Drug production is pretty painful.
You and Vince have cleared up my question on this. I'll keep it in mind for the future, but for now it's not looking like the way to go.
Lets start with your TZ what is it to begin with? Can't really help with this until you share.
I usually don't log in until 2200 PDT, so 0500 GMT I guess. After classwork is done. I think this is typically viewed as 'OZ Peak Time'.
Is Nissui your first character?
Yeah, though I have a market/hauler alt on a second account which has been inactive for over 6 months. I started out doing all the tutorials, was bored with missions, heard on reddit about ninja looting and decided to try that, which was the most interesting gameplay I had experienced up to that point. While I was losing a ships here or there trying to get missioners to fight me, I got tapped via PM to try a PVP corp for scrubs, and that ended up being the best decision I've made in the game. I didn't get to do a whole lot other than scouting, due to our WTs being very shiny, but it was exciting and enjoyable. Eventually we had an itch to try some new directions, but ended up parting ways. So I've burned those bridges, unfortunately. There's talk of solo PVP being a thing, but I am not good at finding it, probably because I am reticent to throw ISK away on fights I know my ship can't win. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
As far as RP-derived gameplay being the cart before the horse, I believe understand what you are saying. I'm quite happy with her personality and backstory, and get the
gasface when I think about retconning in order to fit in with established groups.
This means I am snowflaking, and it's my own fault that I'm bored.
I appreciate your time and effort in addressing the thread, though. I've yet to have a negative experience here on the board or in OOC communications.