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Author Topic: [News] Mystery Cargo Seized  (Read 9632 times)

Saede Riordan

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[News] Mystery Cargo Seized
« on: 17 Sep 2010, 05:38 »

Quote from: the scope
WERAROIX - A routine ore hauler customs check yesterday uncovered a cargo that officials are still at a loss to explain. The ship was carrying supplies to be traded at Yvaeroure, where they were to make their next pick up. Among those supplies was a container of individually wrapped pills, unidentified except for the word 'Liberty' etched into each one.

Upon analysis of the pills it was discovered that each one contained a small cluster of nanobots, the function of which is still unknown. The crew was held for questioning, but none of them, nor anyone on the colony in Yvaeroure, has claimed any knowledge of how the cargo came to be on the ship, or what the pills' purpose is.

Personal Blog//Character Blog
A ship in harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are built for.


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Re: [News] Mystery Cargo Seized
« Reply #1 on: 17 Sep 2010, 08:39 »

[tinfoil hat]

How does one insure a Sansha transport gets disassembled from the inside out, or it finds its cargo biomassed?

From "Under the Sea, the City"

It was possible, in theory, to replace certain bodily fluids with explosive counterparts. You could alter a person's glands to produce the new type, so long as you ensured his body had enough raw materials to draw on, or you could swap out the old type for the new along with an agent that would keep it from breaking down.

It was hideously expensive, extremely unreliable and utterly destructive. Even if he never set off the explosive reaction, a person who underwent something like this would die of massive organ failure within a few days. The body was not happy being turned into a chemical weapon.

I'd had my agents do some datamining, and it had revealed connections between this man and ten others on this very same shuttle. All of them had committed crimes serious enough to warrant transport down under, but worse, all of them were connected to an earlier transport that just yesterday had brought a lot of fresh people to the city. Gods knew how many of them were walking bombs.

"You were going to blow up the city," I said. I couldn't believe it.

Swap in "explosive" for "nanobot".

[/tinfoil hat]



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Re: [News] Mystery Cargo Seized
« Reply #2 on: 17 Sep 2010, 10:38 »

Shit. There goes my ecstasy shipment.


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Re: [News] Mystery Cargo Seized
« Reply #3 on: 17 Sep 2010, 10:46 »

Connected to the mass suicide, since it's also in Solitude...

Curious to see where this goes.

Shae Tiann

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Re: [News] Mystery Cargo Seized
« Reply #4 on: 17 Sep 2010, 11:15 »

Shit. There goes my ecstasy shipment.
Somehow, I just KNEW you had a hand in this...


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Re: [News] Mystery Cargo Seized
« Reply #5 on: 17 Sep 2010, 13:01 »

Let me just break out the science robot and we'll get to the bottom of this.
The assumption that other people are acting in good faith is the single most important principle underpinning human civilization.

John Revenent

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Re: [News] Mystery Cargo Seized
« Reply #6 on: 18 Sep 2010, 04:04 »

Solitude... dammit I don't need more attention there.. I mean damn pills?

*Hides New Booster Production Chain*


Niki Bot

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Re: [News] Mystery Cargo Seized
« Reply #7 on: 18 Sep 2010, 05:55 »

Imagine, I tell her, that you are outside of your capsule, and what you need to do there isn't all that complex. Maybe you need to meet someone, or want to get something to eat at a real restaurant, maybe sleep in a real bed.

Of course, this isn't hard to imagine, really. We're both unplugged right now. She nods, a slight sense of impatience about her. I give a “bear with me” sort of expression and shift up in my seat, kicking another cushion away. I can tell she's getting progressively more high too, just by the way she watches it sail away over the edge.

For a situation like this, or at least some of them, I tell her, you don't really need your childhood memories, or your knowledge of how to pilot Jump Freighters. And the more situational your needs are, the more you can narrow it down, the less you need to bring along.
Ever wonder how Nation takes so many people so quickly?

Sometimes Nation harvests too many individuals from a planet, too many to fit into the dropships, anyway. Genetic diversity must be maintained, even if there's not quite enough elbow room.

In these cases, it becomes necessary to... amalgamate individuals into single biological units while preserving their intellectual uniqueness. The mechanical process is complicated and... unpleasant. Experiences are combined, traits are averaged, and superfluous features are discarded.

The end result, however, is incontrovertible: Nation obtains what it needs and no "soul" is left behind.

"Daddy, is that you?"
Unfortunately, one cannot be told what Nation is...

Arvo Katsuya

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Re: [News] Mystery Cargo Seized
« Reply #8 on: 18 Sep 2010, 11:28 »

Connected to the mass suicide, since it's also in Solitude...

And how large is Solitude? It's a region.

Saying for how isolated it is from the rest of the world, means it has such a low crime rate that there is only one thing happening throughout how many systems with stations, and planets with colonies?

*Hides New Booster Production Chain*

Hmm. ;)

...let alone what the pills actually do.

Hell, they could be Istvaan's ecstacy shipment.

And Nikiruu, I'll have to think about it. If there is anything I learned however when I was researching all I did, is that there really needs to be a public discussion made somewhere to talk about things more openly, and (try to) be unbaised. Keeping the knowledge locked up when there is so many puzzle pieces scattered about across so many mediums, it cannot be solved by a single person, nor by searching in a single subject matter... like everyone being fixated solely on w-space.
« Last Edit: 18 Sep 2010, 11:36 by Arvo Katsuya »

Julianus Soter

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Re: [News] Mystery Cargo Seized
« Reply #9 on: 19 Sep 2010, 00:33 » obligatory, probably redundant.

Most of the out of character comments made here are addressed there, in character. :P

Saede Riordan

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Re: [News] Mystery Cargo Seized
« Reply #10 on: 19 Sep 2010, 00:39 »

I feel like this isn't actually Nation, I think, like Vieve said, its someone's attempt at sabotaging the abductions.
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Re: [News] Mystery Cargo Seized
« Reply #11 on: 19 Sep 2010, 00:40 »

Saxon Hawke have any thoughts on this?

I believe he was involved with the last big Serpentis stick with that whacky drug on Intaki.
Ghost > So yes, she was Ghost's husband-
Ashar > So Ghost was a gay Caldari and she went through tranny surgery
Ghost > Wait what?
Ashar > Ghosts husband.
Ghost > No she was - Oh god damnit.

He ate all of them
We Form Moderation
For Nation

Niki Bot

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Re: [News] Mystery Cargo Seized
« Reply #12 on: 19 Sep 2010, 05:19 »

Well, there are multiple potential interpretations.

1. Rise 2.0
- Was this a mistaken shipment?  One of the potential side effects of Rise withdrawal is depression and suicide. 

2. Rogue Drone infiltration
- The nomenclature fits, but why would Rogue Drones use nanobots in pills?

3. Sansha's Nation
- I described the theory above. ;)

4. Anti-Nation Counter-terrorism
- Self explanatory, and touched upon by others.

5. Conspiracy Theory #1,309,502 (Or, the Texas Sharpshooter Method of Discovering Everything About EVE - "TSMDEAE" for short, also known as "Niki, you're going to give me another headache again aren't you?")
- This is a variant of Rise.
- The Intaki had a hand in this
- Vorada Kuvakei.  Is there *really* no connection there?
- Wormholes are the KEY TO EVERYTHING!
- Intaki was the target of multiple attacks by Sansha's Nation.  Really?  There's *no* connection?
- Yes, this is so unlikely that it's crazy.  But then again, there is The Broker for precedence.
- There are many copies.  They have a plan.  One of my friends played for a short while, and he said that a certain CONCORD guy stated that they had retrieved multiple duplicates of multiple individuals from wrecks of Sansha ships at the attack sites.
- Everything is connected!

7.  The slightly less manic Conspiracy Theory (or: Putting it all together, with the potential that this is completely off-base).
- We know that Nation forces have at least been seen around a Jove station.
- Rogue Drones can build "pseudo-Jove" station-like structures as hives.
- There is an exploration site called "Independence".
- Sansha's forces now use "liberation" as a term for what they are doing.
- There are tenuous links between the Serpentis and Rogue Drones.
- There are Chronicle suggestions of a link between the Intaki, SOE and Serpentis.  Further, this link leads even further afield via Serpentis links with Ishukone, and back to Intaki through the deal Ishukone, Mordu and the Intaki government reached to provide economic and military assistance.
- If you take a step back, these are *very* tenuous connections.  What does it all mean?

Looking further:
- There were multiple attacks in Intaki.
- "Ishaeka" is a possibly Intaki word, the name for the investigation into Nation forces.
- RISE was initially created by an Idama.
- A compromised member of CONCORD was Intaki, as well as the individual behind the investigations in the first place.
- Said liberations are suggested to be "uplifting" individuals from lives of drudgery and unhappiness.  What is the stated goal of the Idamas (well, at least the oath they apparently take according to AURORA event actors if I interpret the EVE wiki correctly)?

As long as space endures
As long as sentient beings exist
Until then, may I too remain
And dispel the miseries of the world.

As you can see, many of these theories can be mixed and matched to create semi-believable links.  However, at this point we do not have sufficient evidence to draw any lasting, provable conclusions.

Finally, here's the most likely scenario due to Occam's Razor, and linking the suicides with the "mystery cargo":

1. This is a RISE variant.
2. The shipment was meant for "that other colony" where the suicides took place.
3. Simple human error just revealed something bigger, and we will not know the full extent of what is going on for some time.
4. Take note of what you see, and hopefully by the time everything is clear, there will be something for you to do beyond posting on forums.  :bear:

I for one welcome our new beloved overlords, and hope that their benevolent leadership shall ensla... I mean, enlighten you all!

Julianus Soter

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Re: [News] Mystery Cargo Seized
« Reply #13 on: 19 Sep 2010, 08:21 »

Rise was a chemical narcotic. A hallucinatory agent. Saying the nanobot pills are a version of RISE is like saying the Hindenburg was a version of galley.

Kuvakei is a common surname, so no possible connection.

Nanobots are very expensive to distribute in a region-wide manner.

The people on the Gererique mining facility all committed suicide more less simultaneously, after meticulously sending relatives good-bye messages.

What is Kuvakei's goal? To prove humanity that he is right. That people are so depressed about the current status quo, that things on planets and mining outposts are so desperate and grim, that they will resort to anything. It's his narrative.

So, to continue this narrative, he instigates a bone-chilling event in a remote region that makes people doubt. Ghost Hunter et al are great at doing this IC with their public relations efforts. Maybe these people really do want to join Nation, after all, is the feeling that the Sansha want to generate.

Once the narrative is constructed and propagated, it's just a matter of slowly infiltrating and manipulating target populations on a regional scale.

Then move in for the kill.

Solitude is an ideal target for Nation. Fairly large populations, isolated from the rest of Empire space by barren, inhospitable nullsec and lowsec. Federation Navy presence likely lessened in the wake of the successful war with Kador, seen as less of a threat on that front. Limited ability for long-term defensive operations by Capsuleers and Navy due to isolation and lack of any direct routes by stargates. Ripe for the taking, strategically.


Niki Bot

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Re: [News] Mystery Cargo Seized
« Reply #14 on: 19 Sep 2010, 09:05 »

What is Kuvakei's goal? To prove humanity that he is right. That people are so depressed about the current status quo, that things on planets and mining outposts are so desperate and grim, that they will resort to anything. It's his narrative.

So, to continue this narrative, he instigates a bone-chilling event in a remote region that makes people doubt. Ghost Hunter et al are great at doing this IC with their public relations efforts. Maybe these people really do want to join Nation, after all, is the feeling that the Sansha want to generate.

Once the narrative is constructed and propagated, it's just a matter of slowly infiltrating and manipulating target populations on a regional scale.

Then move in for the kill.
Are you absolutely positive this has something to do with Sansha's Nation?  The point I'm trying to make is that without further evidence, like the actual function of those pills, we won't know for sure.

Doubt.  Jumping at shadows.  Fear.

What is the goal of terrorism?  Think back a few years.  Replace "pills with nanobots in them" with "mysterious white powder".  I'm not saying that this is definitely unconnected, but we don't have enough evidence to draw a definitive link between Nation, the suicides and the nanobot pills.

Supposition is fun, and can sometimes lead us down the right path, but sometimes it causes more harm than good.

Also, if I were smuggling something illegal, say some new type of Boosters, would I want the paper trail pointing at me?  No, I'd try to point it at the most obvious target imaginable.  Sansha makes a pretty big target.  While the authorities are trying to find the "Head Zombie" I'm "taking care" of any "loose ends".

Just some food for thought.

Quote from: the scope
WERAROIX - A routine ore hauler customs check yesterday uncovered a cargo that officials are still at a loss to explain. The ship was carrying supplies to be traded at Yvaeroure, where they were to make their next pick up. Among those supplies was a container of individually wrapped pills, unidentified except for the word 'Liberty' etched into each one.

Upon analysis of the pills it was discovered that each one contained a small cluster of nanobots, the function of which is still unknown. The crew was held for questioning, but none of them, nor anyone on the colony in Yvaeroure, has claimed any knowledge of how the cargo came to be on the ship, or what the pills' purpose is.


It is interesting.  :D
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