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that a theremax is a musical instrument constructed of a thin, black piece of rubbery material with embedded oscillators that is played by moving one's hands in the electric field it generates? (p. 100)

Author Topic: This one's for Silver.  (Read 9618 times)

Ashar Kor-Azor

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This one's for Silver.
« on: 16 Apr 2010, 15:20 »

   There lies the port; the vessel puffs her sail:
There gloom the dark broad seas. My mariners,
Souls that have toiled, and wrought, and thought
   with me—
That ever with a frolic welcome took
The thunder and the sunshine, and opposed
Free hearts, free foreheads—you and I are old;
Old age hath yet his honour and his toil;
Death closes all: but something ere the end,
Some work of noble note, may yet be done,
Not unbecoming men that strove with Gods.

Fffffffffffffffuckyeah, Tennyson.

...Maybe I can stop hating everything now? Let's do this thing.


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Re: This one's for Silver.
« Reply #1 on: 16 Apr 2010, 15:24 »

Pretty nice.  I should read more and surf 4chan less =/

This is a forum on steroids tbh. The rate at which content worth reading is being generated could get you pregnant.

Ashar Kor-Azor

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Re: This one's for Silver.
« Reply #2 on: 16 Apr 2010, 15:24 »

What parts of Eve and Eve RP interest you?

The parts I can reinvigorate.

Also, the ones that have more room for complexity.

I refuse to believe that the only outcome of careful scaling will be Graelyn' LOLSLAVERS Vs. LOLDARKIES in space.

What parts would you like to know more about?

Character histories. Recently, I came across this on a website:
"Silver's sire was called Sylvan, and his dam was Musa."
Now, I've been around Silver on and off since I started playing in '06, but I'd never known that before.

What got you into Eve?
Those fucking transhumanists in JF Mk. I. And a screenshot of an Eidolon.
And the market. And the single-shard thing...

Sofia Roseburn

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Re: This one's for Silver.
« Reply #3 on: 16 Apr 2010, 15:28 »

Pretty nice.  I should read more and surf 4chan less =/

Places like /tg/ and /r9k/ can be pretty good on the more mature side of things. Within reason of course.

Ashar Kor-Azor

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Re: This one's for Silver.
« Reply #4 on: 16 Apr 2010, 15:31 »

/tg/ is hardly consistent. /lit/ can be nice, but still.

Anyway, yeah, I go to live among you. Retreat in fear, or whatever.

Ashar Kor-Azor

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Re: This one's for Silver.
« Reply #5 on: 16 Apr 2010, 15:57 »

Incidentally, I move to create a new and unnecessary forum section called SpeakEasy, and then find a useful purpose for it.


Silver Night

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Re: This one's for Silver.
« Reply #6 on: 16 Apr 2010, 16:01 »

Hmm, might be a good name for the non-Eve-stuff section. Though purpose would need to be made very clear int he description, ofc.

Ashar Kor-Azor

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Re: This one's for Silver.
« Reply #7 on: 16 Apr 2010, 17:58 »

Dude! It's for drinking illegal beverages like moonshine while the cops walk around outside, beatin' up bootleggers.

Have you NO conception of hist'ry?

« Last Edit: 16 Apr 2010, 18:36 by Ashar Kor-Azor »


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Re: This one's for Silver.
« Reply #8 on: 16 Apr 2010, 18:24 »

Capital idea.  Done  8)

This is a forum on steroids tbh. The rate at which content worth reading is being generated could get you pregnant.

Ashar Kor-Azor

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Re: This one's for Silver.
« Reply #9 on: 18 Apr 2010, 05:27 »

I'm going to make a little list of what a complete whore I am.

Forum e-peen boosters and thought crimes so far, for lolposterity and public shamin':

-First to reach a hundred poasts. Eat it, Havvo! Oh god, I am such a whore.
-Poastcount per day of 100 or nearly there. Superwhore.
-First suggested and undertaken creation of a child board which is quickly proving near-redundant and will likely be streamlined into something else.
-First known received private thread of mod action because I have a dirty mouth.
-First and second mod actions to split a thread, IIRC. Goddamn provocateur, Ashar. Except owait, it was benign.
-First mod action to split posts out of a thread in Moderation Discussion. Terribad, rly.
-First locked thread in Archives. I am a force of destruction arrayed against this community : /
-Part of first locked thread with a cooldown timer; arguably, provocateur of first locking for reals.
-First drama with another member of the old guard.
-First textwall.
-First and only person to plug the new forum excessively in way too many channels, including at least twice in an IC channel when I thought I was posting in OOC. For more details, see Ghost Hunter's sig archive, if he ever puts it together.
-First tempbannan. Too slow, Lillith.

Maybe I can add in that I harassed and embarrassed the mods and admins the most in terms of feature discussions and sowan. And invited in some bitter vets. HI WANOAH, HI LEON.

And, what with all that, my e-peen must be hella tiny.

[10:01:38] Lallara Zhuul > but Ashar
[10:01:49] Lallara Zhuul > you almost got the first flamewar of Backstage started
[10:02:03] Lallara Zhuul > you should have a medal for that LD

Oh boy /o\
« Last Edit: 02 Jun 2010, 17:28 by Ashar Kor-Azor »


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Re: This one's for Silver.
« Reply #10 on: 18 Apr 2010, 09:06 »

lol I can't believe you beat me to 100 posts    :wtf:   :oops:

This is a forum on steroids tbh. The rate at which content worth reading is being generated could get you pregnant.