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That not all slaves are subjected to the Vitoc treatment?  Read more about the Vitoc method here.

Author Topic: 30 pieces of silver  (Read 659 times)


  • Omelette
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30 pieces of silver
« on: 13 Jan 2012, 12:54 »

<Wrote this while waiting for work stuff, cause I'm bored.  I'll try and re-edit it later.>

Sai stared out the window of the ground car as she rolled through the shanty town.  The car already marked her as not belonging , most of the people she saw looked lucky to have food, let along clothes.  But what did you expect in the outskirts of a city in low sec?  She should have come on foot, but her security escort had already thrown up enough of a fuss about her comming at all, and the ground car, and its armor, had been the only comprimise she could reach. 

Her eyes swept forward to her destination, a gaudy bar that stood out from the slums like a cryo beacon.  It was pirate run of course, Sai did not have a real clue which group was running it, nore did Sai care.  It wasn't what she was here for.

The car coasted to a stop, and her two bodyguards jumped out before she could open the door herself.  She sighed as they motioned her to come out, screening her as she stood, trying to snort the stench of the slum from her nose.  She knew they were really the last line of defence, there was a full team around her, hidden or undercover in the town, ready to blow everyone away if anyone twitched at the wrong time.

Sai check her laser pistol was still secure under the long hood and cloak that hid her implants, nervousness getting to her dispite how she felt about the security.  Then she walked forward to the bar, her escort flanking her, sun-glassed eyes scanning like tracking radar.

The inside of the bar was even more gaudy than the outside, if that was possible.  Barely dressed girls strutted around, bring drinks and whatever other intoxicants the patrons, refugees from the stink outside, could afford, or could bargin for.  Sai ignored them, walking towards the bar and the man behind it who her sources said had what she wanted. 

He looked up, a fair face, with no trace of the slime Sai felt should cover him.  "And how can I help you lady?  A private room perhaps?"

He must have though she was someone from one of the planet's larger cities, slumming it.  "I want to buy something off you."

He smilled easily.  "Well, I'm not in the retail business."

"I am here to buy the two slaves you keep."

He laughed, slightly too easily.  "I'm afraid you're mistaken, all of my girls are paid fair and square.  There's nothing illegal here."

"I am in no mood for games.  You have two slaves here, and you will sell them to me for 10.42 isk each." 

"I am afraid I have to ask you to leave," he wasn't smiling any more, and some of the patrons were paying closer attenction to the conversation.

Sai continued as if the man hadn't spoken.  "If you do not sell me those slaves, you will not like the result."

He smirked now, gesturing to a few bouncers at the sides of the bar.  They sized up Sai's escort and started visually snarling at them, something Sai's guards only too happly returned.  "And what do you mean by that, lady?"

Sai mentally opened a comm line to her ship in orbit ordering them to target a spot a mile out of town, then lowered her hood, making sure that the man caught a look at her implants as she shook her hair into place.  His eyes had widened as he realized what was standing in his bar.  "I am a capusleer.  If you do not sell me the two slaves you have, I will order my ship to destory this bar and everything withen one mile of it.  I am immortal, I will live again.  You and anyone else here will not."  Right on que, the what was left of the railgun bolt her ship had fired hit ground, producing an impressive sound but not doing much damage.  Not that anyone in the bar could see that.  "That was a warning shot."

There was a rush for the door as those nearest to the bar started pushing and shoving those farther away, who were still rather confused.  The man behind the bar had gone white as he watched his bouncers abandon him.  "Wait," he cried, "Just wait."  He dashed into a doorway behind the bar, returning shortly, pushing two barely dressed girls in front of him.  "Here they are, here, just take them and go."

Sai smiled as she lay a credit stick on the bar, the promissed amount already on it.  "Thank you."  Her smile turned cold.  "And if I ever hear of you keeping slaves again, I will not be so kind."  She took off her cloak, wrapping it around the two girls as she guided them to the door.  Again her guards flanked her through the bar, out the door, and to her ground car, opening the door and waiting for the two girls and Saikoyu to enter before climbing in themselves. 

As the car started to drive off, Sai looked to one of the guards.  "Contact the locals before we break orbit, make sure they are paid enough to keep them on retainer.  Make sure that they know to destroy that place if they ever find evidence of slaves there again, and to rescue the slaves first.  Given them the standard contact frequency to keep in touch.

The guard nodded, and Sai looked back at the slaves, who were looking at her in complete and toal fear.  Understandable, all things considered, but it still upset Sai.

One finally managed to speak.  "Who are you mistress, and where will we serve you?"

"My name is Saikoyu, but you are not going to serve me, or anyone else, ever again.  You are going to a new life today."

Katrina Oniseki

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Re: 30 pieces of silver
« Reply #1 on: 01 Feb 2012, 11:02 »

Love it.


  • Omelette
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Re: 30 pieces of silver
« Reply #2 on: 01 Feb 2012, 12:47 »

Thank you.  I stil need to edit for typos, but I am glad you enjoyed it. 