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EVE-Online RP Discussion and Resources => EVE OOC Summit => Topic started by: Kaito Haakkainen on 04 Mar 2011, 15:10

Title: Presenting Notes
Post by: Kaito Haakkainen on 04 Mar 2011, 15:10
For some time I have been collecting data, cross-referencing, and establishing implications on the "Sleeper Mystery". The project naturally expanded well beyond the original topic and contains information on many different, but related, mysteries within EVE. This information has been compiled into a .pdf document and I hope you find it useful and/or interesting.

It is not, as the foreword will make clear, a finished document. The original OP on Backstage was a request for assistance from the community and that request remains. Additional information, sources, and theories supported by evidence are all very much welcome. Please keep any theories short, preferably a couple of sentences for each piece of evidence. It should be noted that the contents of the document remain at my discretion and under the constraints of both time and reasonable length.

Contributors will be listed and, if requested, their exact contribution noted. Should the document expand to the point where the majority of it is not my own work or should contributors take issue alternative titles will be considered.

Version 0.22 is available here (http://"")

In progress:
Third pass

Correction of bookmarks
Symbols of Faith images courtesy of Kenreikko Valitonen
Relevant images from database and other official sources
Large number of additions discovered during third pass
Inclusion of contributions from:
Shoo Dae
Istvaan Shogaatsu

[EDITS: Progress]
Title: Re: Presenting Notes
Post by: Borza on 05 Mar 2011, 07:09
I'd read them, and it sounds like something Istvaan would be interested in.

Google docs would be a grand way to edit them collaboratively.
Title: Re: Presenting Notes
Post by: Kaito Haakkainen on 08 Mar 2011, 17:53
Seems I've been granted a reprieve.
The deadline has helped, I've been sat here with a rushed copy ready to post just in case. I'll be brushing up on the current version but hope to release it soon™.

Here are the current contents as a little something for those who noticed this thread:

 Jovian Disease
 Blackened Veins
 Jovian Technology
 First Empire
 Sleeper Connections
 Rogue Drone Connections
 Sansha Connections
 Electronics Systems
 Neural Interfacing
 Emergent AI
  Archive Enclave
  Biogenetics Research Enclave
  Theoretical Genetics Research Enclave
  Virtual Genetics Enclave
  Security Enclave
  Communications Enclave
 Empire Involvement
 Empire Items
 Talocan Connections
 Medical Enclave
 Phase Catalyst Node
 The Line
 Site Types
 Disruption Tower
 Extraction Silo
 Life-Support Cores
 Other Cultures
 Quarantine Area
 Core Garrison
 Minmatar Connections
 Jovian Connections
 Europa Yards Consortium
 Talocan Connections
 Terran Broken Datachips - Weaponry
EVE Gate
 Amarr Connections
 Sani Sabik Connections
 Jovian Connections
Yan Jung
 Archaeological Lot GV87-426
 Talocan Connections
 Sleeper Connections
The Order
 Signs of Faith
 The Pathway to Heaven
 Moral Reforms
 Molok The Deciever
 Book of Emptiness
 Jamyl Sarum
 Ametat and Avetat
 Sani Sabik
  Jovian Body Parts
 C3-FTM Acid
 Cartesian Temporal Coordinator
 Electronic Interference
 Rene Descartes
 Wormhole Locus
 Ancient Gates
 Unidentified Fibrous Compound
 Heart Stone
 Ancient Weapon
 Scientists Deaths
 Terminus Stream
 Hyperbole Nexus
 Additional W-Space Components
 Presence in the Dark
 Tech Levels

These headings and their order are prone to change as this is only the second pass however they are representative of the topics covered. One heading was withheld as it gives away a little more than I'd like before release. Please excuse the formatting my forum fu is weak.
Title: Re: Presenting Notes
Post by: DrizzCat on 08 Mar 2011, 17:59
Holy Crap.  I want to Read this Document. 
Title: Re: Presenting Notes
Post by: Cmdr Baxter on 08 Mar 2011, 23:36
Damned straight. Hit me with this thing ...

... well not literally. Might break a bone, or five. :eek:
Title: Re: Presenting Notes
Post by: DosTuMai on 08 Mar 2011, 23:41
You've peaked my curiosity. I'll have a poke around and give feedback.
Title: Re: Presenting Notes
Post by: Kaito Haakkainen on 11 Mar 2011, 08:00
This is going to take a little longer than expected. Over 40,000 words of notes written in a manner that makes perfect sense to me and me alone. This include a plethora of repeats and mention of several possibilities that were later dismissed along with a lot of information that would need to be expanded on to make sense to anyone not holding the better part of a universe with their head. Between that and real-life obligations this may take awhile.

Progress is being made and I'm around half-way through the Jovian section. While I considered posting sections as they are complete there is simply too much information on each topic that happens to be located elsewhere in document and won't be caught until passed over.

I'm rather wishing that I hadn't posted at all until I'd at least checked over the second pass. Apologies for the delay.
Title: Re: Presenting Notes
Post by: hellgremlin on 11 Mar 2011, 09:17
This has my curiosity piqued. Gimmegimmegimme!
Title: Re: Presenting Notes
Post by: Morwen Lagann on 11 Mar 2011, 10:28
This has my curiosity piqued. Gimmegimmegimme!

This. :D
Title: Re: Presenting Notes
Post by: Punx Evangeline on 11 Mar 2011, 10:47
I would be very interested in reading this too!!!

Title: Re: Presenting Notes
Post by: Saede Riordan on 11 Mar 2011, 11:22
This has my curiosity piqued. Gimmegimmegimme!

Yeah, definitely this.
Title: Re: Presenting Notes
Post by: DrizzCat on 14 Mar 2011, 11:59
I offer Space on my Corp's website if you need Hosting. 

Hell we are hosting the New Eden Radio CSM 4 hour show as well.  We have Unlimited bandwidth for our hosting and 150 GB of space open.  I doub't you can kill that.
Title: Re: Presenting Notes
Post by: Kaito Haakkainen on 16 Mar 2011, 18:43
It remains a horrible mess but it will have to do. I'm only one man. (

The file is still a .txt document so you may want to either enable word-wrap and resize the window or paste it into something else to make it readable. There are no pictures. There should be. Particularly to clarify points on symbols and where pictures are referred to in the text. This however is the least of this documents troubles.

Thank you for your patience and, should you actually manage to read the file, thank you for your perseverance and downright stubborn will to gain more insight on these topics.
Title: Re: Presenting Notes
Post by: DrizzCat on 16 Mar 2011, 18:50
I am unable to download the File from my Place of work - But I will Download it at home and Kick it somewhere that I can access from work.
Title: Re: Presenting Notes
Post by: Kaito Haakkainen on 16 Mar 2011, 18:55
Thanks for your interest.
Feel free to host the file on your site though I cannot stress enough how unfinished it is.
Title: Re: Presenting Notes
Post by: DosTuMai on 16 Mar 2011, 19:03
I am unable to download the File from my Place of work - But I will Download it at home and Kick it somewhere that I can access from work.
It's just a massive text document. I warn you, there's a lot of editing to make it into a cohesive book. I'm working on my interpretation of it right now. x3
Title: Re: Presenting Notes
Post by: DrizzCat on 16 Mar 2011, 19:16
Quote from: DosTuMai
It's just a massive text document. I warn you, there's a lot of editing to make it into a cohesive book. I'm working on my interpretation of it right now. x3

I have a Strange Habit of gleaning the peices of Puzzles from large masses of Raw data.

Quote from: Kaito Haakkainen
Thanks for your interest.
Feel free to host the file on your site though I cannot stress enough how unfinished it is.

I can set you with a sub Domain and FTP access to it if you want.
Title: Re: Presenting Notes
Post by: DosTuMai on 16 Mar 2011, 19:29
Quote from: DosTuMai
Epic st00f.

I have a Strange Habit of gleaning the peices of Puzzles from large masses of Raw data.

Quote from: Kaito Haakkainen
Other st00f.

Well, I've so far trawled through 5 pages translating it into something more legible.
Quote from: excerpt - Foreword
“我没有看过书的空虚。但是,这大概是唯一的我已经错过了。” ~ Kaito Haakkainen


虽然我知道释放的文件,例如一个抱歉的借口是一种不良行为我也认识到这是一个任务远远超出了任何理智的人的手段。这是关于释放这里的内容,而不是对社会提出了一些完善的理论,很少人会吞下它有没有提出自己上而已。最大的'犯罪'在这个文件是源不足。 这是我希望能纠正与来自社会的帮助,因为我已经到了一个有点脱节的地步,我不再知道什么是共同的知识,什么不是。我只想说如果我带到每一个发言的时间源将被推迟释放相当多的。如果我有时间去考虑这一切都是一个像样的标准及其可能他们会不得不跟我一起埋葬。
From there, I'll work it back to English. Yes, I do it a crazy way.

[edit]Corrected my own grammar error.
Title: Re: Presenting Notes
Post by: Kaito Haakkainen on 16 Mar 2011, 19:50

Quote from: DosTuMai
Well, I've so far trawled through 5 pages translating it into something more legible.

Regurgitated alphabetti spaghetti?
Title: Re: Presenting Notes
Post by: Morwen Lagann on 16 Mar 2011, 20:06
Read the whole thing through, skimming in a few parts. Probably too much for one sitting, so I'll have to go back and look through it again in smaller chunks at some point. :P

While reading through, the entries regarding Sansha and Kyonoke jumped out at me - while Balenne may have claimed nothing was taken, it was discovered through negotiations behind closed doors that Kuvakei had managed to acquire a sample of the virus (or prion, or whatever-the-hell it is).

After the negotiations failed, Verone revealed the information to the community at large on the IGS here (
Title: Re: Presenting Notes
Post by: Kaito Haakkainen on 23 Mar 2011, 05:22
Added to document, thank you Morwen.

Reformatted into word and then into .pdf.
Minor edits.
Work continues.
Latest document linked in OP.
Title: Re: Presenting Notes
Post by: hellgremlin on 23 Mar 2011, 17:40
Holy ass. Lots of info to digest. Very interesting though.

What if Kyonoke is just the end stage of Vitoc? It is constantly mutating, and eventually it'll get out of check, and get really good at killing folks.
Title: Re: Presenting Notes
Post by: Z.Sinraali on 23 Mar 2011, 18:58
The end stage of vitoc is sentient furriers. (
Title: Re: Presenting Notes
Post by: Kaito Haakkainen on 24 Mar 2011, 05:10
Holy ass. Lots of info to digest. Very interesting though.

What if Kyonoke is just the end stage of Vitoc? It is constantly mutating, and eventually it'll get out of check, and get really good at killing folks.

Nice idea, will add it once sourcing is complete.

Please note that I'm not personally attached to any of the ideas here. Disproving ideas is as, if not more, important as adding new ones so if there is evidence that contradicts anything here let me know.

Title: Re: Presenting Notes
Post by: Mithfindel on 25 Mar 2011, 01:54
As a note, I understand that at least for simple URLs, the quotation marks are optional. The :, however, is not: Like this (

Now that I've done splitting hairs, nice work this far.

And oh, wasn't the old CONCORD HQ actually symmetric? As in, different arms pointing out as if lines from the centroid to the points of a tetrahedron? Because in space, the direction should not matter. (Or wait, that'd be only four arms total - I might be remembering wrong. Five arms would be a pyramid, and that's not completely symmetric.)

Edit: One more thing:
The Oruze sites may represent some form of weapon against the incoming threat. "Oruzje" is Serbian for weapon or weapon system, while "Oruzje Osobito Jak" translates to "Weapon Particularly Powerful".
So Oruzje Osobito = Weapon Particular? Particle weapon? Yes, it does not make any sense, but if you try to translate things with just a dictionary (or Google Translator) and have no idea about the context where the word should be used, it is possible to have a mixup. Say, in my native, the word "juuri" may be translated as "exactly" ("juuri tuo" = "exactly that") or "root" ("puun juuri" = "root of a tree" or even "neliöjuuri" = "square root").
Title: Re: Presenting Notes
Post by: Kaito Haakkainen on 25 Mar 2011, 02:39
As a note, I understand that at least for simple URLs, the quotation marks are optional. The :, however, is not: Like this (

Copy-paste from EVE-O. =P

Quote from: Mithfindel
And oh, wasn't the old CONCORD HQ actually symmetric?

Didn't realize this would be a point of contention. I recall one being distinctly separate on the model. There's also:

Quote from: TEA
From the massive central sphere spread the five major arms of the station, four of which were designated to the Gallente Federation, Caldari State, Minmatar Republic, and the Amarr Empire. The last arm, extending apart from the others, belonged to the Jove Empire

Having trouble finding an image that clearly shows this, if anyone has one I'd appreciate a copy or link. Thank you for bringing the need for source to my attention will go back and add it in.

Quote from: Mithfindel
The Oruze sites may represent some form of weapon against the incoming threat. "Oruzje" is Serbian for weapon or weapon system, while "Oruzje Osobito Jak" translates to "Weapon Particularly Powerful".
So Oruzje Osobito = Weapon Particular? Particle weapon? Yes, it does not make any sense, but if you try to translate things with just a dictionary (or Google Translator) and have no idea about the context where the word should be used, it is possible to have a mixup. Say, in my native, the word "juuri" may be translated as "exactly" ("juuri tuo" = "exactly that") or "root" ("puun juuri" = "root of a tree" or even "neliöjuuri" = "square root").

Taking the word of someone who speaks the language, if someone else fluent calls bull I'll edit.
Title: Re: Presenting Notes
Post by: Casiella on 25 Mar 2011, 08:13
Links need to be in the form {url=}like this{/url}, with the square brackets instead. No quotation marks here, E-O forums are weird.
Title: Re: Presenting Notes
Post by: Kaito Haakkainen on 25 Mar 2011, 08:26
For some time I have been collecting data, cross-referencing, and establishing implications on the "Sleeper Mystery". The project naturally expanded well beyond the original topic and contains information on many different, but related, mysteries within EVE. This information has been compiled into a .pdf document and I hope you find it useful and/or interesting.

It is not, as the foreword will make clear, a finished document. The original OP on Backstage was a request for assistance from the community and that request remains. Additional information, sources, and theories supported by evidence are all very much welcome. Please keep any theories short, preferably a couple of sentences for each piece of evidence. It should be noted that the contents of the document remain at my discretion and under the constraints of both time and reasonable length.

Contributors will be listed and, if requested, their exact contribution noted. Should the document expand to the point where the majority of it is not my own work or should contributors take issue alternative titles will be considered.

Version 0.22 is available here (

In progress:
Third pass

Correction of bookmarks
Symbols of Faith images courtesy of Kenreikko Valitonen
Relevant images from database and other official sources
Large number of additions discovered during third pass
Inclusion of contributions from:
Shoo Dae
Istvaan Shogaatsu

[EDITS: Progress]
Title: Re: Presenting Notes
Post by: Kaito Haakkainen on 25 Mar 2011, 08:26
Links need to be in the form {url=}like this{/url}, with the square brackets instead. No quotation marks here, E-O forums are weird.


Fixed. Though odds are I shall break it again soon.
Title: Re: Presenting Notes
Post by: Julianus Soter on 25 Mar 2011, 11:35
Read the whole thing through, skimming in a few parts. Probably too much for one sitting, so I'll have to go back and look through it again in smaller chunks at some point. :P

While reading through, the entries regarding Sansha and Kyonoke jumped out at me - while Balenne may have claimed nothing was taken, it was discovered through negotiations behind closed doors that Kuvakei had managed to acquire a sample of the virus (or prion, or whatever-the-hell it is).

After the negotiations failed, Verone revealed the information to the community at large on the IGS here (

Indeed. Was a fabulously fun sidequest. But no response from anyone important about it. :(