Oh, I definitely agree. The scary parts of F.E.A.R is of the 'cheap' kind, but it still scares me. Especially those I didn't see coming. When you went down that latter, only to see Alma stand just where you had been, two seconds ago? Then going down just to find Fettel in your face? Almost crapped myself the first time around. And when she came out of the cubicle? Scared the living bejeebus out of me.
Not to mention that the first time around, there was definitely suspense. A lot of levels where I just kept waiting and waiting for something to happen. Not knowing where or when, but
knew something would happen... except it didn't. Not that level.
F.E.A.R 2 absolutely, positively sucked when it came to the horror part. Why? Because they made Alma completely and utterly... mundane. In the first game, there's only two places where she can actually kill you. Both relatively easy to avoid. And yet... she
still scares me when I spot her. In the vents. In the offices. Anywhere. In the second game? She can kill you every time she shows her face, pretty much... and she isn't scary at all. Why?
Because you can just cave her face in with the right mousebutton. What the hell? No, seriously... What... The... HELL? Alma went from scary as shit, because she never actually touched you in the first game, but left corpses around like confetti everywhere else... to just yet another mundane enemy you could fight. And WIN against.
Fuck quicktime events. Fuck them right in the eye. The console tards that found those fucking things enjoyable should have been shot in the face before they managed to taint PC games with that bullshit. Sure, the game was released on consoles too, but that doesn't mean you have to ruin the damn game for PC users. We're used to better than that bullshit.
* Mizhara goes off to a friend's house to beat him over the head with his own PS3 controller.