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Author Topic: Single-Faction v Multi-Faction RP  (Read 1911 times)


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Single-Faction v Multi-Faction RP
« on: 10 Dec 2013, 11:25 »

Hey all.

Lately I've been enjoying both a little Minmatar and a little more Caldari RP, and I got to wondering how others handle running multiple characters. I find that with both school and work it can be a challenge to juggle multiple character arcs, yet there are a bunch of facets to the factions and general setting of New Eden that I'd still like to explore, were I able to run other characters.

Just curious what arrangement you lot use in your endeavors: one character, main with alts, group of alts, single faction, multiple factions, etc?

Lyn Farel

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Re: Single-Faction v Multi-Faction RP
« Reply #1 on: 10 Dec 2013, 13:35 »

Until very recently I mostly played my main and my main only, and thus, ICly, just my main too. I tended though to build a multi layered faceted character with more than just one faction. The true inner faction (which is SoCT), the apparent idealistic faction (CONCORD) and the core background faction (Ammatar/Amarr). Since we all play freelancers it's not that hard to have an employer or a loyalty inducing faction, and a background faction that can be different. And even other factions to which the character can have heavy sympathies, like mine have for SoE or CONCORD (though CONCORD is slowly decaying to no end considering how ludicrously that faction has behaved since TEA, and this more and more). I am pretty sure that a lot of other characters come from a background that can be rather different from where they are now, like a born Intaki working for Mordu, or whatever.

Now I play secondary characters that I use more as "NPCs" like a GM would, to enrich the world as much as I can. I'm a vet after all, so PF has stopped to be an obstacle for me. They do not ask the same time to devote and can be used to reply on the IGS, or just come say hello on IC channels... And eventually they can develop enough to become full fledged characters (though i'm not going to do it since i'm not playing much now).


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Re: Single-Faction v Multi-Faction RP
« Reply #2 on: 11 Dec 2013, 17:08 »

I tend to have a main with arcs, and alts that have secondary or purely referential roles in those arcs of the main. That being said, I do have a character that used to be a main and is no longer active. He's been living amongst baseliners for well over a year, now. If I ever bring him back into space, he is of an entirely different background, interests, and faction than Cuci.

Makoto Priano

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Re: Single-Faction v Multi-Faction RP
« Reply #3 on: 11 Dec 2013, 17:58 »

Having taken a lengthy break, I came back with a need for my own utility characters. Flying characters together and swapping assets back and forth made it ideal to have them in the same corp-- so, aside from Makoto, they're all supporting characters. I've got ideas for who they are and how they behave, but trying to handle play/plots for three separate characters seems a bit much. :x

Katrina Oniseki

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Re: Single-Faction v Multi-Faction RP
« Reply #4 on: 11 Dec 2013, 18:02 »

I play single-faction. I have some non-Caldari alts, but a vast majority of my time goes into Katrina. I think, after a while, you can get burnt out on a specific faction like I have tempted close to on a number of occasions. It may be good for you to not put all your eggs into one basket like me.

On the other hand, you can get much farther down the rabbit hole if you stick with one character. It's pretty surreal how real the universe can become when you do focus on one character.

Ché Biko

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Re: Single-Faction v Multi-Faction RP
« Reply #5 on: 11 Dec 2013, 18:09 »

Ché takes up at least 95% of the time. I have an alt that I want to use to explore the areas of EVE that do not suit current Ché well, which is like most of the game, but I like playing Ché so much that the alt rarely gets stagetime.

I'd like to see more of EVE and the RP community. There are a couple of character concepts that I would like to try, but I probably won't. I guess I prefer playing one detailed multilayered character with a rich history over playing several less detailed ones.

Erys Charantes

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Re: Single-Faction v Multi-Faction RP
« Reply #6 on: 11 Dec 2013, 20:01 »

I run two mains concurrently in the form of Saya and Erys.  Inevitably, I play one more than the other at certain points, but it tends to even it over time. I also have an 'actor' or two to help add some flavor.  I'm likely going to add two more soon, and put some time into each, as well. Personally, if I play the same character for too long, it goes stale for me.
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Re: Single-Faction v Multi-Faction RP
« Reply #7 on: 11 Dec 2013, 23:34 »

I have two main characters that are currently the end product of about five years of my deranged mind. It's easy for me to maintain since the people involved in-depth with them I can count on the fingers of one hand and all the rest only interact with whatever external facades they put up.

As for factions, I always go for a single one across all my characters to prevent conflicts of interests, and to better define/focus their agendas towards a set of goals.

Druur Monakh

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Re: Single-Faction v Multi-Faction RP
« Reply #8 on: 12 Dec 2013, 00:00 »

I am having a hard time just role-writing my main character alone. I have a few supporting alts with distinct personalities, but for the most part many actors in my writings are a melange of actual behavior of others combined with creative licence.


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Re: Single-Faction v Multi-Faction RP
« Reply #9 on: 23 Jan 2014, 22:43 »

I only have Makkal, though she gets into both Amarr and Caldari RP. I'm not sure I'd want to try another character at this point. Having a 'main and only' is nice.
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Re: Single-Faction v Multi-Faction RP
« Reply #10 on: 28 Jan 2014, 09:24 »

So after trying to have many alts of varying factions with their own distinct stories, arcs, fiction, etc., I now agree with those that say it is difficult to balance it all - especially when they are of different factions. Life is definitely easier sticking to a maximum of two characters and one primary faction, at least in origin if not in activity.

How are things going, OP?
« Last Edit: 28 Jan 2014, 09:28 by Jace/Brock »

Silas Vitalia

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Re: Single-Faction v Multi-Faction RP
« Reply #11 on: 28 Jan 2014, 12:00 »

There can be only one


  • Clonejack
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Re: Single-Faction v Multi-Faction RP
« Reply #12 on: 28 Jan 2014, 15:45 »

Interesting mix of responses, thanks to you all. Seems like single-faction encourages many players to get deeper into the material and really develop a character's identity.

How are things going, OP?

I... have let my accounts lapse. The winter was slow and now school is in swing. I keep reading the boards (and thanks to Aura I can still read my mails while my accounts are inactive) hoping that some topic will come along to force me to resub and take part.

But I still enjoy developing fictions for both characters in the meantime. Switching gears between Min/Gal is kind of refreshing.