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That Julianus Soter founded Synenose Accord, a capsuleer corporation dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of w-space and the Sleeper AI?

Author Topic: The Deep, Deep Dark  (Read 2325 times)

Pieter Tuulinen

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The Deep, Deep Dark
« on: 11 May 2013, 18:35 »

Explaining my hiatus.

For RL reasons, I am spending a month more or less outside of Eve. Not wanting to shunt Pieter off to do paperwork or something similar I've decided to do something a little more dramatic.

I'll be adding to this tale as time passes and releasing other information containing clues as to what happened.

The Deep, Deep Dark

Years of education before the first implants, before they trust us with so much as the bare bones Ibis or Impairor and years more of constant learning follow. As Capsuleers we feel our ships far more than any pilot ever has in the long history of flight - but really, how much do we know about the second to second operations within the vessels we crew, we command, we become?

We stretch out in the direction of the gate, we divert power from our weapons to our engines and we set our reactors to full - but all of this is merely a complex method of swimming whilst manipulating sliders in our heads - the real functions, the physics behind all of it, is completely opaque to us. It needs to be or, even in our augmented state, we could never handle the sheer flood of data.

Expert systems pick up some of the slack, the majority of it if the truth is told, computers autonomously handle more of the decisions and data aboard our ships than the majority of us would be happy with if we thought seriously about it. Crewmembers handle some of the abstracted and pre-processed information - highly trained specialists focusing on their little pieces of the puzzle - whilst the summary reports and the most abstracted and interpreted sense data flood into our neural pathways. Information superhighways a hundred lanes wide with a speed limit in quadruple digits and it's always rush hour.

As usual, when the problem occurred, it was an expert system that detected it.

Distributed processing has, time and again, proven to be the most efficient and effective means of handling the computational load onboard a starship. Even if a single computer could be built that would be able to handle all the data and computations required to run a whole ship, it would be both more expensive, less efficient and more prone to damage in combat.

So it is that, onboard the Caldari State Cruiser Dread, the pilot's desires were converted by a nested hierarchy of computer systems to specific commands and then executed by lower level systems and crew.  In response data was escalated up the chain where it was converted into reports and sensoria data and fed back into the pilot.

It's at the level of the Expert System that data meets context to produce the first real opinions. Expert Systems lack the flexibility of a human mind, but they can come to conclusions on data much faster than a human being - and they can present those conclusions to the Capsuleer in charge of the vessel far quicker than any mere human.

But their reasonings aren't as nuanced as those of a human crew and so...
« Last Edit: 11 May 2013, 20:48 by Pieter Tuulinen »


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Re: The Deep, Deep Dark
« Reply #1 on: 13 May 2013, 07:46 »

and so....?

Shintoko Akahoshi

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Re: The Deep, Deep Dark
« Reply #2 on: 13 May 2013, 08:31 »

This will be playing out in real time, Anslo. Just wait for it...


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Re: The Deep, Deep Dark
« Reply #3 on: 13 May 2013, 10:22 »

OH oh ok, I get it now. Sorry ><!

Pieter Tuulinen

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Re: The Deep, Deep Dark
« Reply #4 on: 13 May 2013, 16:48 »

Sad truth is that I don't have much time to write either. >_<

So it'll take a month for everything to get uploaded. Meantime some stuff I prepared beforehand will be making it's way out through some Pyre members, I imagine.

Shintoko Akahoshi

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Re: The Deep, Deep Dark
« Reply #5 on: 13 May 2013, 17:31 »

And we'll be making some stuff up that you didn't have in mind, too...

His flaming black eyes looked into hers, his voice low and throaty.

"I will have you."

His eyes glanced down to the fragment of sleeve remaining on her right arm, ripping it away and dropping it on the floor.

"I need you. I won't wait any longer."

Lifting her up from the couch, arching her back, he dropped his head to her chest. He grinned as he bit at the buttons closing the remnants of her grey provists shirt, severing the thread with sharp teeth.

"Pieter", Diana gasped, "it's not right to take our attentions away from the struggle against the Gallente threat..."

He laid his right hand over both of hers. "Don't be embarrassed or ashamed. All of you, every part of you, everything you are; I want, and I need, and I crave." He gently pulled her hands down to her stomach. His burning eyes roamed over her body, her chest, her commemorative Tibus Heth locket.


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Re: The Deep, Deep Dark
« Reply #6 on: 13 May 2013, 17:50 »

And we'll be making some stuff up that you didn't have in mind, too...

His flaming black eyes looked into hers, his voice low and throaty.

"I will have you."

His eyes glanced down to the fragment of sleeve remaining on her right arm, ripping it away and dropping it on the floor.

"I need you. I won't wait any longer."

Lifting her up from the couch, arching her back, he dropped his head to her chest. He grinned as he bit at the buttons closing the remnants of her grey provists shirt, severing the thread with sharp teeth.

"Pieter", Diana gasped, "it's not right to take our attentions away from the struggle against the Gallente threat..."

He laid his right hand over both of hers. "Don't be embarrassed or ashamed. All of you, every part of you, everything you are; I want, and I need, and I crave." He gently pulled her hands down to her stomach. His burning eyes roamed over her body, her chest, her commemorative Tibus Heth locket.

My sides. Oh god. My sides.

Pieter Tuulinen

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Re: The Deep, Deep Dark
« Reply #7 on: 13 May 2013, 23:18 »

Shintoko, the scary thing about that is the perfection with which you executed the genre.

Applause. Of a sort. ;)

Also, we must talk about a collaborative writing effort when I get back, albeit in... uh... a slightly different milleu.

Lithium Flower

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Re: The Deep, Deep Dark
« Reply #8 on: 14 May 2013, 05:49 »

And we'll be making some stuff up that you didn't have in mind, too...

His flaming black eyes looked into hers, his voice low and throaty.

"I will have you."

His eyes glanced down to the fragment of sleeve remaining on her right arm, ripping it away and dropping it on the floor.

"I need you. I won't wait any longer."

Lifting her up from the couch, arching her back, he dropped his head to her chest. He grinned as he bit at the buttons closing the remnants of her grey provists shirt, severing the thread with sharp teeth.

"Pieter", Diana gasped, "it's not right to take our attentions away from the struggle against the Gallente threat..."

He laid his right hand over both of hers. "Don't be embarrassed or ashamed. All of you, every part of you, everything you are; I want, and I need, and I crave." He gently pulled her hands down to her stomach. His burning eyes roamed over her body, her chest, her commemorative Tibus Heth locket.

Very well written. I almost felt it.
Almost.  :roll:


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Re: The Deep, Deep Dark
« Reply #9 on: 14 May 2013, 09:23 »

His burning eyes roamed over her body, her chest, her commemorative Tibus Heth locket.
I lost it.

Pieter Tuulinen

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Re: The Deep, Deep Dark
« Reply #10 on: 20 May 2013, 00:17 »

A hushed conversation hisses amidst a nest of twisted metal. A man and a woman lay wrapped in cabling and, at times, pressed to the warped deck by trusses of melted steel - somewhere between here and gone, the CSC Dread drifts in the deep, deep dark.

"I'm cold, Hara." the man whines petulantly and her reply is soothing, although with a slightly mechanical tone, born from too much repetition and, perhaps, from a lack of foundational belief. "It's not that cold, Mikkal, you'll be fine. Life Support is maybe fifteen percent from optimax in this section."

The man pulls a face, the conversation serving only to distract him from the numbing cold. Ice crystals sparkle on some of the exposed structural members, and that places the temperature differential at far more than a mere fifteen percent. Although his nose and ears are a fiery red, his  fingers thread fiber-cable dextrously through the blackened cable runs.

"Do you think there's even any point, Hara? We've not heard anything from Colonel Tuulinen since the incident." the question jolts the severe-faced Deteis woman from her monotone, soothing, replies and she goes so far as to put the sensor probe down as she wriggles to face him. "The XO said that we're still getting some sort of signal from the pod. It's drawing power and the telemetry we're getting suggests there's activity. Don't count Tuulinen-kirjuun out yet!" her eyebrows frown, the stresses on her naapani vowels fierce in the limited space and Mikkal raises a hand as if to ward off a blow. "Fine! Fine!  I'm just worried the XO's sent us out here on busy work to keep us from worrying..."

Facing away from the angry looking Hara, Mikkal buckles down to threading cable. A fizzing pop, a minor short that sends shards of reddish light dancing along the buckled cable run and then there is the calm, pulsing, blue of functionality. Mikkal gazes at the traffic monitor, seeing the green lines racing up to indicate the activity on the restored line. "Well! The XO wasn't lying, look at all the signal here! What's Tuulinen-haan doing?"

Hara applies the sensor-probe to the node and samples the traffic, hoping for the first contact with their commander, needing the cool order of checklists, the suppressed excitement of combat instructions... Mikkal watches her as her pale skin whitens still more and her eyes open wide in shock. Frustrated at her for witholding he pushes her again "What's he doing? What's he saying?" but she can only stammer "He's... screaming..."

« Last Edit: 20 May 2013, 09:40 by Pieter Tuulinen »


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Re: The Deep, Deep Dark
« Reply #11 on: 20 May 2013, 06:51 »

Currently biting finger nails as my popcorn heats up O_O

Pieter Tuulinen

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Re: The Deep, Deep Dark
« Reply #12 on: 23 May 2013, 13:17 »

Suspended in the ichor, Pieter hangs in darkness. The sobbing screams of pain have just retreated and the ectoplasm of the pod begins to calm, thick roiling eddies where his limbs have fruitlessly thrashed at it for purchase ebbing away. He seeks for context in this stygian, rudderless world - with no light, no gravity and no sensor impulses to help him make sense of what is happening.

Already he has lost track of how long he's been here, his body having to cast back to the tank of his birth for any similar period of immersion, but the sensory deprivation is the lesser of the evils waiting for him - the stabbing pain at the base of his skull nothing compared to the jangling chaos that awaits him if he tries again.

Still, he begins the mental exercise.

At first he gathers the loose threads of data concerning Section 00, the pod. Order begins to coalesce from darkness as the status reports build him a picture - of the coppery taste of blood in his pod fluid, the slow amber warning of building impurities beyond life support's ability to filter. His mastery of this limited domain comes quickly, along with the warnings about his physical condition. The burns. The brain damage. The scarring. The slight wasting of muscle mass.

He shakes his head, once more pushing back the rising tide of panic and begins the ritual anew. The first thought calls up the system diagram of the ship and a gateway leads from Section 00 to Section 01 - the virtual portal rimmed with amber and red sigils declaiming that the area beyond is damaged, evacuated and compromised. He pushes on anyway, the still-functional systems node accepting his presence. As each node is added to the web tantalising avenues appear for exploration - sensor feeds, instrument clusters and memory banks - but the majority of these are corrupted and smashed, neon warnings splashed across their icons.

Finally he reaches sufficient complexity of control to consider stepping up a level of simulation, the sense of expanding out of this limited bubble of control similar to that of taking a deep breath and stretching. The Civire hesitates - countless times he has taken this step and each time the damage and his injuries have resulted in a nauseating and brutalising confusion of sensoria data, followed by the crushing surge of damage control data represented as a physical assault, each crippled spar a broken bone, each hull breach a gaping wound and each pocket of hard radiation a searing burn.

As he gathers himself for the inevitable a greyed node flickers orange. Corrupted. Limited in bandwidth. Accessible. Tying this new conduit into the net he discovers a wealth of restored networking, a tenuous and tentative pathway into the rest of the ship, a breadth of context he'd feared lost forever. Above it all the flow and sussuration of user access, of human activity - frenetic, frenzied even, but purposeful. Sane. Slowly he begins to draw the threads of this activity together, tying the scattered working systems into a functional network using his own communications backbone. Another sharp stab of nausea, the tide of data pressing against his battered mind, but the network holds.

And so, finally, he takes a deep breath, stretches and is surrounded by stars once more.

Katrina Oniseki

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Re: The Deep, Deep Dark
« Reply #13 on: 31 May 2013, 20:36 »

Sensory deprivation panic ... deactivated capsule ... where have I heard this before?  :D  :cube: