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Author Topic: [Character] Miyoshi Akachi  (Read 3237 times)

Miyoshi Akachi

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[Character] Miyoshi Akachi
« on: 11 Dec 2016, 10:06 »

// start of file

Name: Miyoshi Akachi
Nationality: Caldari
Gender: Female
Bloodline: Achura
Date of Birth: 9th Jan. YC93 (Age 23)
Place of Birth: Saisio III
Occupation: a bit of everything

Hairs: Dark, dyied blonde
Eyes: Blue
Height: 170 cm
Weight: 63 kg
Build: slender

From an experience of nearly death, she has been reborn. Faster, toughter, better.

After graduating from the State War Academy, she worked as a freelance capsuleer for the Caldari State and the Caldari Navy. Curious, she had, from time to time, wandered outside the 'confort zone' of Caldari space; in one of this little side trips, she had stumbled into Thera. There, she met a person and things slowly started to change.

After settling her things and getting ready, she had disappeared from the Empire space, heading toward the unknown.

She lives now in Origin and has just opened the Stargazers Resort, a new resort on in the north of Renaissance.

The change of life, of place and the new people and custom she had met, had changed her behaviour, bringing her away from the strict Caldari woman she was groomed into be.

In YC119, she founded a new corporation entity called SunRise Creations.

During early YC120, her public appearances outside Origin diminished to null for unknown reasons, in the wake of a period of low activity that turned in a period of total absence.

Between the end of YC119 and the Origin eviction, she supported a one-page newspaper called "Origin Stories". It came to an early end in the wake of the Origin destruction.

In YC120, Alexylva Paradox had been evicted from Origin and the Stargazers Resort had been closed and left behind.

It is reported she had left Alexylva Paradox sometime after the eviction. No reason given, no further plan given.

Actual wereabouts unknown.

Suicided in YC121.

This character has died. She has suicided because there was nothing keeping her in a world without color. What she created has to be considered lost or destroyed.

Past and Present
Good morning (Only a few people might know of this good morning IC)
Love, before and now (Personal toughts mainly)
Flying or flying
A visit home (Only a few people might know IC)
Biking in the wilderness  (Only a few people might know IC)
Looming shadows (Personal moment between Miyo and Syn)

About the Stargazers Resort:

Wild mountains, green forests, white snow-capped peaks. In the north of Renaissance, the weather is a cold one. During winter, everything is coated with snow, everything is frozen and the sun gleams on the white coat. During summers, the forest is green and bright. It's a wild environment with its own beauty. Up there, three spires of gleaming metal and glass rise from the forest and peaks. The sun shines on them, the water trickles down them, the snow caress them. It's a resort born from a dream; the dream of one woman. She had envisioned a place to relax and rest, away from the cosmopolitan society of Renaissance but without losing anything of the best comforts that can be offered by the modern society. Gyms and spas, conference rooms and dance halls. One enters and can leave everything behind, just for a few days or weeks. And when looking outside; the wild beauty of Renaissance greets the visitor.

In-game channel


About the SunRise Creations:

// end of file
« Last Edit: 13 Jun 2019, 05:38 by Miyoshi Akachi »

Miyoshi Akachi

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Re: [Character] Miyoshi Akachi
« Reply #1 on: 19 Jun 2018, 04:39 »

Added a few lines about the last few months' developments.

Miyoshi Akachi

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Re: [Character] Miyoshi Akachi
« Reply #2 on: 13 Jun 2019, 05:41 »

So, while I wait for YC 121 New Eden Capsuleer’s Writing Contest results, I feel it's time to put a end word to the character I created and loved.

The last work had been thought as a final chapter of her story, carrying all the grief, the anger and the complete solitude it had been experienced. One last piece.

I hadn't been the best rper around, far from it, and I did mistakes, but I tried to create something, be part of something but in the end, no one cared and, as time passed, I felt more and more pushed away by the community to the point nobody even talked to me.

I'd like to thank the rp community for never answering my requests for help, for never trying to reach out for me but simply ignoring me as a poor demented, in the end letting this character die in solitude as there was no reason to live and fly.

I wont delete the account because there are stories that were part of contests, won prizes and people might still like to read them. I'm still proud of every single piece I wrote.

I still love the EvE Universe and its lore, I'd like to write again; however, for as much I want to start anew, I can't with this name.

Myoshi Akachi stops here and this profile is its tombstone to remember.


December 2016 - June 2019

Ché Biko

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Re: [Character] Miyoshi Akachi
« Reply #3 on: 21 Jun 2019, 06:08 »

I'm sad to see you seem to have taken "The Fall of Origin" so hard, despite that we've not been completely evicted. I've heard you have a grudge against ALXVP now. I wish we could have given you what help you needed. I would have given you some (more) if I could have but I, like many in our corp around the time you left us, had RL to attend to. But I don't think it's fair to say we pushed you away, and that no one cared. I mean, here I am, not ignoring you like a poor demented.

I don't want to say that your feelings about the community are unjustified. I don't know all that you have experienced. But I do feel that you are painting things more black than they are, at least a little.
I remember your char at an RP event, playing the wall flower, and still get equal if not more attention than my char. I remember you winning a prize and an honorable mention at the some writing contest, and your venue being chosen for the gala of another. I remember me trying to get a corp and friends get-together at the same venue. I remember feeding you stuff to write about in your Origin Stories.

I never pushed you away, I tried to help and reach out, and I think there have been others too.

I hope any and all of the grief, anger and solitude you have experienced will die with the character. I hope you'll produce more writings you'll be proud of.

Peace, old comrade.  :cube: