slate' as possible while still being usable. Pavlovian Conditioning and intensive indoctrination prevents critical thinking while ensuring they are susceptible to suggestion from 'trusted' sources aka The House of Sebtin.

With no interests, no background and no social skills with all training strictly controlled the Servitor is content to spend every waking moment managing production lines, a task complicated but predictable. The flip side of the coin is that such a creature is worse than useless in combat, it does not possess the rapid response times or independent thinking of even the most basic of capsuleers. With careful preparation it might be functional in the large scale lock-and-shoot combat of nullsec but in any situation requiring thinking it is likely to panic and potentially suffer mental damage.

Kept performing its designated task, in cryostasis when not needed, and avoiding all unnecessary stimulation the Servitor should continue its purpose without fault for years to come.[/spoiler]

« Last Edit: 03 Dec 2012, 05:07 by HouseofSebtin »

Shintoko Akahoshi

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Re: [Character] Kshatriya Sebtin
« Reply #1 on: 23 Jan 2011, 13:47 »

Very nice!

Comments on your spoiler
[spoiler]I'll put these in a spoiler, since you've done the same with your house Sebtin material.

I love what you've come up with.  I know your intention is not for the Sebtini to be Ammatar, but you've provided a really good example of how the process of Minmatar slaves becoming Ammatar might happen.  I also especially love the image of the Sebtini as gypsies traveling around on transports, and especially the issues the house faces as they attempt to work within a wider world.  Nicely done![/spoiler]


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Re: [Character] Kshatriya Sebtin
« Reply #2 on: 23 Jan 2011, 23:49 »

Thanks Shintoko, i'm trying to model Kshatriya off the general idea of a Young Turk or one of the Marxist terrorists back in the 1970s. Oh and the spoiler for your response wasn't really required, I only did it so people didn't get hit by a 2500 word wall of text  :lol: .

I do agree though that the Sebtini background would be similar to that of the Ammatar, i'm not sure if I wrote this but the Sebtini would have adopted Amarrian customs and religion and to a degree would believe that their place was to be slaves (does the Amarr PF have a 'great chain of being' or did I infer that?). The only difference was their unique identity and that they were not part of the old Minmatar social structure (Ammatar having the majority of Matar nobles).


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Re: [Character] Kshatriya Sebtin
« Reply #3 on: 03 Dec 2012, 05:11 »

This is something of a necro but I updated the OP with a RP background for some industry alts I created earlier this year. I have been working on a story for them but I kept putting it off until tomorrow and then suddenly nine months have passed. The story is  currently a mess but i'll post it if I ever finish it.