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Silver Night

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New news article!


I like that it clarifies what happens to crew in W-space, and also mentioned the possibility for static backups. I think I'd lean toward that being mostly senior crew? Though maybe it depends on the podder?


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Given we've had Devs say softclones are rare even among capsuleers due to the prohibitive expenses and difficulties, I'm having trouble imagining baseliners getting those as a matter of course, whether senior crew or not. This seems odd in that regard.

Silver Night

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Could be continuing advances in the technology - and it does say it's provided at a discount. Like, when it was fresh tech it was super expensive, but the cost has come down rapidly (look at things like DNA sequencing or flat screen TVs). Also, the word on cost was one of the infamous Falcon Reddit pronouncements IIRC, which is worth keeping in mind. Based on this it might be that it still isn't viable without a subsidy from the capsuleer or some other source of funding though.


  • Prophet of New Eden
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Possible, I don't know. It just smacks of that trend of people wanting to remove the human consequences for failure in New Eden. "Lol I can just welp this ship into enemy X Y and Z because it's automated/clones/whatever". It's a kind of disturbing trend, really.

Samira Kernher

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I imagine that kind of safeguard is too expensive for the average crew member, even with reduced rates for space crew. Only something available to a few particularly rich members of the crew. Static backups also don't negate consequences in my eyes. as there are still negatives inherent in it.

Overall, I liked this article.


  • Wetgraver
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Also worth noting the current lore czar, CCP DelegateZero, seems to like the bleeding edge of cyberpunk shenanigans. Think of it this way: static backups and widely-available but expensive cloning implies advancement of the art, but also continued social stratification, and further yet all of those messy social situations that arise when meat and mind don't necessarily match up.

Think of this as a broadening of the 'synchronizing' first put forth in Inheritance, but now subject to all the wild and grisly elements of human interaction, all the hierarchies and sociopathic detachments that happen when there are power imbalances.

Ché Biko

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I would also attribute the increased availability of soft clones to advances in technology and some cost reduction. Consider the DUST soldiers and Valkyrie.

Quote from: Frigates of EVE
Eventually in the last couple of decades, cloning became a realistic and stable enough process to allow those with the vast wealth required for such a complex process to ensure the continuation of their lives should the worst happen.
Today many public figures, politicians, actors, heads of state, and other celebrities have the option to effectively insure their lives with an almost criminally expensive cloning contract that enables them to safeguard their future.
Similarly, most military personnel who serve as crew onboard vessels belonging to the various navies of New Eden are mandated to fly with a basic clone that is backed up every three months at the end of their service rotation. This means that if they are killed in the field, they lose a maximum of three months' memory and training, and can be redeployed into service as soon as they have been assigned to a replacement vessel.


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That, and the article basically says, "crew losses are up, way up, and all-hands losses are now very normal."

So, sure, it gives an out, but it also says, "things are getting nasty out there."

Silver Night

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That, and the article basically says, "crew losses are up, way up, and all-hands losses are now very normal."

So, sure, it gives an out, but it also says, "things are getting nasty out there."

Could even be a bit of an explanation for the total mismatch between losses and like, any possible level of human population in the Cluster. Plus, to your point, I feel like there'd still be a lot off trauma associated with losing however-many months of your life. Both for you and the people around you.


  • Wetgraver
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Quite so, Silver! Lots of fodder for P&P, even. :3