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Author Topic: Shooting other Roleplayers  (Read 8377 times)

Esna Pitoojee

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Re: Shooting other Roleplayers
« Reply #30 on: 27 Oct 2010, 07:33 »

More satisfied? No.

Happy to have a new plot hook, whether I won or lost? For sure.

Think this about sums it up for me. Actually shooting an RPer gives me no more pleasure than if it was some random nullseccer or pirate I'm engaged with. The aftermath, however, can be quite interesting (thinking about the time Esna returned some of CJ Walker's crew to her; although technically speaking I wasn't really responsible for her going down as I didn't shoot her, I was part of the fleet that did so).
I like the implications of Gallentians being punched in the face by walking up to a Minmatar as they so freely use another person's culture as a fad.


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Re: Shooting other Roleplayers
« Reply #31 on: 27 Oct 2010, 09:00 »

In nearly any game, I don't enjoy PvP for its own sake. It should have some sort of immersive purpose, such as "we want your stuff" or "we want control of this area" or "you are evil and must be destroyed". Random station dueling and the like just bores me to tears.

So, when I have fought against other RPers, it's 'better' in the sense that I know both sides have some sort of immersive purpose. (And if your opponents are OOC friends, so much the better -- who doesn't love playing with their friends?)

This isn't just restricted to RP, though. Sov fights or even the extremely imperfect FW system also fulfill this, as does economic competition.

For the tears, on the other hand... well, I don't find random schadenfreude immersive in any way, at least not for me. To each his own, though.


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Re: Shooting other Roleplayers
« Reply #32 on: 27 Oct 2010, 15:08 »

In nearly any game, I don't enjoy PvP for its own sake. It should have some sort of immersive purpose, such as "we want your stuff" or "we want control of this area" or "you are evil and must be destroyed". Random station dueling and the like just bores me to tears.

I find this interesting, because while PvP in a lot of games bores me to tears (see also; WoW), in EVE it still gets my pulse going if it's a good fight.  And by good fight I mean the kind of fight where you're watching a ship worth more than you care to lose bleeding into structure as your backup lands and your logis get reps on you as you go deep into structure such that you were already loading your gtfo overview to save your rather expensive clone from an unfortunate death.

Those fights that are down to the wire, or seem like it when you jump in outnumbered 2-1 and decloak, those things get me going like nothing else in a video game anywhere.  I can't imagine how anyone finds them boring, particularly not when it comes down to quality FCing, tactics, fits, and piloting skill that keeps your side from being wiped out entirely.

But maybe that's just me.


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Re: Shooting other Roleplayers
« Reply #33 on: 27 Oct 2010, 15:52 »

For me, the satisfaction in killing someone in the game is not related to RP status of the opponent, but my history with them. I will enjoy killing Rodj Blake over killing a random pirate, sure, but then again I do enjoy killing a totally non-RPer pirate with a long history with EM more than killing a random PIE rookie. This is nice, because that's what Else would feel too, so I do not have to remember the character would feel differently while in a PVP high. ;)

Mmm...I have fond memories of the impromptu duels during the 1st Delictum / EM war.  Our ?Ferox and rifter hanger-on vs Hurricane, filled with good banter. Not to mention the retardedness of the nanophoons we buggered about in  8)

I resonate with your views, madam.


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Re: Shooting other Roleplayers
« Reply #34 on: 28 Oct 2010, 08:24 »

Im in aggreement with everyone here. Destroying a RPer is most satisfying. Unfortunately I find that the RPers in the minmatar militia are lacking. Luckily, as a Amarrian, destroying anything that is against Amarr, RP or not, is still very satisfying.


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Re: Shooting other Roleplayers
« Reply #35 on: 28 Oct 2010, 08:39 »

One of the ideas brought up is satisfaction in PvPing against someone you have a history with.  Does this mean PvPing with younger RP corps less satisfying?

Elsebeth Rhiannon

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Re: Shooting other Roleplayers
« Reply #36 on: 28 Oct 2010, 09:10 »

One of the ideas brought up is satisfaction in PvPing against someone you have a history with.  Does this mean PvPing with younger RP corps less satisfying?
:s I am afraid that if there is no one in the corp that I know of, it sort of does, in the beginning. Good new is that once you start the PvP, history build up sort of fast. An active war that lasts just a week or two can be remembered years after.


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Re: Shooting other Roleplayers
« Reply #37 on: 28 Oct 2010, 12:05 »

I think it is much more interesting to shoot rpers.  A while back, Shalee had met Gotti at the Gate then ran across him out in the warzone, where he ended up shooting her down with the Minmatar blob.
After that, Shalee had kill rights so it was always fun to look for him.

This.  Gottii had the chance to shoot at the woman who destroyed a man he respected (from his perspective), and he took it.  I always enjoy a good RP shootout, it makes it a bit more interesting.  I can remember a lot of my PIE kills for that reason, they're fun and memorable and it gives you extra incentive to engage.   
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Re: Shooting other Roleplayers
« Reply #38 on: 28 Oct 2010, 12:16 »

I'll tell you one thing, if anyone tries to shoot me?


Milo Caman

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Re: Shooting other Roleplayers
« Reply #39 on: 28 Oct 2010, 17:13 »

I don't really have any objections or bias to shooting RP'ers over Non-RP'ers.
Policy I take is, if someone wants to play ball, shit *will* get real.

Rodj Blake

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Re: Shooting other Roleplayers
« Reply #40 on: 29 Oct 2010, 03:56 »

In nearly any game, I don't enjoy PvP for its own sake. It should have some sort of immersive purpose, such as "we want your stuff" or "we want control of this area" or "you are evil and must be destroyed". Random station dueling and the like just bores me to tears.

I find this interesting, because while PvP in a lot of games bores me to tears (see also; WoW), in EVE it still gets my pulse going if it's a good fight.  And by good fight I mean the kind of fight where you're watching a ship worth more than you care to lose bleeding into structure as your backup lands and your logis get reps on you as you go deep into structure such that you were already loading your gtfo overview to save your rather expensive clone from an unfortunate death.

Those fights that are down to the wire, or seem like it when you jump in outnumbered 2-1 and decloak, those things get me going like nothing else in a video game anywhere.  I can't imagine how anyone finds them boring, particularly not when it comes down to quality FCing, tactics, fits, and piloting skill that keeps your side from being wiped out entirely.

But maybe that's just me.

For me, the reason why Eve PvP is better than in other games is that it has consequences.    After all, you can have RP enemies in WoW, CoX etc.

Mathra Hiede

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Re: Shooting other Roleplayers
« Reply #41 on: 29 Oct 2010, 05:42 »

I tend to get an extra thrill out of killing someone I know, whether its impersonal and I have seen them on the forums - or someone with an actual history with Math'ra - there is that moment of triumph where you know that you have bested your foe and that is now an irrefutable fact.

Vice versa, if you say.... loose to Dame Death 1v1, loose an Pilgrim to roaming pilots while an RP colleague is watching... you never live these moments down, and after the embaressment and/or annoyance fades it becomes memorable and something to reflect on and laugh about.

So in the end its not so much the RP'rs specifically but people I have recognition of, people I know and like/dislike/etc.

Thats what gives me an extra buzz over an above the blood pounding adrenaline rush from flying a ship into a fight.

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Re: Shooting other Roleplayers
« Reply #42 on: 29 Oct 2010, 10:19 »

I take quite a bit more satisfaction out of killing an RP enemy than a non-RP enemy. And a loss to an RP enemy stings much, much worse than to anyone else.

I actually am somewhat starved for a good hot RP conflict. Our RP enemies, however, reside outside the Republic. Doesn't mean I don't go to the warzone to hunt our PIE friends from time to time, but Altaen's place is to defend the Republic first, and he has a difficult enough time staying in CONCORD's good graces for all of the hunting that he does in the war zone as a non-militia pilot...there just aren't enough PIE on my shift to make it the core of what I do.

I belong to a pretty damned combat-oriented group, and I have awesome fleets to fly with. Our enemies call us nubs and make fun of us for being RPers as they die, run, or dock, and while I appreciate that irony, I'd love to see a little more RP banter in local.

I remember a few PIE drive-bys, and while Altaen(p) couldn't stop grinning at the preaching in local, Altaen(c)'s blood was boiling. Good stuff.


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Re: Shooting other Roleplayers
« Reply #43 on: 29 Oct 2010, 10:40 »

I find fighting people I have a history with intensely more satisfying that shooting at some unknown random blip.

I tend to have more histories with RP-ers than with non-RPers, hence shooting RP-ers tends to be more satisfying in general, but sometimes you can build some sort of IC history with non-RPers too.


No, I like fights with a history, and I tend to have more history with RP-ers.

Well stated, especially about developing an IC-history even with non-RPers. We have quite a bit of excellent banter with one Sard Caid, for example, who is absolutely not an RPer...but guess who hopped into our Public channel and behaved himself quite nicely recently?

EM went through a massive period of multiple mercenary wars not long ago, and I get a PM from a war target one day, linking his IC blog and asking if we could RP in local whenever his corp mates aren't around, and please don't tell them, etc...there is definitely something to be said for fighting enemies you have a history with.

But, At only one year in EVE, and no major RP conflicts under my belt, I simply do not have history with any of our political enemies, so I make due with making history with the enemies that I do have.

Elsebeth Rhiannon

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Re: Shooting other Roleplayers
« Reply #44 on: 30 Oct 2010, 08:48 »

Well stated, especially about developing an IC-history even with non-RPers. We have quite a bit of excellent banter with one Sard Caid, for example, who is absolutely not an RPer...but guess who hopped into our Public channel and behaved himself quite nicely recently?
He got blocked recently, being an arse to Commander CJ Walker.

Seemed like a fairly RP-compatible being an arse though and he reacted very well when told why, so I am thinking of allowing him back soonish. ;)
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