I have close to zero interest in battlefield, as it has always been the case for me... Not much into FPS/Shooters. But it sure looks very nice... And that's it. Gameplay looks gimmicky, at best.
I was surprised to see that ME4 finally announced. But it sure shows very little, I suppose they chose to showcase mostly concept arts turned into a video... The concepts are interesting but... the video is pretty much vapid in my opinion. Commander Shepard/X looking for a nice spot of vacations ? Please... Ah well, I'm glad that's a spinoff but totally different story. I don't think sequels are a good thing, especially when there has already been a full story released in 3 titles. Let the old story die in peace, and create a new one, I hope, much better (but I do not hold my breath...). In any case, if it keeps what made ME greatly immersive and impossible to drop without finishing it...
I was a bit hyped by the new Tomb Raider. Mostly environments that were shown, but that looks promising, and brings a lot of variety (I really liked that samurai island in the first one, but it turned quickly pretty much the same thing all over, unlike say, an Uncharted). I really like that new reboot.
Ahh Mirror's Edge 2, finally. Lots of long expected sequels... Always a nice art/visual slap in the face. I'm hyped, as I have always been. But they have very high standards to match/reach with the first one as a baggage.
Fallout 4 ? Looks very interesting, but open worlds... not my thing. Never really got hooked by the setting as well, much like TES.