The thing Aodha that makes it really difficult to do what you suggest is that, in order to have anywhere near the numbers needed to support a large 0.0 alliance, you can't rely simply on RPers, there just aren't enough of us. Maybe it will change with Incarna, but I said maybe it will change with Empyrean Age and it really didn't, it just legitimized the current RPers.
So with people who don't give a damn about RPing making up at least a third of the alliance on a good day, probably more, there will be people ratting, so it makes more sense fiction wise to be in someone elses backyard, Probably Sansha's. The other problem is that there is no way to gain legitimacy within a group like this, there is no way to build a power base. RP alliances are always smaller then normal ones, and trying to do ANYTHING in the south means either bluing up or going single handily against the entire southern bloc. In 0.0 politics, you really can't just do your own thing, cause as soon as you start to get uppity, the kids with the bigger sandcastles will come stomp yours back into the dust.
With that in mind however, there are still things I could do, I could blue up with the Southern Bloc, ignore RPing and let them go attack rats that are presumably my comrades with gleeful abandon. I could pick a target that could be held by my group on its own, and slowly pushing outward from there, trying really hard to avoid Jenga-ing the entire Southern Coalition down on top of me.
Or I could do what VETO does, have a smaller alliance of entirely loyal RPers and live out of NPC 0.0.
with all that in mind, I'm glad this discussion is going on, and its helpful, but the original point of this post was to come up with an Alliance name, and I still need help doing that.