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RIP - Captain's Quarters

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--- Quote from: Mizhara on 11 Feb 2018, 14:09 ---Opinions are not made equal. The reasoning and thoughts behind them add or remove from their validity.

--- End quote ---

Only if you're willing to give those reasons validity. I'm not keen on rehashing the same arguments I, and many others have made over the years once again in this thread, but what always happens is that both sides give, in their opinion good reasons and thoughts on their side of the argument, only to have them summarily dismissed as "nonsense" by the other party. If you truly want to see good reasons why EVE could use avatar gameplay, there are several 100+ page threadnaughts in the old forum and some of them are rehashed in the dev blog thread on the new one.

Silas Vitalia:
This debate might have made more sense during the Incarna snafu time period many years ago, when ccp was staffed-up and cash flush to throw (waste) money at this sort of thing (or fortunately also simultaneously developing a 3rd person vampire mmo they could double up on some development time with).

That ship was set on fire and pushed into a black hole; Eve as currently designed by corporate has more in common with  bejeweled or a mobile game, pumping the $$ out of customers in the most efficient way possible. They don't have a former EA pimp in there monetizing/ running shit for no reason.

Let's be real they don't have the resources staffed currently to even cover new feature heavy releases let one am entire 3rd person branch off. 

Also let's be real 90% of Eve stations are empty or have 5 afk players docked, things would be awfully lonei or just force even more people into a few locations to not have it look like a ghost town.

Believe me I was All-In for Incarna when I saw those first trailers with the station bars and games and map rooms.  That sort of vision does not exist in that dojo anymore.

I don't necessarily disagree, Silas, I just get inordinately annoyed every time I see the "The less dev time wasted on that nonsense, the better. I play internet spaceships." type of lines touted around. Call it an old habit at this point. Especially as we all play internet spaceships, yet the arguments tend to always devolve in to the "you just want WoW in space, go play that" "ugh no, let me explain" merry-go-round.

Silas Vitalia:
I wanted WIS more than I wanted internet spaceships, hah.  It's always been the worst-realized part of Eve since launch; they made no effort to truly show you that sense of scale and world building in the actual game engine.

I would donate one of my kidneys to erase Star Citizen's rather terrible and boring IP and swap in the Eve IP to use with their amazingly strong game engine and gameplay possibilities.

The frustrating part is that eve's rather unique approach to internet spaceships would have potentially been just as unique with 3rd person avatars.

Morwen Lagann:
I remember when WIS started really being a discussion point with all the videos and such, and people wondered how it'd affect RP, both in positive and negative ways - because of EVE's reliance on text chat for communication, and the way channels work.

I've been playing Black Desert for 16 months now, and roleplaying there for 14. I've really yet to see any real negatives to having the physical avatars when it comes to RP. It's amazing for helping visualize a space and the people and objects within it. It adds a whole layer of social behavior out of character, too - even when people can chat to each other from across the entire game world, they still come and congregate together in a physical space.

Honestly, I find it hard to consider going back to having text only without that visual aid.


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