For those I am coordinating things with, I think I just became easier to coordinate with and contact by getting a new job. At least, I think I got the job. Being told to come in Monday to fill out the paperwork, tax forms, etc., means I am hired, right? I have never had such a casual interview before. No standard interview questions, no 'you're hired,' just immediately started talking about paperwork and schedules. I think the person who referred me essentially got me hired before I even showed up.
But anyway, if anyone ever wants to coordinate things with me I will be available on the weekends now once my two weeks are over at the old job. And brainstorming and such things are underway for the new Caldari-run venue (not Caldari only) if any other Caldari want to be involved. I am hoping to get a total of four or so operators to help with moderation and that sort of thing.