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Author Topic: What is the issue with ingame Prostitution?  (Read 19146 times)


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Re: What is the issue with ingame Prostitution?
« Reply #15 on: 21 Sep 2010, 15:30 »

Basically...what is the big deal? Why is there so much negative energy surrounding this? Is it just our stupid puritanically obsessed western culture?

The reason why a lot of people in the "puritan" west are against prostitution is because quite often, it spurs on horrible things, such as child prostitution, human trafficking, and other very unsavory and very unethical things.  

And no, those things generally dont go away if you legalized the practice.
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Jonathan Morrison

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Re: What is the issue with ingame Prostitution?
« Reply #16 on: 21 Sep 2010, 16:03 »

I'm guessing essentially people can't see a joke for what it is. While I never thought to whore myself out IC because frankly I don't have to OOC nor would Jonathan IC in anycase, I think that doing it is rather awesome.

I mean it's a video game. If people get sand in their vag's because someone is having fun RP'ing an aspect no one would expect, then they need to step back. Now if your corpmate was being hated purely IC, it'd be more understandable as IC'ly I imagine most characters wouldn't see the need or want of prostitution except some really dark people.

I laughed a bit when I read it. Me and friends would do stuff like that in WoW when I played it when it was released and the amount of hate and abuse we got was hilarious. Just remind people it's a game that your corpmate pays $15.00 a month for to do whatever he/she/it wants to do.

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Re: What is the issue with ingame Prostitution?
« Reply #17 on: 21 Sep 2010, 16:43 »

Alright, I'll probably ruffle some feathers with this one, but I'll go ahead anyway. Feel free to take shots at me afterward as you please.

Personally, I see the practice as a cop out. I admit, I probably judge others too much for their RP, but to me its on the same level as the "child prodigy," the "empowered seductress," the "evil genius." They're the lowest common denominators in the RP sphere, and while they're interesting once or twice in your lifetime, they dull very quickly and detract from immersion. Admittedly, "silent loner" isn't very original either, but at least its less-seen.


As for the legitimacy of the practice, purely in terms of plausibility, of course there shouldn't be a problem. Let alone in more tame MMOs, where it fits into the "dark underbelly" of the RP world. In EVE, the whole universe is a violent, dangerous, untamed, ugly place. We murder hundreds of millions of crewmen a day, for fun and profit. We produce and sell mind-melting drugs. We turn on one another through political espionage and corporate theft. We start small-scale wars based on race, religion, or sometimes just the nature of a wartime market.

Prostitution is very, very low on the list of things "wrong" with the universe. I may have my problems from an "RPer" perspective, but in terms of RL morality, its just another character. No one should catch ethical flak for the choice to RP a prostitute, because it's not them, its a character.

That being said, I love it and I'm never leaving. <3
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Re: What is the issue with ingame Prostitution?
« Reply #18 on: 21 Sep 2010, 18:39 »


Aodha Khan

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Re: What is the issue with ingame Prostitution?
« Reply #19 on: 22 Sep 2010, 01:42 »

The reason why a lot of people in the "puritan" west are against prostitution is because quite often, it spurs on horrible things, such as child prostitution, human trafficking, and other very unsavory and very unethical things.  

And no, those things generally dont go away if you legalized the practice.

Nothing wrong with prostitution especially when its well managed. (legalised) This allows regulations and rules to be put into place which means the main business can be kept relatively clean. The illegal stuff will happen no matter so to put them all into the same group really suits for those who see prostitution as a "evil" thing. Similar to weed leads to hard drugs assumptions which is also untrue.


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Re: What is the issue with ingame Prostitution?
« Reply #20 on: 22 Sep 2010, 02:52 »

Capsuleers would not have a need to pay 50 million ISK to bang another capsuleer, when they can pay one ISK to bang about ten non-pilot women at the same time.

That, is what I imagine the attitude to be.

That is at least the only concern I have about the topic; for what reason would somebody pay for a service he or she could get much cheaper and at excellent quality somewhere else?
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Re: What is the issue with ingame Prostitution?
« Reply #21 on: 22 Sep 2010, 03:01 »

So, this spun out of a discussion with some friends, which spun out of me getting flak for having hookers in my bar.

Basically...what is the big deal? Why is there so much negative energy surrounding this? Is it just our stupid puritanically obsessed western culture?

I see it this way, we live in a horrid dark spaceship universe, with slavery and torture, and mind controlling space zombies. So why does everyone cry foul OOC when one of my corpmates decides to try to make some isk this way?

I'm really just confused here, what is the issue with this? If you don't want to support it, Don't pay her, but the amount of flak coming at me and the corp for this was just sort of redic.

So I gotta ask, why? why is this such a problem?


If the corpmate is a Capsuleer, that tends to be quite a wall banger for some people.

I am going to have to agree with Ghost, purely because I have not idea how these services are offered, how it is roleplayed and what you mean when people pay ISK for the services.

You would get different answers for me depending on the circumstances, but I would raise an eyebrow if it boiled down to someone operating what is essentially an in game sex chat line because we all know that ISK can be exchanged for real money both directly or indirectly.

BTW, I have seen adverts for in game sex chat line. I think at the time the advertised cost was 10 million ISK per 10 minutes. Money upfront, so it was most probably a scam.
« Last Edit: 22 Sep 2010, 11:23 by Graanvlokkie »

Aodha Khan

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Re: What is the issue with ingame Prostitution?
« Reply #22 on: 22 Sep 2010, 03:51 »

That is at least the only concern I have about the topic; for what reason would somebody pay for a service he or she could get much cheaper and at excellent quality somewhere else?

I ask the same about people who pay Apple tax. Let me know when you find out.  :bash:


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Re: What is the issue with ingame Prostitution?
« Reply #23 on: 22 Sep 2010, 11:27 »

You would get different answers for me depending on the circumstances, but I would raise an eyebrow if it boiled down to someone opperating what is essentially an in game sex chatline because we all know that ISK can be exchanged for real money both directly or indirectly.

So the issue is that someone could effectively pay RL cash for IG sexual-oriented chat? That is, they buy a PLEX from CCP, sell it on the market, then use the ISK for this activity.

In my view, that's similar to any other controversial sandbox purchase in EVE: gambling, griefing, etc.

Note that, as long as everyone is following the ToS from CCP, RL cash only flows one way here. Players pay CCP, then exchange that value for social services of various sorts in the game, but the money doesn't flow back out to players, barring illicit RMT.

And we can neatly sidestep the RL issues regarding prostitution here. Whether legalization on Earth extends the highly destructive effects often associated with the sex industry, one can simply make it up in any direction IG. After all, we already have human trafficking, forced slavery, rape, and undoubtedly child abuse (though RPing this last would strike me personally as beyond the pale). But a capsuleer offering specialty services at incredibly high prices can avoid that issue if desired. Or run a full-fledged pleasure hub with all that that can imply.

This issue will only increase in visibility when we finally get Incarna. Of course, at the rate it's going, that will be about when I'm ready to retire...

Louella Dougans

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Re: What is the issue with ingame Prostitution?
« Reply #24 on: 22 Sep 2010, 15:41 »

I've posted in this thread constructively, however this probably won't be seen as such.

Anyway. I dislike the idea of ingame prostitution for several reasons.
I feel that it contributes to several unwelcome stereotypes, and encourages unwelcome behaviour from some people. "LolRP", "Roleplay is cybering", etc.
I think it generates flak and unwelcome comments to corpmates, their friends and associates, other roleplayers, and to girl players.
"Hey, your corpmates a prostitute, are you one too?" "If i give you money, will you talk dirty to me?" "You're friends with that prostitute girl, are you into that too?" "You know that player who cybers for isk, how about some of that?"
And so on.

And I don't want to have to deal with any of that sort of thing, so I don't want anything to do with ingame prostitution or people who do it that publically.


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Re: What is the issue with ingame Prostitution?
« Reply #25 on: 22 Sep 2010, 21:44 »

Relevant to the issues here...(posted with permission)

xxxx > ((Well, I'm still interested, but I have a few concerns.  I tried my hand at RP in EVE.  Was introduced to the Star's End Tavern.  Let me just say the experience was.....uncomfortable and bizarre.))
xxxx > ((I'm a little nervous about RP now))
xxxx > ((Really bizarre, sick violence, godmodding, weird, public sex acts.....))
xxxx > ((It could not be called a quality experience, hahah))
xxxx > ((Yeah!  I get the feeling that whoever sent me there did it as a prank.))
xxxx ((And the dom/sub thing?  Really bizarre.  The snuff cybering?  Almost got me to quit the game.  I felt like I needed a shower after I saw that.))
xxxx > ((Hey, if that's someone's deal, more power to them,  Cool.  However, that is a TERRIBLE introduction to the EVE RP community))
xxxx ((Yeah.  Cybersex that involves killing one of the capsuleer characters.  That was all done behind closed doors, but it was made perfectly clear what was going on.))
xxxx ((Well, it was a bad experience, but I don't think it's representative of all EVE RP.  That's what I wanted to talk about tonight.  What ism RP like in your corp?))

Not something I think we, as the EVE RP community, want to leave as an impression on people


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Re: What is the issue with ingame Prostitution?
« Reply #26 on: 22 Sep 2010, 21:55 »

Anyway. I dislike the idea of ingame prostitution for several reasons.
And I don't want to have to deal with any of that sort of thing, so I don't want anything to do with ingame prostitution or people who do it that publically.

I have my own reasons for disliking it, which are mostly real-life hangups and not constructive, so I haven't mentioned them, but this was something I hadn't thought of.

Thank you for that Lou.
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Re: What is the issue with ingame Prostitution?
« Reply #27 on: 22 Sep 2010, 23:18 »

I want to mention that it may also expose the players involved to EULA/TOS issues. The RP part aside, IIRC there have been characters offering cyber for ISK in the past (spamming it in hubs, even) and CCP shut it down.

Similarly, 'inappropriate' content in 'public' channels raises issues. All it takes is someone with a grudge (or who is, in fact, offended) petitioning.

CCP isn't likely to care if you're RPing or not if it comes to their attention.

I'm not going to comment on RPing sex working with whatever fidelity as far as validity of RP or not, etc. Having seen some of the public side of this particular channel's version, possibly in the same incident that the person that Seriphyn quoted, it's not my cup of tea. What people do in their channels isn't my concern, though. I would say that it would probably be a good idea to make sure that if you are going to involve other players, make very sure they want to be involved, and are comfortable with it.


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Re: What is the issue with ingame Prostitution?
« Reply #28 on: 22 Sep 2010, 23:41 »

Um. Huh. Wow. That's not at all what I had envisioned.


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Re: What is the issue with ingame Prostitution?
« Reply #29 on: 23 Sep 2010, 00:19 »

Um. Huh. Wow. That's not at all what I had envisioned.

My thoughts too.

I have no problem with IG prostitution or having prostitutes in a channel, but as I said in my previous post it is a little different if it is like a sex chat channel.

In all my table top RP experiance there has always been prostitutes. It is the oldest living proffession and what lowly peasent wouldnt think twice if offered something eqivilant to a life times wage for one night? What savage barbarian wouldnt look at the bar wench and think about it after spending two months in the bush with a group of guys.

But in my tabletop experiance its never been more than and exange of money and a person saying "I disapear upstairs with the wench".  If and in game channel has prostitutes and a person pays the prostitue and says "/me dissapears with the women though the back door" I think thats fine, and part of the Eve universe.

If people want to disapear into another channel and RP the act, thats fine, as long as it is to concenting adults doing things in private. I would raise an eyebrow, however, because there is an exchange of money with something akin to a RL sex chatline going on, with no way of knowing if it is actually adults.

But yes, depending on the way it is done, or advertised, or details made known, it would get very different reactions.

« Last Edit: 23 Sep 2010, 00:23 by Graanvlokkie »
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