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The Blood Raiders are part of an ancient cultist faction called Sani Sabik, which first appeared on Amarr Prime thousands of years ago? Read more here.

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Author Topic: IG bios  (Read 10065 times)


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Re: IG bios
« Reply #30 on: 13 May 2010, 07:24 »

I like bios that give other players the information they'd get when meeting the characters - appearance, manner, voice (most of my bios don't live up to my own expectations /o\)
Silver Night > I feel like we should keep Cia in reserve. A little bit for Cia's sanity, but mostly because her putting on her mod hat is like calling in Rommel to deal with a paintball game.


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Re: IG bios
« Reply #31 on: 13 May 2010, 07:45 »

It's easier when drinking a beer with lime.


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Re: IG bios
« Reply #32 on: 13 May 2010, 07:48 »

I like mine to be empty.

Quote from: Tyrannis path notes
If your bio is empty it now displays "Here you can type in your biography"


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Re: IG bios
« Reply #33 on: 14 May 2010, 21:19 »

I like bios that give other players the information they'd get when meeting the characters - appearance, manner, voice (most of my bios don't live up to my own expectations /o\)

I'm afraid if I did that, I might hurt people.  Come to think of it, it might improve my killboard standings.

I'll consider that if/when I get back in game. :P

Zuzanna Alondra

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Re: IG bios
« Reply #34 on: 14 May 2010, 22:34 »

Oddly something I need to put in mine that I am always curious about is what language are people speaking?

It to me is assumed all of us have built in translators in our implants, but we are still speaking native tongues I assume?  And it's interesting to note if someone is speaking something other - like one matari corp mate I have is a freed slave and his first language that he speaks if you get him talking fast is Amarrian.

*note to update Zuzu's bio*  Fun little dialect of Intaki ftw.

Kaldor Mintat

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Re: IG bios
« Reply #35 on: 15 May 2010, 05:12 »

Oddly something I need to put in mine that I am always curious about is what language are people speaking?

It to me is assumed all of us have built in translators in our implants, but we are still speaking native tongues I assume?  And it's interesting to note if someone is speaking something other - like one matari corp mate I have is a freed slave and his first language that he speaks if you get him talking fast is Amarrian.

*note to update Zuzu's bio*  Fun little dialect of Intaki ftw.


Question is though would those translate other languages if you have learnt them?

This would explain commonöly known greetings in as an example Intaki and caldari during communications. Have seen a few discussions about that in the past.

lallara zhuul

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Re: IG bios
« Reply #36 on: 17 May 2010, 13:06 »

The 'flavor' greetings are just people trying to be special.

Nothing more, nothing less.

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Alain Colcer

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Re: IG bios
« Reply #37 on: 17 May 2010, 14:43 »

The showinfo on a character presents a great deal of information from the time the pilot became a capsuleer, so i mostly fill the text description with a dossier of origin and general background before that happened. Not in the format of a intelligence profile, but more as a wikipedia entry of a known individual.

What i wish we had is about 10-20 more lines available to write, i remember it was cut down to save space on the database, but it we were given like an additional 200 characters would be great to add better formating and line breaks.



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Re: IG bios
« Reply #38 on: 19 May 2010, 11:46 »

Clear all formatting of text allows you to have some more visible characters.

Is seems that it using a sort of bbcode/html markup around the text and although this isn't visible it's still present and eats up characters.

An example would be.

Name: Darina
Occupation: Space nun

Is what you see and is 14 characters on line 1 and 21 on line two. But in reality it's more along the lines of

(p)(b)Name: Darina(/b)(/p)
(p)(b)Occupation: Space nun(/b)(/p)

Which suddenly increased the number of characters drastically.



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Re: IG bios
« Reply #39 on: 03 Jun 2010, 21:44 »

I use the Bio as an intentional space that my character can use to send messages to people who might see me in local and do a query.

It says things like "Hows My Flying? Did I just shoot at you? We're NRDS, so it's because you're red or I thought you were engaged in an act of piracy or support of slavery. If you think there's some mistake, get in touch with our diplomats...."

I find it distracting when people post stuff in their Bio's that I wouldn't know if I hadn't met them face to face. I can see how this reduces bandwidth requirements when RPing, but one of the things I particularly like about Verone is the feeling I get for his character's presence from his every Emote, rather than having it written in his bio.

(Does that make sense?)

I really like meeting people and getting to know them by the way their character is played - the mannerisms and use of emotes and language. It feels a bit like a Bio that describes that cheats a little. That said, I realise that sometimes it's a lot of work portraying a lot of stuff repeatedly when people who know you could just take it as read, so I'm not a purist about it.

Adult to 4y.o "Your shoes are on the wrong feet"
Long pause
4y.o to adult, in plaintive voice "I don't have any other feet!"

Ashar Kor-Azor

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Re: IG bios
« Reply #40 on: 08 Jun 2010, 11:57 »

The 'flavor' greetings are just people trying to be special.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Christ, I thought I was curmudgeon enough for everybody.

The flavor greetings are just people trying to inject flavor. It's only when they get stupid or stupidly overused that it gets kinda ><


Ashar's Opinionated Bio Bullshit:

Do share information you want others to know. Everyone has a GalNet footprint, and GalNet is a lot thicker than our internet, a lot deeper. This google doesn't forget.

Don't put shit in there that's restricted information, though. I don't want to just be handed all your secrets. If you're gonna do that, at least write me an enjoyable story. If you make it long, I probably won't get through it and your secrets will be 'safer' from people outside your smallish group of regular playmates, who will probably read up on you extensively and thus gain an appropriate level of insight into your character's life.

Do consider providing essential facts. Very few are strictly necessary. Lately I've had a hankering for little things like height and degree of corpulence/anorexia, so I can emote better in relation to all these people of unspecified shortness and chub or intentionally run into someone's twelve-inch, spike-filled eyebrow piercing and make blood shoot everywhere. IF you don't provide these things, be prepared to tell people the relevant facts a lot. You'll be asked.

Don't just give one unit type for something like height. Or weight, if you're the sort that finds it relevant. I want the torque of your goddamn robot arm and the size of your new 'augmented' chest provided in units I can comprehend at a glance; if it's complicated but necessary, most people will fuck it up otherwise. Having your audience fail to grasp a fact central enough to go in your bio is to be avoided.

Do put things into your bio that people repeatedly ask of you, IC or OOC. It's wise.

Don't stick a slew of weird-ass formatting in there if you're trying to impress people. It's a bit more impressive to read that in a link where you're not running into a character limit and can actually think about composition - or how about some nice website design? It can be real easy, you know - just open a blogspot account or get on Gmail and publish a document. If you're going to share information with me, you can skip the weird ASCII characters fucking everywhere that look like you just went through a character map and cobbled together the WIERDEST shit - at least hold off until you can find a way to develop some useful information interspersed with your abuse of punctuation and symbolsets. A simple [characteristic goes here] before a colon will do for starters.

Do have a sense of humor about the thing. OOC info, ASCII art, links to your OOG and OOC art page full of comics, all that shit can go in there and no harm done. Not everything is required to relate to roleplaying. We like jokes and pictures same as the next man.

Don't get incensed at people who miss resources you claim are crucial to understanding your character if you fail to link them somewhere readily accessible - your bio, for example. Got a story or blog post or news item that defines your character, that is required reading for people who want to have meaningful interaction when they get past acquaintance level? GUESS WHERE THAT SHOULD GO.

Don't tell us your character's life story in paragraph form. It always looks fucking weird and is usually far too compressed. If your character can be summed up well enough to roleplay with in a paragraph composed of public information strung together from simple research someone else might conduct in-character themselves, maybe we'd like to be given the opportunity to meet them without the temptation of reading up on your little miracle of elegance and simplicity and having to ACT like we're encountering a novel personality for once...Oh, and especially don't do it in the first person. "I'm Jack, let me write all about my childhood for a few sentences" always comes off like you're reading the diary of some mentally damaged individual who intermittently forgets who he is if you try to consider the information presented in bios in IC terms. Some people do. Throw them a bone.

Do keep the information blurb, or the novel, or whatnot that summarizes what people would find from taking a hard look at your character's track record SOMEWHERE. A notepad or a blog post or a private google doc, perhaps?

Do give us some indication of whether you're reachable if you tend to turn autoreject on/are one to have a lot of people to talk to. This is an environment of dynamic attitudes - some folks, especially newer ones, can't tell if you're merely busy in fleet or something, or if you're blocking the passers-by at random today or just too cool to talk to the plebs in general. As rude as it is to ninja-convo someone into an unneeded podding, it's arguably pretty fucking silly not to say 'I'm a bit hard to reach today, kids, but evemail makes everyone happy,' or whatnot.


Do consider that your bio is a PR public face. Misleading people with it for the sake of better roleplay might be useful or entertaining for everyone involved, or it might not. This is potentially a very handy lie receptacle or soapbox. Leverage it.

That's all I could think of, I guess.
« Last Edit: 08 Jun 2010, 12:13 by Ashar Kor-Azor »


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Re: IG bios
« Reply #41 on: 08 Jun 2010, 17:09 »

Do keep the information blurb, or the novel, or whatnot that summarizes what people would find from taking a hard look at your character's track record SOMEWHERE. A notepad or a blog post or a private google doc, perhaps?

Get out of my brain.

Er, I mean, yeah.  I do this.  In addition to the basic stuff I've got up on EVElopedia, I've got information blurbs saved off line for the poor souls who express an interest in taking those hard looks.

While the public intel's more or less static, the rest of the blurbs aren't one-size-fits-all. For example, if Poor Soul #1 says "I've got ground-level contacts in the Lutesse Planetary Defence Force.  What can they tell me?" he/she'll get slightly different information than a hypothetical Poor Soul #2 who's said "I've got high level contacts in Federation Administration.  What can they tell me?".

Do I have all of the answers to all of the possible questions figured out in advance?  Er, no.  I'm crazy, but I'm just not that nuts.  I continue to learn things about my characters when I'm forced to think through the answers to the questions people have for me.

I ran into a situation like that just this week, at the tail end of a Heiian College conversation about how unwise it was to let demons name one's children (unfortunately, I didn't log it)-- Stitcher asked Celeste what her name meant.

While I already knew the answer to that question and I figured Celeste knew the answer to that question, I didn't know how Celeste'd wound up being given the name by her parents.  Never had to think about it, you see.

So, in exchange for making me think, damn him, Stitcher got a little story about how Celeste got her "star-graced" name because she was born on the same night as a meteor shower fell on her family estate.  Not that her family believed that boded grave portent:  they were mostly annoyed that everyone was away at the hospital when the antique fire suppression drones failed to keep the hay barn from burning to the ground after a meteor crashed through its roof.   Celeste went on to suggest that she first developed her interest in drone technology because she kept being reminded of this story ad nauseaum throughout her childhood -- and she wanted nothing more than to make sure drones (and technology in general) worked like they supposed to so situations like those would never happen again.*

*When I was later thinking about this pulled-out-of-thin-air story, I said to myself "Oh, crap.  This helps explain the nature of Celeste's teenaged rebellion, her subsequent Senate career, and even ties into the shape of Vieve's childhood nervous breakdown after she set the Ishukone rep on fire.  Damn.  And why can't I do this shit so easily for the stuff I get paid for?"


GoGo Yubari

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Re: IG bios
« Reply #42 on: 08 Jun 2010, 18:07 »

The 'flavor' greetings are just people trying to be special.

Nothing more, nothing less.

But Lal, everybody is special.


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Re: IG bios
« Reply #43 on: 08 Jun 2010, 18:17 »

"Hey, baby, ever done it with a demigod?"
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