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Author Topic: Second attempt - Players and community.  (Read 18744 times)


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Re: Second attempt - Players and community.
« Reply #30 on: 05 Sep 2013, 09:20 »

I don't get the physician bit, but we say what we do in defense of Seri time after time to make a point. It isn't to say that he should force interaction. Giving no fucks and pewing or just going in and RPing your way means literally giving 0 fucks and being super confident. When you're confident in yourself and your actions, in game AND out of game, you'll find yourself acting on instinct fueled by knowledge you've gained over life. Your gut will say do X because your mind processes the possibilities in the background and comes up with X being the best thing for you.

He can't force interaction in RP chats/forums, no one can. But he CAN be more confident and find validation in himself. That begets (slowly) respect from others naturally. People will WANT to interact just to figure out what the hell is going on in his mind. If they harass or threaten him, he still gives 0 fucks and simply kills them.

The point is to be more confident. No one needs validation in a game for RP. Validate yourself and your actions, the rest will follow.

Middle finger to the critics, Seri. Middle finger to the critics.

Pieter Tuulinen

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Re: Second attempt - Players and community.
« Reply #31 on: 05 Sep 2013, 09:26 »

That's simply not true, Anslo. In a shared community you cannot FORCE others to view you in the way you'd prefer. This is at the heart of what I was saying about the difference between enjoying interacting with others as your character or simply enjoying PLAYING your character.

The latter means you can be the space-dick you've always wanted to and not care. The former means you HAVE to engage with others and give them a reason for mirroring.

The advice you are giving Seriphyn would see him simply turning his character up to eleven and wondering why he would then wind up number one on the 'block list' parade.


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Re: Second attempt - Players and community.
« Reply #32 on: 05 Sep 2013, 09:37 »

...and I'm not saying he can force it. I stated that plainly. I'm saying if he's confident in himself, people who are of like mind and worth the time to befriend will naturally pop up. He isn't forcing anything, it'll just happen once he stops caring about external validation.

I also said he'd move forward with his lessons learned and a (hopefully) more mature outlook, right in my last post. He should take that, be more confident, don't worry about validation, and continue on. This would, hopefully, work.

But then another problem is people aren't even giving him the chance to grow because everyone's saying 'don't RP with that guy cause blablablablabla.' He can't even BEGIN to grow and restructure himself and his character because he's stonewalled before he even takes one step forward.

I mean for crying out loud the guy took the time to try and make a video far less snarky to express himself, but he STILL gets shat on and basically told 'you won't be accepted unless you do this, this, and this.' Why should he? Why can't you let him evolve on his gods damned own instead of stagnating him? Jeesh.

And when I say 'you,' I don't mean YOU Pieter. Just you in phrasing is weird.
« Last Edit: 05 Sep 2013, 09:39 by Anslol »


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Re: Second attempt - Players and community.
« Reply #33 on: 05 Sep 2013, 09:43 »

On that I agree, but that hardly sounds like your previous analogy...

It probably doesn't because I sought to clarify further as best I could.

Anyway, I'm not trying to imply that it's solely Seriphyn at fault for it, if at all. Honestly, the thought probably came about as to my own thinking regarding my present antipathy towards rp in Eve. I closed the OOC/Summit channel a few weeks ago, and I was wondering why it felt like I was enjoying the game more and what I concluded is that I didn't have to continuously be exposed to the torrent of moaning and complaining in there which generally revolves around, "Oh, everyone hates me. Oh, everyone hates my RP faction. Oh, it's all a CCP conspiracy to ruin my RP. Oh, why does everyone have it better in RP? Oh, CCP ruined my spaceships now I can't undock."

When I realized that my complaining internally to myself about all the tears and whines, really didn't change anything at all. And that the Summit appears to be what is in effect a real-time, in-character version of a youtube comments section where the goal is to express either as much uninformed and ignorant bigotry for shock value, engage in self-aggrandizement, or just complain and whine, which altogether drowns out any actual interesting engagement then the only option to me was to deploy the iron curtain upon it all. At least then, I can be like The Dude and find my zen again (and/or rug).

Nothing much lost on my end I've found in any case and at least it doesn't feel like I have to metaphorically put on the waders to walk in the septic tank just to find RP anymore.

Anyway, that's probably the best advice I can give to you Seriphyn and that is to find what you personally enjoy to do in RP and the people you enjoy doing it with. Don't worry too much what others think about it beyond that.

Katrina Oniseki

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Re: Second attempt - Players and community.
« Reply #34 on: 05 Sep 2013, 12:54 »

Three pages in, no reply from Seriphyn.

Ché Biko

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Re: Second attempt - Players and community.
« Reply #35 on: 05 Sep 2013, 13:37 »

Oh, come on, Kat, I only just read it. Not everyone is connected 24/7.

And uhm...this is going to be my contribution to this thread. Sometimes it's a, sometimes b, sometimes c.
I feel inclined to leave this here:
You know what the scariest thing is? To not know your place in this world. To not know why you're here... That's... That's just an awful feeling.


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Re: Second attempt - Players and community.
« Reply #36 on: 05 Sep 2013, 23:31 »

Well, whatever else, Seri, I don't dislike you. I don't like you, either, but that's just me. I don't have much time to RP besides on IGS, and my character is diametrically opposed to yours, but I enjoy following threads of your characters. I, personally, hope you keep posting and playing. If nothing else, you provide some entertainment value to me, and, hey, entertaining each other is what Eve is all about, right?

Silver Night

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Re: Second attempt - Players and community.
« Reply #37 on: 05 Sep 2013, 23:40 »

[mod]Did a bit of moderating. Given that this is the third thread on this topic, it has so far seemed to be shockingly on-topic and pretty in line with the rules. Let's keep it that way, and being it is the third thread on the topic, if someone can't keep themselves in line, I suggest they not post - because consequences are highly likely.[/mod]

Lyn Farel

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Re: Second attempt - Players and community.
« Reply #38 on: 06 Sep 2013, 01:25 »

Maybe Ollie came a little late on the wrong thread (the only one still within the rules, this one) and did not choose the wisest words.

However it does not mean that I don't agree with him. That's one of the issues. 2 things :

- There is a tendency for players to forget the smallest bit of civility when they can eventually vent their feelings about someone or something that apparently annoys them enough. They can lower themselves to no ends, going so far as trying to literally ruin the gaming experience as well as the social status of someone they irrationally hate (as opposed to rationally dislike), like by telling newcomers... well, things.

- There is a tendency for some mods to conveniently forget the rules, and there is a tendency for mods to cover each other every time that happens. Or else it would not happen on a regular basis with the same individuals.


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Re: Second attempt - Players and community.
« Reply #39 on: 06 Sep 2013, 04:17 »

Sometimes you've just got to accept that we're all still primates and that conspiring with each other through collective bitching with your own clique is how you ensure other monkeys get pushed out of the tree and you can eat all their stuff.

Add: Yes, I assume most people bitch and hate about myself and my characters in their own cliques, because it just make things so much simpler when being an antagonist.

That and operating under the principle of, "u jelly of my jackboot #swag m8?" is so much more fun.
« Last Edit: 06 Sep 2013, 04:23 by Gesakaarin »


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Re: Second attempt - Players and community.
« Reply #40 on: 06 Sep 2013, 06:17 »

In this case, 'it's human nature' is not an acceptable excuse. At all.

Morwen Lagann

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Re: Second attempt - Players and community.
« Reply #41 on: 06 Sep 2013, 07:10 »

Sometimes this forum's rules protecting privacy of users in addition to the usual social standards are extremely frustrating. There is more going on than the case of someone making an unlikable character and then repeatedly complaining that nobody wants to RP with them to the point nobody wants to listen to it anymore, but only a handful of people can actually come out and spill the details without breaking the rules.

IC, I don't really have any reason to interact with Seriphyn except as necessary. While there might've been murderous intent at one point, these days it's basically, you exist, I can't do anything about it, move along.

OOC, far as I know we get on fine these days. Doesn't mean I listen patiently to every complaint he makes, or refrain from telling him he's full of shit or whatever when I think he's being full of shit, but I'm not being outright hostile.

That said, he's done some shit that makes me, and a number of other people, quite angry, and with good reason. Shit beyond what's been posted in this thread and the previous two, but as I stated at the beginning of the post, can't be discussed openly here without breaking privacy rules even though much of it happened in EVE and not here.

"It's just human nature" is not an excuse here, nor does it explain the actual cause of the problem.
Lagging Behind

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Re: Second attempt - Players and community.
« Reply #42 on: 06 Sep 2013, 07:14 »

My point stands. You're right, and I know, he's done some very dumb shit. That doesn't mean crucifying to the extent we've seen in the past three threads is still warranted. Ignoring him, shrugging him off, whatever, I can understand.

But the level of vitriol that just happened in those threads, was absurd.

Morwen Lagann

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Re: Second attempt - Players and community.
« Reply #43 on: 06 Sep 2013, 07:19 »

My point stands. You're right, and I know, he's done some very dumb shit. That doesn't mean crucifying to the extent we've seen in the past three threads is still warranted. Ignoring him, shrugging him off, whatever, I can understand.

But the level of vitriol that just happened in those threads, was absurd.

If you're calling it "very dumb shit" then you are not thinking of the same things I am referring to, because "very dumb shit" doesn't even come close to describing it.

What I'm saying is that no, in fact, it is not absurd or unwarranted. What it is, is inappropriate for posting on Backstage.
Lagging Behind

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1) The number of capsuleer women who are bisexual is greater than the number who are lesbian.
2) Most of the former group appear lesbian due to a lack of suitable male partners to go around.
3) The lack of suitable male partners can be summed up in most cases thusly: interested, worth the air they breathe, available; pick two.


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Re: Second attempt - Players and community.
« Reply #44 on: 06 Sep 2013, 07:45 »

Sometimes you've just got to accept that we're all still primates and that conspiring with each other through collective bitching with your own clique is how you ensure other monkeys get pushed out of the tree and you can eat all their stuff.

See this goes to the heart of the questions I'm asking you and others who hold this opinion. Why have I just got to accept it? Why do you expect that others will blandly oblige that excuse?

I can't speak authoritatively for anyone else but it's been a fair while since anyone in my family spent all day in trees picking the fleas off each other's backs, avoiding the dangers of larger predators and flinging our excrement at each other for shits and giggles (pun entirely intended). I realise I'm perhaps taking your attempt at pithy metaphor a shade too literally but as I said before I think it's a cop out, an easy way to either shirk responsibility for our own behaviour or ignore it in others with whom we have some form of loyalty to or outright friendship with.

With reference to RP communities in particular what do we get by accepting a system where cliques try to push others "out of the tree"? To me all that seems to accomplish is a smaller group to RP with and subsequent lack of diversity in our RP options. If our only goal is to "eat all (the) stuff" it should be realised that RP is a difficult dish to consume alone.

Add: Yes, I assume most people bitch and hate about myself and my characters in their own cliques, because it just make things so much simpler when being an antagonist.

That's the attitude I adopt in most situations also and not just online.

But here's the thing - have you ever been in the situation Seriphyn alluded to with the quotes in the first post of his first thread where a new player whom he'd never interacted with (on any level) essentially told him they didn't like him and thought he should quit? What was the basis for that? The "lots" they'd heard from "others".

If that was an isolated thing well ... meh. But it's apparently not something that's occurred as a singular incident for Seriphyn. One of the possibilities that suggests is a systematic campaign to poison the opinions of players against Seriphyn independent of any interactions they've had with him as a player or as his character.

And let's face it - it's not like Seriphyn's alone in this type of situation either. Most of us have seen others treated in a similar fashion through the years.

What Seriphyn's player is asking is simple: are we comfortable as a community with that kind of behaviour going on against anyone who wants to involve themselves in RP in this game? The follow-on to that question (which Seriphyn doesn't ask) is that if we're uncomfortable with a random anyone being treated like that what makes it acceptable to use against specific individuals?

Speaking personally, if it exists I'm not comfortable with it. I don't accept it as a facet of human nature that - if we're genuine about supporting a healthy RP community - we can't try to excise from our OOC interactions with others. At the very least it would be easy enough to remember a simple childhood lesson that if we can't say anything good about someone when we're asked maybe it's best to say nothing.
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