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Author Topic: How I hate IC flamewars.  (Read 9811 times)

Kazuma Ry

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Re: How I hate IC flamewars.
« Reply #60 on: 12 Mar 2011, 20:28 »

The Alts that roam IGS, I mainly just assume that they are all unique characters control unique people and not some mains alt.

But I guess what I dislike at least in an IC/OOC view are the people that give long drawn out posts or replys and when their characters nemisis (at least a nemisis from my point of view) does the same thing they get bashed for it from the 1st person. Seen it happen too many times to be funny anymore.

But generally my habits towards IGS and the apparent Alts, I ignore them and focus on people that are repeat customers to IGS in both new posts and replys (ones that have built up a history).
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Re: How I hate IC flamewars.
« Reply #61 on: 13 Mar 2011, 11:15 »

I have 5 characters, now.  I suppose I could call 1 of them my "main", but with as little time as I have had recently, I don't even know if that truly applies any more.

Aside from Syyl'ara, I have started using 2 others for IGS posting, but I don't recall even once having any of them directly back up another one with "you're so right!" type posts.  I simply chose to have them take on the parts of what was otherwise becoming a far too complex series of positions.  Saul responds when a moderate Intaki tone is needed (prefers autonomy over secession).  Kerri responds when a clarification about Caldari interests (Ishukone specifically) is needed.  Syyl is usually the one who responds when there's a crime/security element involved.  Saul is generally polite, Kerri very factual, and Syyl tends to be the hot-head.  One could call these "sock puppets", but I prefer to think of them as "uniquely independent points of view" that make for more interesting discussions.  It also helps keep Syyl from being "mary-sue" and ending up all over the place.

Milo Caman

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Re: How I hate IC flamewars.
« Reply #62 on: 13 Mar 2011, 13:53 »

Aside from Syyl'ara, I have started using 2 others for IGS posting, but I don't recall even once having any of them directly back up another one with "you're so right!" type posts.  I simply chose to have them take on the parts of what was otherwise becoming a far too complex series of positions.  Saul responds when a moderate Intaki tone is needed (prefers autonomy over secession).  Kerri responds when a clarification about Caldari interests (Ishukone specifically) is needed.  Syyl is usually the one who responds when there's a crime/security element involved.  Saul is generally polite, Kerri very factual, and Syyl tends to be the hot-head.  One could call these "sock puppets", but I prefer to think of them as "uniquely independent points of view" that make for more interesting discussions.  It also helps keep Syyl from being "mary-sue" and ending up all over the place.

Yeah, you seem quite happy to rant, flame and troll on your main.  :P
« Last Edit: 13 Mar 2011, 17:25 by Milo Caman »


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Re: How I hate IC flamewars.
« Reply #63 on: 13 Mar 2011, 19:49 »

Yeah, you seem quite happy to rant, flame and troll on your main.  :P

Such is the nature of subjective points of view that one person's "ranting, flaming, and trolling" is another's "stinging, yet substantive response" :9.

Milo Caman

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Re: How I hate IC flamewars.
« Reply #64 on: 14 Mar 2011, 04:37 »

Such is the nature of subjective points of view that one person's "ranting, flaming, and trolling" is another's "stinging, yet substantive response" :9.

Oh there's substance to it, I just get the impression that Syylara is frothing at the mouth as she makes the post. :)

Boma Airaken

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Re: How I hate IC flamewars.
« Reply #65 on: 14 Mar 2011, 05:10 »

Going out on a massive limb here. But out of curiosity, what do you think would happen if we just stopped interacting OOC altogether?

Senn Typhos

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Re: How I hate IC flamewars.
« Reply #66 on: 14 Mar 2011, 11:00 »

Going out on a massive limb here. But out of curiosity, what do you think would happen if we just stopped interacting OOC altogether?

Well, we'd lose all the interaction between corp mates and whatnot. Friends couldn't get to the same level of personal respect, I imagine. We wouldn't have communities like Backstage.

I don't think the IC universe would change. Whether its ICly or OOCly, the pissing contests over who's right about a fictional universe entirely open to interpretation would be identical.
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Re: How I hate IC flamewars.
« Reply #67 on: 14 Mar 2011, 12:21 »

Going out on a massive limb here. But out of curiosity, what do you think would happen if we just stopped interacting OOC altogether?

Well, we'd lose all the interaction between corp mates and whatnot. Friends couldn't get to the same level of personal respect, I imagine. We wouldn't have communities like Backstage.

I don't think the IC universe would change. Whether its ICly or OOCly, the pissing contests over who's right about a fictional universe entirely open to interpretation would be identical.

I'm gonna disagree, slightly. While it might be interesting to cut out the OOC interaction, it would take a lot of the fun out of the game, both OOC and IC. OOC, there’s simply a lot of people that I talk with regularly that I won’t talk to IC or may not even have met. In addition, we currently try to settle debates over PF and such OOC rather than having long, obnoxious discussion IC that boil down to “UR DOING IT RONG.” For examples of that, and how very little they add to a discussion or roleplay, just browse through the Rogue Drone threads on IGS. The thinly veiled IC translations of “ur doing it rong” really add nothing to the game, but I think they would be more common if you removed OOC discussion as a means of conflict resolution.

I think it would be pretty awesome if we could do something so immersive as to never break character, but I don’t think we have the people or medium or setting to make that work. Between the fact that we’re stuck using text, the limits of the published PF, and the people involved (yeah, that’s us. We suck), there are too many differences of opinion, misunderstandings, etc, to resolve strictly IC.

And honestly, making friends IC isn’t half as fun as making new friends OOC, on account of their actually being real people rather than made up characters. Without the OOC relationships, I wouldn’t enjoy RP nearly as much.

Silas Vitalia

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Re: How I hate IC flamewars.
« Reply #68 on: 14 Mar 2011, 12:31 »

There is an unfortunate tendency for some bleed-through of IC/OOC dislike which we should all do our best to avoid. Humans being humans sometimes this can be difficult.

Generally the people I hate the most IC tend to me amongst my favorite OOC, and I've tried to make deliberate attempts over the years to keep that going. Unfortunately I've had to scale way the hell back with fun RP stuff as 00 politicking now takes up 90% of my eve time. :(  It will come back though :) 

And as a general rule I dislike alts posting nearly all of the time. (and alts in game for that matter. Boring. ) Using a throwaway alt to start an idea or to present information (say a newscaster), can sometimes be ok but I generally think it poor form to do any sort of arguing or debating with them on the forums.

Kaleigh Doyle

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Re: How I hate IC flamewars.
« Reply #69 on: 14 Mar 2011, 13:33 »

It's a double-edged sword for me. There are some people I wish I only knew IC because we just don't get along, or knowing people only OOC because IC we'd never get along. Overall, I think its pretty rare when people don't judge players by the actions of their characters, which is why people jump to the wrong conclusions. But the experiences and friends i've made here are the reason I still keep coming back.

Personally, I don't see backstage as a 'community', but more just as a place where players who enjoy roleplay can discuss their viewpoints under a moderated hand; there's no more understanding or tolerance than ingame imo.

Aria Jenneth

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Re: How I hate IC flamewars.
« Reply #70 on: 14 Mar 2011, 23:40 »

There is an unfortunate tendency for some bleed-through of IC/OOC dislike which we should all do our best to avoid.

This-- though it's probably inevitable to some degree. Practice helps.

The ideal from where I stand is to ignore each other's OOC presence and just think of one another's IC personas as characters in a book. It's not wholly practical (and obviously I'm here talking), but ... well, that's the easiest way to go about it. Some of the best RP relationships I've had have been with people I did not personally know from Adam.

The first and foremost is people constantly trying to “win” rp. So we get a lot of attempts at “gotcha!” moments during debate, rather than actual attempts to prove a point on way or another. The goal is to look good and sound smart and hope that people will assume you’re right if you just score more points than the other guy. RP just for fun seems to be largely absent, and when it does appear it attracts minimal attention.

In certain areas, yes, that's so: it's best not to run around as a Mary Sue or similarly overly-awesome character.

However, I don't agree where IGS politics are concerned. When debates start, people don't usually argue to lose. The IGS is a great interstellar meeting place for people of all political stripes; if you want to see how unrealistic the resulting snarling and cheap-shotting is, go check out the comments section on a Slate political column.

That isn't to say that you have to use cheap-shots to be politically effective. I play a highly political character who, because she hates to lose and is half-obsessed with intellectual superiority, normally refuses to be dragged into the general morass. It's not because she's a better person or cares less; it's a strategy to let her dismember people rhetorically without looking like she's even using rhetoric. Refusing to use "gotcha" moments, and either ignoring them or shrugging them off when they're used, makes people who use them look silly.

It's playing to win because the character is playing to win (in fact, is obsessed with "being right"), and as far as I can tell it does nothing at all to discourage good RP. It's also great fun when a character who functions that way breaks down and loses it: losing your cool in-character is a blast when you've got a reputation for keeping it.

None of this does or should require toning down the competition on the IGS. Nobody (especially the people trying to be "reasonable" or "civil") is likely to be posting without caring about how seriously they're taken. After all, much of the fun in posting on a political forum comes from hoping to see your comments taken seriously....


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Re: How I hate IC flamewars.
« Reply #71 on: 15 Mar 2011, 16:47 »

Personally, I love a good debate, especially if its essentially about things that don't affect people much. And debating the fictional faiths and philosophies of EVE seems a lot less prone to inadvertently insulting people than debating real-world faiths and the like do.

Trying to approach and argue from the perspective of a religious slaver is great fun for me, as I'm quite anti-religious and anarchistic.

Additionally, I've always taken the position that those that don't like certain subjects simply won't read (and let alone respond) on the IGS. Keeping up continuous debates while you don't like it seems pointless to me if you don't like em.

Don't wanna lose a ship? Stay docked. Don't want to get embroiled in a debate, then avoid reading/responding to certain IGS threads.


Laerise [PIE]

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Re: How I hate IC flamewars.
« Reply #72 on: 16 Mar 2011, 03:31 »

« Last Edit: 16 Mar 2011, 06:12 by Casiella »


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Re: How I hate IC flamewars.
« Reply #73 on: 16 Mar 2011, 06:12 »

Fixed your URL. ;)
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