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direction of eve storyline ?

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Hmm what to say that hasn't been said yet already...I will add on that I, too, have no interest in the whole Jove/Drifter/Endhuehueuhe/Triglav story arc CCP seems intent on pushing. My interest in EVE sparked with the grimdark and cyberpunk atmosphere of the main empires and various subfactions.

I try to do what I can with the other peeps in I-RED to promote this original fantasy, but alas, there is only so much we can do to fill in for what CCP has left in the dust. S'all good though, we can still find ways to have our fun :)

Silas Vitalia:

--- Quote from: Mizhara on 11 Jun 2018, 21:04 ---Someone else put it brilliantly. "EVE is showing what happens when you don't have a story team. It means your game becomes incredibly shallow."

--- End quote ---


Incidentally I was recently discussing similar with Revan in another venue, it's a real shame that CCP decided to flush it's IP down the toilet. 

Have you seen the fucking Cyberpunk 2077 videos? Look what they can do with an old IP given proper treatment by people who give a shit.  One must weep when they think of what World of Darkness could have been.

Yeah, that was literally one of my first thoughts on Cyberpunk 2077's E3 trailer. "This is what Eve could be inspiring in the minds of the players." It's basically Eve: Dirtside for me. Gods I can't wait for that game, every article about that 'behind locked doors' 50 minute demo almost got me gibbering with excitement about it.

Eve has such amazing potential as a setting and a game world, but nope. Seasonal ratting events and Derp Jove/Spaceballs Clans. Woohoo.

Silas Vitalia:
I think this might be a case of something not knowing it's already dead?

They've kind of found the minimal dev input to keep the plex train / whales going and will farm it out until the point it becomes unprofitable.  Literally every spinoff CCP has tried to do has crashed and they keep doing the same things wrong.

Don't even particularly care about the spin-offs. They're fucking the main franchise up by forgetting what the fuck it once was. It was about New Eden and its gloriously "dystopian heaven" setting where you and the rest of the mad gods got to be great and small kings and wastrels in a living cluster, watching it happen around you as time passed.

Four superpowers clashing, skirmishing here, forging peace behind glassy smiles there while the guns were drawn under the table, Insorum bombing someone, heirs invading feds and so on and so forth. The universe lived. Now it's... static. Even nuking the god damned Empress did nothing. It's the exact same status quo.

I know this is rosy tinted glasses. Little actually changed in the past either, but it somehow managed to pretend that it could. It kept up the illusion. The powers felt like they could flex muscles and do something. I think it's safe to say that right now, New Eden feels quite simply like a game, not a world.


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