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The 'Crystal Boulevard' of Caille is both a high end shopping center and a vast shield of manufactured diamond for bunkers underneath?


Silver Night

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Glad the news articles are continuing apace! Not my favorite so far, mostly because I'm pretty over Caldari Prime as a plot point - I thought it was implausible back during the whole TEA fiasco that the Caldari would take it and I don't think continuing to focus on it is very interesting for advancing Caldari lore. I think that the resolution we had was fine, unless they are planning on using it to introduce Nova stuff (which would have some symmetry, as it was used for DUST)? That could explain the vagueness about getting a new security contract in place.

That being said I like that this could be read as implying that relations between the State and Fed are thawing a little.


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I have to concur, I do appreciate that there is a steady supply of news articles for us to enjoy. However, I do agree with Silver that utilising Caldari Prime as a plot point is akin to flogging the festering corpse of a long deceased horse. By all means, more stuff is great, but I do feel that maybe we could use more information on worlds of significance to the Caldari State that are... in the Caldari State. We know so little about worlds such as New Caldari Prime, Saiso III, the various headquarters of the megacorporations etc. A vast amount of room exists for creativity and a breath of fresh air and I'm slightly disappointed that hasnt been realised yet. Move on! New Empire stuff please! And yes, let us have some co-operation between the Fed and the State for a while. A Khrushchev Thaw would be nice after the ~Berlin~ Caldari Border Zone blockade.

I really hope that this isnt a means of providing further justification to the militia war or something else, as it doesnt make much sense for the Legion to abandon a lucrative, prestigious contract on manpower grounds as it has been reported years ago that the Legion had been seeing record enlistment rates from both the Caldari and the Gallente in the form of veterans and serving personnel retiring to take up a Legion post. It kind of also screams of unprofessionalism from an organisation that prides itself on professionalism and executes individuals that seek employment with them for unprofessional raisins that they would act in such a cavalier fashion to their employers, especially with a sensitive issue like Caldari Prime.

And yes, despite me agreeing with Silver on this this doesnt mean that he isnt a filthy Sansha sympathiser/supporter hnolku that deserves nothing less than immediate transportation to Yulai for public execution <3.


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I'd like to know the status of the Kaalakiota Peaks and eastern forest.    How bad is the crash site?  Did the forest burn down? 

Cold Wind lived in the peaks, Heart-Of-The-Forest in the forest.   If these are gone it is a big deal.

I bet the name of the Dark Forest Business club is most likely inspired by the philosophy of the recent best selling Dark Forest trilogy.   It could be shoe horned onto Lai Dai easily enough.

If the of home of Heart-Of-The-Forest is burnt down due to Kaalakiota's incompetence the name of the Dark Forest Business Club  could be interpreted with more significance.

It could be a double entendre referring to Lai Dai's adoption of the Practical's mercantilist philosophy and a finger pointing at Kaalakiota for why they are doing it.

To my knowledge it has never been confirmed if the terraforming of Caldari Prime is IC or OOC knowledge.   It would be nice to know what my character knows about a race defining bit of lore.

I also would like to know what Ishukone found in the archeology site exposed by the titain crashing into the Kaalakiota mountains.   Was it info on the terraforming or does it have something to do with the precursors?  Or both?

I agree with the sentiment  of more knowledge about bother Caldari world's I'dke to know these things before just dropping Caldari Prime all together. 

I'm very interested in Kamokor IV the homeworld of Moedu's Legion.
« Last Edit: 12 Sep 2019, 11:11 by purple »
You are RPing wrong.

Ché Biko

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I consider the CP terraforming to be IC knowledge due to what is written in Source about Arcurio:
When initially established, the settlement of Arcurio grew up around a network of four enormous atmospheric processing arrays, leading to the formation of four distinct wards in which employees who were responsible for maintaining the hardware and ensuring its remained online at all times lived and worked.
Regardless of the fact that these four arrays were decommissioned and dismantled almost 400 years ago, the 4 original wards of Hiishara, Bukkaido, Kotowaari, and Okuuda, named after the respective arrays, still remain and make up the central district of Arcurio,
I also read that the atmospheric processing is still ongoing.