EVE-Online RP Discussion and Resources > EVE Corporation and Alliance Development

Help plan Nikita's future alliance

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Myrhial Arkenath:
Yep, you will need the amount of members and time active before you can have your logo, I tried to ask nicely but CCP is immune to my charms and sticks to their rules  :cry:

As for a corp and alliance, Ghost Festival / Naraka draws upon Buddhist traditions (is what you get with Achurans and half-Achurans in charge :P). You could draw upon your own character to go with a theme, if you wish to continue with keeping that part of your RP that is.

You could also look at what activities you will be involved in: Naraka combined combat with industry in equal measures. Stillwater focusses on combat, and does exploration too, not sure if the latter is officially part of the repertoire though? Casiella is working on some project which is industry / exploration in nulsec. Pick a name suiting to what you will be doing.

One last thing you could go with is where your niche will be. All of the previously listed corps are different and fill their own niche. A successful corporation will try to fill one that is either unique or under-represented. Do I need a niche, you ask? Well, you could start very generic and go from there, but having a niche will aid in forming your vision, two things vital for corporate survival. In fact, if you were a real business and had to wrote a business plan (which you need to present to a bank to get starter funds) vision and niche are required to be written down. Mind you, that is a starting point though, if you notice along the line that things do not work out then -- just as in real life -- you can review your business plan.

Saede Riordan:
Myrr: I'm not really sure what specific niche I want to fill, other then to be a major angel alliance, something that people can see on the sov map, and recognize by name dropping.

Also some additional names for namestorming:
Future Tense
Future Shock
Shadow Aspect

Aodha Khan:
You might want to check out channel ´Angel Cartel´ for other pilots allied with the Cartel.

Myrhial Arkenath:
Holding sov / 0.0 is a niche not filled so far, so there you go, you've found yours  :D

Also why is there an Angel Cartel channel and I didn't know about it / am not in it.  :eek:

Aodha Khan:

1. It was created after you joined Veto?
2. You didnt pay enough attention to Stillwater signatures?
3. You didnt get an invite yet due to not working/communicating with other Angel pilot corps?


1. Expand Angel Cartel space (similar to Providence, Amarr).
2. A pirate corp/alliance which actually has positive standings to its faction.
3. A pirate corp/alliance which actually considers enemies of its faction its own enemies.
4. A pirate corp/alliance which lives inside its factions space.

Corners are always cut, sacrifices made for an easier form of gameplay which really makes the current groups just like any other non-RP corp/alliance. Option 1 and 4 are really difficult but points 2 and 3 are just RP basics imo. As far as I am aware there are no pirate faction groups which do any of the above.


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