Silva, first of all, good luck.
Second, either finish high school or get a GED or local equivalent. Unfortunately "do you want fries with that" is about as high as you can get without high school level education in most places. And community college/tech schools will accept GEDs, and you can get a fair paying job out of those. Getting kicked out, depending on the reason, I wouldn't worry too much about, schools these days more or less kick you out for being a teenager. While I would recommend not doing anything stupid at all, at least don't do anything stupid on school grounds. What they don't see won't get you kicked out if you go back in.
A job could help, I might try a temp agency if you're of the right age (17 I think it was for me, but I think it varries by state and probably country). Light industrial was the code for mostly unskilled labor when I was in it, and if you're willing to put up with crazy hours and strange jobs you can make some good money. The military might be an option, however I will say this, you will likely be in the infantry, and people in the infantry die. A lot. With the amount of political unrest in the world and how many countries are engaging in war (declared or otherwise) if I were you, I would think really hard about joining the military.
And if you can, talk with your mom about what is bothering you. She might not be able to help, but she can at least listen and sometimes that helps.