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Evanda Char once stole a priceless artifact from Admirals Tharrn's office and made it into ear rings precipitating a year long war?

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Author Topic: Scamming the Scammer  (Read 6979 times)


  • Omelette
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Scamming the Scammer
« on: 22 Oct 2010, 19:30 »

This is a long read about how I scammed Viper ShizzIe in the most basic manner of all.  With the "give me 1 isk and I'll give you 2 back" scam.  I figured as there's little love lost for VS in RP circles, some of you might get a kick out of this.

Also, if you don't know not to trust me as far as you can throw me with material assets by now, you've got another thing coming.  Viper of all people should know this, considering that I spied for him while I was briefly in PL.

A few notes on major players:

Vader Crane:  Executor of Reaper Industries, longtime supercapital producer.  Good friend of Rote Kapelle's dating back to pre-STIM days when the original founders of STIM were in SF.  Reaper recently joined Rote Kapelle, and following some shenanigans in KBP7, where he was building supercaps when PL rolled through recently, had been forced to pay 50b in ransom on his capital building arrays.  Which ironically enough were building for soon-to-be PL members and allies.

Viper ShizzIe:  Ex-CEO of Habitual Euthanasia, formerly of OSHIT.  Attempted a coup d'etat on Shamis Orzoz in PL, failed, and was exiled.  HABIT rejoined PL recently under the condition that Viper would remove himself from any and all leadership-related decision making.  Shamis is no fan at all of his.

Background:  When the capitals in question came out of production, Vader had run out of patience with the arrogance and shit-flinging of CH/PL, and since he had their supercaps (and they were already paid for), he flipped them the bird and kept them.  Viper went into full rage mode, as one of the supers in question was slated for one of his recent recruits, and another for one of his soon-to-be recruits.  Viper rings Shamis to demand PL do something, and Shamis basically laughs in his face.  Viper sends word to me through an intermediary that he wants to talk to me re; the situation.

Note that the vast majority of my side of the conversations below was completely fabricated as part of the scam. 

How it came to pass:

On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 8:00 PM, E Honoure <> wrote:
You wanted to get in touch with me?

(yes, I created that email address specifically for this scam)

On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 11:37 PM, Viper Shizzle <> wrote:
Just to make sure it's you, what alliance did you spy on for me while in OSHIT?

On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 10:43 PM, E Honoure <> wrote:
CoW, with my alt Hedone Una'Wydek. 

On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 1:42 AM, Viper Shizzle <> wrote:
good nuff, how involved are you in Rote leadership?

I don't really want to sound like an asshole, but a member of your alliance (Vader) just scammed a HABIT member out of a mothership (the deal was started while in CH and he's saying that since we joined PL it's invalid or some shit, I don't have time for his excuses).

Anyway, this is a problem. He stole a pretty fair sum from someone who is now in my corp (and has been since mid-transaction (during build)) which makes it my problem, and moreso I take it personally that this aspie motherfucker is trying to pull shit like this because CH disbanded and active people wanted to go to PL. Now, with Vader being in Rote I hope you or someone else can talk some sense into him, if not, well, I suppose I'll let you try to sort it out with him before I go FULL RAGE MODE.

Anyway, if you can get anything done with this it would be nice, as the other option involves a lot of effort and probably some asshurt.

Disclaimer: I'm p. drunk so don't take this as me raging at you or Rote, I'm just trying to get this done with the least personal effort possible (and hopefully without having to log in)

On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 1:04 AM, E Honoure <> wrote:
Director of STIM, halfway director of STUGH (in-game roles, director channel access, don't read the director forums because I :rage: too much at the faggotry and will get myself kicked if I do). 

Doesn't sound like Vader to scam anyone, he's always been crazy protective of his image or whatever, but then again he just joined us and we're not exactly the shining beacons of purity in EVE, so maybe he's had a change of heart.  Still seems strange, because it'd kinda fuck his reputation as a businessman, no?

What sorta thing did you have in mind?  I mean, I can try and talk to him, but Vader's always been kind of a "free spirit" in the sense that he never listens to anything we say if it involves things he's doing or wants to do.  That said, this is kinda an ugly situation for us to be stuck in now, and I'd hate to see Rote Kapelle on the wrong end of this mess, so am willing to discuss options if any are on the table.


On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 2:25 AM, Viper Shizzle <> wrote:
What I had in mind was contracting PL against Vader (both his building corp and reaper) until he quit playing, it'd give us something to do between real contracts and would provide me entertainment while not logging in. He doesn't consider it a scam because we're in PL and PL reinforced the CSAAs. I questioned him about it and he blocked me on MSN, saved me the excuse of listening to more of his excuses but whatever. He has some seriously fucked up logic and it's really pissing me off. If you've spoken to the guy at all you know how he comes across and I've had enough of his bullshit for a lifetime.

Again, this is nothing against Rote so please don't take it that way, we've always had a really cool relationship with you guys, but I'm not going to let this bullshit slide.

On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 10:40 AM, E Honoure <> wrote:
How much exactly is in play here?  I'm getting bits and pieces from his waving his epeen all over the forums, but haven't seen anything solid besides mention of supercap(s).

I ask mostly because I wonder if it's enough to justify mobilizing the Red China Army against a Montana militia (whee ridiculous metaphors--but you get what I'm saying).  And yeah, I know how he is.  Disagreeing with him is often pointless, he'll stuff his fingers in his ears and yell "lalalalalalala not listening" if he disagrees. 

Anyway, what I'm wondering is if there's any way I could help recover some of these assets.  He trusts me, and frankly if he's going to pull this kinda shit down on our heads I'm not too pleased with him for doing it without consulting me first.

On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 1:30 PM, Viper Shizzle <> wrote:
It was an Aeon that was in build in KBP which he's failing to deliver. If it was a carrier or something I'd call both of them retarded, but Vader used his position of trust within CH to create this deal and is now backing down from it simply because he thinks he has a valid reason.

It's not, and I've never let bullshit like this slide before, don't intend to start doing it now, but we both know that. What equates to stealing a mothership from one of my members doesn't exactly make me the SUPER AWESOME HAPPY TIME.

How the fuck is he even in Rote? I don't get it.

Any chance you could provide his chestbeating bullshit posts?

On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 1:08 PM, E Honoure <> wrote:
It's mostly been on TS, I'll see what I can scrounge up though.

There's also apparently someone's titan involved from what I'm gathering though.  Basically from what I have heard, mostly grapevine, is that he failed to deliver some supercapitals to PL and/or ex-CH members and/or someone else I'm not sure of.  He just posted some MSN convo with you where he called himself King Dingaling (wonder if I can change his forum name to that) or something, and has hinted on the director forums that he doesn't know what he's going to do with these supers but it sounds like he's open to selling them to other STUGH directors for a substantial discount. 

As for how they're there, TL;DR is a couple of the non-STIM directors have a mancrush and a few odd STIM directors do as well.  I'm no longer in a veto position, and Cass is a bit of a pushover, so there was't much of a fight to have.  Ultimately, we've flown with them in the past, like a handful of their guys, and so it was viewed that them joining the alliance rather than just coming out as blues wasn't much more to swallow.

That all said, if he's going to come into my alliance and pull this sort of shenanigan behind my back against a group I have friends in, he's stepped on the wrong dick in Rote Kapelle.  Moreover, he's trying to lord around his numbers in the leadership now--STIM has always had the majority share of the votes in STUGH, and we like it that way, but suddenly he comes in with a corporation of people comparable in size to STIM and thinks he owns the fucking alliance.  I'm not happy with this development.  And of course, I don't exactly want PL breathing down my alliance's neck, because even if you do focus target Reaper, our guys will get involved, not much to be done about that.  And it probably would not end well for us.  I've so far not done anything to indicate I'm unhappy with this publicly yet, because I've been weighing my options, so trying to keep a "lolol we scammed VS" face on for the time being, but I don't like this.

I'm half wondering if there'd be a way to take his offer and shove it down his throat by purchasing one or multiples of those "discount supers" and use the difference to cover the lost Aeon and/or recover it. 

He just put this post up, btw:

So PL tried to extort Vader Crane while their own super-caps was building in assembly arrays I run in a system far far away and here is the tale that follows... (soon™)

"In the meantime somwhere in the batcave...."

Viper Shizzle: Sup
Viper Shizzle: What's going on with armisar
Vader Crane: ?
Viper Shizzle: Has his Aeon been delivered? Afaik your Erebus has finished
Vader Crane: yes my erebus has finished, no it has fuck all to do with Amirsar like you
Vader Crane: cheers
Viper Shizzle: Excuse me?
Vader Crane: yes, youre excused.
Viper Shizzle: Who the fuck do you think you are
Vader Crane: king dingeling now piss off Viper. You were not in those deals, you never were and never will be. Im tired of you trying to lord over shit
Vader Crane: so get the fuck lost

There will be a mammoth post about all the dirty secrets and how this all came to pass in the next few days (sorry but post is mammoth and still growing).

On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 2:44 PM, Viper Shizzle <> wrote:
He left out the last lines where I called him a fucking aspie and told him by fucking amisar he fucked me and by default fucked PL. Let's get something straight, he didn't scam me or anyone in HABIT. He fucked over an ENH member that joined my corp because he felt like he could get away with it due to some fucked up logic and his own severe mental retardation. I'm not going to let this bullshit slide and I sure as fuck won't have my name dragged into the "being scammed" part as I had no part in this deal other than yesterday when I found out captain cocksuck thinks he can get one up on one of my members.

Yes, I'm mad now.

Maybe he needs to realise the consequences of his actions and maybe you should explain those to him, because unfortunately they're going to affect anyone who's around him as well. That's about a nicely as I can put it after reading that bullshit. There were 2 aeons and an Erebus. One of the Aeons belongs to a person in HABIT, one belongs to a person still in ENH. I have no fucking clue who the Erebus belongs to nor do I give a literal shit.

If you can come up with a smart way to fix this, then by all means go ahead. I'm going to the Oregon vs. UCLA game tonight and I will most likely be drunk enough to kick up a shitstorm when I get home.

On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 1:53 PM, E Honoure <> wrote:
Well let me ask you this (also, go Oregon).  If I could get him to sell me the Erebus and/or an Aeon cheaply "for STIM", would you be interested in them?  I don't have that kinda money laying around, but at the end of the day I don't want Rote Kapelle getting monkey stomped into oblivion because this guy's a fucking idiot.  I imagine I could talk him down low enough to cover the costs of what was lost by the HABIT pilot at the very least, likely both Aeons.  I don't know who the Erebus belongs to, but frankly I'll take my chances with most other entities in EVE besides PL.  If we were to do that, it'd cause Vader rage at me and STIM both, and force a "he goes or I go" situation that would end with him being kicked, because no one's going to kick me, I fathered this alliance and Vader's johnny-come-lately that's bringing a shithouse down on us.

On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 3:00 PM, Viper Shizzle <> wrote:
I'll talk to armisar but in the mean time feel free to get me prices on both the aeon and the erebus. All I want is for the debt to be repaid as that's some bullshit to try and pull just because he has hurt feelings. If he's unwilling to repay the debt the easy way (or your way) then I suspect he'll end up repaying it the hard way which would be unfortunate.

Oh, you should kick him out of the alliance after this shit is done, he's way more trouble than he's worth.

On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 2:02 PM, E Honoure <> wrote:
Sounds good.  I'll talk to him next I see him, probably this evening.  Have a PT appointment to take care of my broken crotch here shortly.  Hopefully we'll have some sort of solution worked out by the time you get back, and if we have to do it my way, he'll wind up kicked from the alliance too.

On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 3:08 PM, Viper Shizzle <> wrote:
Thanks for not making this more of a pain in the ass than it already was <3

(you should put your nyx in habit btw~)

On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 2:11 PM, E Honoure <> wrote:
It needs fighter bombers first.  :P  I'm a nub.

On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 3:13 PM, Viper Shizzle <> wrote:
lmao did you buy it from vader?

On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 2:16 PM, E Honoure <> wrote:
Tyzzara actually, he wanted to get rid of it, I was able to sit in it but not use FBs, but wanted to keep it in-corp, so I snagged it.  Hence me being broke atm, incidentally.  Fuckin thing was pimped like I'd expect from a titan.  The fit cost more than the ship by a good bit.

On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 3:20 PM, Viper Shizzle <> wrote:
Heh, my Aeon is actually worth 50-70 atm, it's fucking stupid. How long till you can actually use that shit?

On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 2:22 PM, E Honoure <> wrote:
Couple more weeks.  I had to train Gallente Carrier up before Fighters 5, so finishing the latter now.  Anyway, off to the doctor.  Enjoy the game, will be watching on TV.

On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 3:23 PM, Viper Shizzle <> wrote:
I'll be the one in yellow.

On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 8:39 PM, E Honoure <> wrote:
Hey, I think I see you!

So talked to Vader.  He says he's willing to sell me an Aeon and the Erebus for a total of 50b, or the Erebus for 40, but either I get the Aeon+Erebus as a package or just the Erebus.  He apparently already has buyers lined up for all of the supers in question, but is willing to give me a better deal and tell them to wait a bit longer to see if I want the deal due to :brosef: status.  That said, he's only giving me about another 12 hours to "make up my mind" or he'll move on with them.

There's no way on god's green earth I can come up with 50b right now, I'm nowhere close to liquid, so the best I'd be able to front is about 10.  Not sure how you want to proceed, but he's ready to turn them over to me as soon as I produce the isk, and I'd be ready to turn them back over to you as soon as I could get a cyno chain set up to get them to you outside of TXW. 

Lemme know what you wanna do.  I should be on EVE and half-watching this email most of the evening tonight.

On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 11:30 PM, Viper Shizzle <> wrote:
Will he use a third party?

On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 10:33 PM, E Honoure <> wrote:
No, he has no reason to and wants to do the exchange straight to me in TXW.  Asked about that and he basically got uber offended.

On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 11:36 PM, Viper Shizzle <> wrote:
I'm not sure how we could make this work then, do you even have a character that can fly an erebus?

On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 10:38 PM, E Honoure <> wrote:
Tyzzara has one, and he, Cass, and I are all on board with this.  Basically I have the STIM leadership with me.  And I trust Tyzz implicitly--he hosts my consulting business website and I know him well IRL.  The Aeon is no problem, Mishka can fly it and I have a parking alt for the Nyx.

On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 11:39 PM, Viper Shizzle <> wrote:
The problem for me would be handing you 50b and expecting you not to walk away with it.

On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 10:41 PM, E Honoure <> wrote:
I understand completely.  At the same time, I'm not sure how else we could do this, I have no way of getting that sorta money.  STIM as a policy doesn't keep assets on hand, so I have no corp/alliance wallet to dip into, and Vader's being unhelpful.  I just want to get STUGH's ass out of the fire and put Reaper in a position to have to gtfo our alliance, and that's the STIM position right now. 

On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 11:43 PM, Viper Shizzle <> wrote:
There's a lot of unknowns here. Vader could scam you, you could scam us, etc. Do you completely trust vader not to scam you?

Tell him you'll take both but you need a day or two to come up with the money and ask if that's fine.


  Channel ID:      -15519319
  Channel Name:    Private Chat (Viper ShizzIe)
  Listener:        Bacchanalian
  Session started: 2010.10.22 05:47:55

 [ 2010.10.22 05:47:59 ] Viper ShizzIe > sup
 [ 2010.10.22 05:48:05 ] Bacchanalian > heya
 [ 2010.10.22 05:48:09 ] Bacchanalian > I felt bad for hte mascot
 [ 2010.10.22 05:48:14 ] Bacchanalian > lots of pushups
 [ 2010.10.22 05:48:21 ] Bacchanalian > talking to vader right now
 [ 2010.10.22 05:48:23 ] Viper ShizzIe > B)
 [ 2010.10.22 05:48:32 ] Viper ShizzIe > my ears are still ringing
 [ 2010.10.22 05:48:37 ] Bacchanalian > heh
 [ 2010.10.22 05:49:24 ] Viper ShizzIe > anyway you think he would scam you
 [ 2010.10.22 05:49:38 ] Viper ShizzIe > also isn't getting rid of him going to fuck stim?
 [ 2010.10.22 05:49:41 ] Bacchanalian > absolutely certain he won't tbh.  he's all brosef with me
 [ 2010.10.22 05:49:44 ] Bacchanalian > and no
 [ 2010.10.22 05:49:56 ] Bacchanalian > he's passively trying to take a role in the leadership of STUGH
 [ 2010.10.22 05:49:59 ] Bacchanalian > STIM does not want that
 [ 2010.10.22 05:50:20 ] Viper ShizzIe > i see
 [ 2010.10.22 05:50:26 ] Viper ShizzIe > I'd need some form of collateral
 [ 2010.10.22 05:50:28 ] Viper ShizzIe > from you
 [ 2010.10.22 05:50:28 ] Bacchanalian > [05:49:32] Vader Crane > yeah I understand but I cant have all my chars in supers either, so it isnt really an option besides I can sell the erebus for 65-70 at a quick sell you know
 [ 2010.10.22 05:51:03 ] Bacchanalian > what sorta collateral were you thinking?
 [ 2010.10.22 05:51:32 ] Viper ShizzIe > not sure
 [ 2010.10.22 05:51:43 ] Viper ShizzIe > 51% of your shares and director roles v0v
 [ 2010.10.22 05:52:20 ] Bacchanalian > Cass wouldn't dream of it tbh.  he's the one with the keys, and he doesn't trust you.
 [ 2010.10.22 05:52:34 ] Viper ShizzIe > feeling's mutual
 [ 2010.10.22 05:52:38 ] Bacchanalian > hewh
 [ 2010.10.22 05:52:45 ] Viper ShizzIe > but I'm hardpressed to think of someone I wouldn't fuck over for 50b
 [ 2010.10.22 05:52:50 ] Viper ShizzIe > 50b liquid much less
 [ 2010.10.22 05:54:09 ] Viper ShizzIe > I mean
 [ 2010.10.22 05:54:13 ] Bacchanalian > lemme see if he'll take a 50% downpayment
 [ 2010.10.22 05:54:15 ] Viper ShizzIe > you're not exactly high honoUr
 [ 2010.10.22 05:54:19 ] Bacchanalian > lol
 [ 2010.10.22 05:54:20 ] Bacchanalian > touche
 [ 2010.10.22 05:55:02 ] Bacchanalian > [05:54:48] Vader Crane > 35 now and rest in 48 hours is that fair enough?
 [ 2010.10.22 05:55:36 ] Viper ShizzIe > uh
 [ 2010.10.22 05:55:43 ] Viper ShizzIe > unless the ships come now
 [ 2010.10.22 05:55:46 ] Bacchanalian > yeah
 [ 2010.10.22 05:55:49 ] Bacchanalian > they will
 [ 2010.10.22 05:55:55 ] Viper ShizzIe > wait
 [ 2010.10.22 05:56:03 ] Viper ShizzIe > 35 down and you get ships?
 [ 2010.10.22 05:56:05 ] Bacchanalian > yeah
 [ 2010.10.22 05:56:10 ] Viper ShizzIe > bullshit
 [ 2010.10.22 05:56:27 ] Bacchanalian > he wants his characters out of them
 [ 2010.10.22 05:56:35 ] Bacchanalian > [05:49:32] Vader Crane > yeah I understand but I cant have all my chars in supers either, so it isnt really an option besides I can sell the erebus for 65-70 at a quick sell you know
 [ 2010.10.22 05:57:10 ] Viper ShizzIe > do you have the characters ready?
 [ 2010.10.22 05:57:30 ] Bacchanalian > yeah, my nyx is already parked and I can get Tyzz's character online straight away, it's in TXW
 [ 2010.10.22 05:57:40 ] Viper ShizzIe > this is such a fucking scam
 [ 2010.10.22 05:57:42 ] Viper ShizzIe > jesus christ
 [ 2010.10.22 05:57:55 ] Bacchanalian > v0v
 [ 2010.10.22 05:57:58 ] Viper ShizzIe > my guess is you're all in this together :colbert:
 [ 2010.10.22 05:57:59 ] Bacchanalian > I can tell him forget it
 [ 2010.10.22 05:58:11 ] Viper ShizzIe > I know you can
 [ 2010.10.22 05:58:18 ] Viper ShizzIe > but a 35b gamble for a titan and a mothership
 [ 2010.10.22 05:58:21 ] Viper ShizzIe > ain't bad
 [ 2010.10.22 05:58:33 ] Bacchanalian > didn't he already get paid for them?
 [ 2010.10.22 05:58:40 ] Bacchanalian > [05:58:00] Vader Crane > yeah youd get the ships now, I trust you enough weve known each other for a long time SF lulz :P
 [ 2010.10.22 05:58:41 ] Viper ShizzIe > once yes
 [ 2010.10.22 05:58:41 ] Bacchanalian > [05:58:16] Vader Crane > but yeah I wanna get the fuck out of theese coffins
 [ 2010.10.22 05:58:45 ] Bacchanalian > [05:58:28] Vader Crane > so I can bend a bit I suppose
 [ 2010.10.22 05:59:01 ] Viper ShizzIe > can you get on gchat
 [ 2010.10.22 05:59:07 ] Viper ShizzIe > or do you have msn or something
 [ 2010.10.22 05:59:13 ] Bacchanalian > on gchat

Bacchanalian : yo
Viper: I need some form of collateral or I can't do this from you :3
12:01 AM
Bacchanalian : what do you want? I'm willing to do what I can
Viper: how much liquid isk do you have
Bacchanalian : I can come up with 10b from [edit] for this, but myself about 800m lol. I can contract you a t2 trimarked Bhaalgorn v0v
12:02 AM
Viper: lmao nyx account details
Bacchanalian : :accountsharing: like :EULA:
Viper: please
Bacchanalian : seriously, it's the one line I won't cross, my characters mean too much to me and I'm paranoid
Viper: SIGH
12:03 AM
I'm looking at my corpwallet right now
Bacchanalian : [06:01:30] Vader Crane > just chekked it has fuel and travel fit still going so youll have to scrounge up the isk somehow for the fit
Viper: if I send you 25 can you get both ships
12:04 AM
me: lemme ask [edit] if he'll pony up
Viper: "hurr I have VS on the line for a 25b scam"
Bacchanalian : lol he'll toss 8 in, I can snag another 3 from the corp wallet
Viper: hmmm can you give me rote forum access? do you have ~permissions~ for that
12:06 AM
Bacchanalian : only STIM forums
Viper: inc director where this has been talked about
Bacchanalian : in the alliance general section and alliance director boards, hasn't been brought up on the STIM boards
12:07 AM
Viper: alliance director section so vader can see it?
Bacchanalian : you mean this exchange
Viper: I mean you and cass
Bacchanalian : only in STIM director chat
Viper: and ty
Bacchanalian : I thought you meant Vader's fuckery
Viper: no oh I want that too
Bacchanalian : heh
Viper: man this blows trustin you~
Bacchanalian : he keeps teasing with "almost done"
Viper: I'm really having to think it over it's not even my isk that's the problem corpwallet will cover it
Bacchanalian : Re: And so it begins...
« Reply #20 on: Today at 01:12:12 »
75% then RL interrupted and will be interrupting tomorrow too since its my day off eve, will finish up when guests leave.
Viper: lmao sigh
so this can be done now correct? with np
Bacchanalian : yes, the titan is online
Viper: why is it online I don't evne
12:09 AM
Bacchanalian : he logged it in
Viper: name?
Bacchanalian : [05:59:11] Vader Crane > [edit] is logged in and ready If I see some iskies
Viper: oh it's on [edit]
Bacchanalian : yeah
Viper: I want a link to the ineve of your titan pilot eve-board or whatever not a lot of people have titan skilled characters lying around unused
Bacchanalian : [edit] had an Erebus, but sold it
12:10 AM
Viper: skillsheet~
Bacchanalian : lemme see if I can get him to send me the API, he just logged
Viper: I don't have evemon installed im on my mac :3
Bacchanalian : lol
Viper: what's the name of the pilot?
Bacchanalian : [edited]
12:11 AM
poking [edit] via txt
Viper: never used a titan
12:12 AM
Bacchanalian : aye, we used it to bridge[edited]
he had it up already
Viper: sigh how much do you need from me also how will I get this shit from you?
12:13 AM
Bacchanalian : where's convenient for us to exchange it? as long as it's not TXW it's fine by me
Viper: lowsec somewhere give me the isk value you require
Bacchanalian : 35-11=24
12:14 AM
we can set up an altcorp pos or something if need be have a few laying around
Viper: sigh this is complete trust you know
Bacchanalian : aye, I understand
Viper: to whom do I send the isk
Bacchanalian : Bacchanalian, I'll forward it to him and do the exchange
12:15 AM
Viper: sent, do me the favor and tell me now if it was a scam so I don't have to spend time wondering
Bacchanalian : you just paid for my Nyx. :P
Viper: hurr no really
12:16 AM
Bacchanalian : really
Viper: well played
Bacchanalian : that was work man I thought you were gonna back out on me
Viper: I shouldn't have done this while drunk v0v just the corpwallet
12:17 AM
Bacchanalian : lol
Viper: but really, straight up was a scam?
Bacchanalian : yeah opportunistic snag saw the chance, ran with it
Viper: in on it with vader?
12:18 AM
Bacchanalian : I asked him to withhold his loldramalogs for a day to see if I could milk it
cut him 15%
12:19 AM
Viper: man everything was screaming at me not to do it I don't even know why I did
Bacchanalian : heh, I kinda figured you wouldn't
12:20 AM
Viper: was dumb but whatever you were with vader this entire time right
Bacchanalian : aye
on IRC coordinating the chat
12:21 AM
Viper: lmao
12:22 AM
Bacchanalian : stroke of luck that [edit] had [edit] on EVEboard
Viper: man I stop playing and I lose my edge
Bacchanalian : c log in more tbh
Viper: we're totally not chill bros anymore
Bacchanalian : can we still bash Jade together?
Viper: v0v
12:23 AM
I mean I'm not even mad hold on IRC logs
[23:19] <LOPEZ> ViperShizzIe
[23:19] <ViperShizzIe> I am literally
[23:19] <ViperShizzIe> retarded
[23:19] <ViperShizzIe> jesus christ thank god I stopped playing eve
[23:21] <SobanVuex> how did u got scammed :s
[23:21] <ViperShizzIe> also I threw 24b down on an ereb + aeon
[23:21] <ViperShizzIe> which was p. much worth the gamble
[23:21] <ViperShizzIe> down payment~
[23:21] <SobanVuex> ~down~
[23:21] <ViperShizzIe> like a dumbass
[23:22] <SobanVuex> i can sell u nyx & erebus
[23:22] <SobanVuex> ~down pay me the nyx hull~
[23:23] <GrathTelkin> so
Bacchanalian : lol
Viper: I mean
12:25 AM
to be fair I do believe I called it lmao
not a chance
you did everything right though
you kept the amount low and realistic
you put a fast time table on it
12:26 AM
and you made sure that it was something I wanted
Bacchanalian : grr, I'm having trouble hosting my screenie of that isk transaction on imageshack
Viper: anyway madprops imma probably pass out
Bacchanalian : sleep well, thanks again, I was way in debt for that nyx
Viper: oh, how much?
12:33 AM
Bacchanalian : 30 total already paid a good 10 of it
Viper: ouch
Bacchanalian : it was all x-type and high-end officer
Viper: you would have had me for the 35
if you hadn't said you had 10
Bacchanalian : heh
I started to panic thinking you weren't gonna do it
Viper: and some of that actualy would have been mine :3
Bacchanalian : lol
Viper: now I just have to explain to elise
Bacchanalian : rofl
shit, I like elise
12:34 AM
Viper: why we have to wait two months for the corpwallet to be back up to what it was :3
12:37 AM
also hilarious story
12:38 AM
I've cashed 6 grand out so far
this game owns
nearly 7
Bacchanalian : lol
12:39 AM
brb, pouring myself a celebration pint of guinness

Hope you enjoyed. 


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Re: Scamming the Scammer
« Reply #1 on: 22 Oct 2010, 20:10 »

Heh, that's pretty awesome. Hope this doesn't get modded.

I think you were right to go for the twenty-four, being able to say you scammed VS is worth playing it safe.  :D


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Re: Scamming the Scammer
« Reply #2 on: 22 Oct 2010, 20:14 »

Heh, that's pretty awesome. Hope this doesn't get modded.

I think you were right to go for the twenty-four, being able to say you scammed VS is worth playing it safe.  :D

That was my thought.  Didn't know if this was the right place on these forums for it or not, and yeah, the language is a bit strong, but didn't know if it was over the top or what, I fail for not reading all the rules closely enough.  

EDIT:  If the language is the only issue, lemme know and I'll happily edit it out.  v0v

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Re: Scamming the Scammer
« Reply #3 on: 22 Oct 2010, 21:33 »

Well played.
Ghost > So yes, she was Ghost's husband-
Ashar > So Ghost was a gay Caldari and she went through tranny surgery
Ghost > Wait what?
Ashar > Ghosts husband.
Ghost > No she was - Oh god damnit.

He ate all of them
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Vlad Cetes

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Re: Scamming the Scammer
« Reply #4 on: 22 Oct 2010, 21:47 »

You sir, have made my day. Anyone scamming PL gets Vladpoints


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Re: Scamming the Scammer
« Reply #5 on: 22 Oct 2010, 22:35 »

I too, love this post. Pure awesome.

And in honour of the SHC types who were the victim of this, I shall simply say:



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Re: Scamming the Scammer
« Reply #6 on: 22 Oct 2010, 22:36 »

SHC types

I resemble that remark.     :(


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Re: Scamming the Scammer
« Reply #7 on: 22 Oct 2010, 22:38 »

SHC types

I resemble that remark.     :(

Well... I do to (as is evidenced by the fact that I knew to write such things). Although I'm mostly a lurker.

Ban '09s


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Re: Scamming the Scammer
« Reply #8 on: 24 Oct 2010, 13:08 »

Update:  according to a contact in MC, Viper had contacted them previous to my interaction with him to discuss terms for hiring them against Reaper.  Since my interaction with him, negotiations have shut down between MC and Viper owing to the fact that he can no longer afford their services.   :lol:


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Re: Scamming the Scammer
« Reply #9 on: 24 Oct 2010, 16:28 »

Update:  according to a contact in MC, Viper had contacted them previous to my interaction with him to discuss terms for hiring them against Reaper.  Since my interaction with him, negotiations have shut down between MC and Viper owing to the fact that he can no longer afford their services.   :lol:

Love it.

Alain Colcer

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Re: Scamming the Scammer
« Reply #10 on: 25 Oct 2010, 09:04 »

I've read this post on sunday....and have thought of it for a looong time..

Even if i ever see someone scamming Itsvaan for 500bill, i don't think i'll ever get "enjoyment" of such kind of heists/griefing/scams.

Cause the people who do them on a regular basis will just *shrug* if its performed on them, they will move on and answer "it's a game" without much trouble. Perfect example is Viper admitting it was well played and then thinking "i lost my touch".

For those who seek to scam/grief/steal, the real reward is getting an emorage answer from their victims, hopefully making them victims leave the game. Act as "natural selection" and weed the weak out of the worthy.

So within this context.....wouldn't have been more effective to just make this public? make the SHC and eve-o crowd laugh and point to VS for falling into your well orchestrated scam? wouldn't have you gained more notoriety that way?, not sure you are accomplishing anything here.....besides chestbeating i guess.

If thats the case, .....i guess i'll *shrugh* at it......cause there is nothing else, its just a game.


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Re: Scamming the Scammer
« Reply #11 on: 25 Oct 2010, 09:59 »

He cross-posted it to other forums too.


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Re: Scamming the Scammer
« Reply #12 on: 25 Oct 2010, 10:13 »

I've read this post on sunday....and have thought of it for a looong time..

Even if i ever see someone scamming Itsvaan for 500bill, i don't think i'll ever get "enjoyment" of such kind of heists/griefing/scams.

Cause the people who do them on a regular basis will just *shrug* if its performed on them, they will move on and answer "it's a game" without much trouble. Perfect example is Viper admitting it was well played and then thinking "i lost my touch".

For those who seek to scam/grief/steal, the real reward is getting an emorage answer from their victims, hopefully making them victims leave the game. Act as "natural selection" and weed the weak out of the worthy.

Actually, that's not quite the way I see it.  The pleasure of this didn't come from the thought that VS would tear his Ducks jersey off of his back and light it on fire in rage.  It was the pleasure of leading him around by the nose, and successfully pulling this off.  With lesser scams, yes, the victim's reaction upon discovering they were scammed is generally more interesting than the paltry few hundred million you pull from the effort, but this wasn't a case of scamming some random pubbie idiot.

That all said, for some people it rubs them the right way and others not.  To each their own really. 

So within this context.....wouldn't have been more effective to just make this public? make the SHC and eve-o crowd laugh and point to VS for falling into your well orchestrated scam? wouldn't have you gained more notoriety that way?, not sure you are accomplishing anything here.....besides chestbeating i guess.

If thats the case, .....i guess i'll *shrugh* at it......cause there is nothing else, its just a game.

Well fair's fair, this was posted as a bit of a chestbeat, because when my wallet blinked the other night I felt like pulling my shirt over my head and doing a victory lap around the house for pulling it off.

That said, reading through those logs, this is as RP as RP gets.  I was playing a role--in this case, the intimidated by PL friend of VS that wanted to do anything I could to both re-secure my own foothold in my alliance's leadership and to ensure that the gargantuan PL didn't come crush our puny insignificant alliance.  That role was specifically designed to reel VS in--playing to his ego as a big important man with lots of contacts and power, and yet playing to his sympathies in the sense that he was once higher up in his alliance's leadership than he is today, so he understands the notion of wanting to disadvantage another in order to advance his own cause.  If you care to look at the logs (and most won't, fair enough to that), you can see those aspects pretty clearly in the text.  From that perspective, it's probably slightly more interesting, particularly if you're someone who has interacted with me a fair bit in-game, to identify those sorts of threads in the logs. 

And yes, this was posted elsewhere.  Originally this was the only place I posted it, but I was asked about it on SHC and cross-posted the logs there, and some alliance mates of mine later insisted I post it to Kugu, so I did.

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Re: Scamming the Scammer
« Reply #13 on: 25 Oct 2010, 10:38 »

I don't see anything wrong with a bit of chest beating when something fairly impressive is achieved, and this was impressive in my opinion. For the target, amount aside.

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Re: Scamming the Scammer
« Reply #14 on: 25 Oct 2010, 18:38 »


I gotta drive up to Colorado just to hand-deliver a bottle of congratulatory booze for this shit sometime.

If only you knew where to go for this sort of roleplay in-character :P Such fun we might have, watchin' you machinate.
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