Seismic Stan of tweetfleet fame has just brought this ( ) up on twitter. In my Reddit nubness I had completely overlooked this bit of news, so I thought it best to bring it to the attention of people, like me, who may not be as au fey with the widespread social media side of eve online.
Having looked at the moderators decisions, evidence presented and having attempted to filter out the partisan politics of the whole thing, it really does seem like TMC vote gaming was silly, completely not required and has actually hurt a main source of views and attention grabbing in the long run. I find TMC to be well written and presented, regardless of a personal distaste for some staffers, and surprisingly unbiased on matters concerning goons (though not completely unbiased).
My take away form this is that it was likely a silly initiative on the part of some writers who wanted their content recognised, rather than some illuminati-like quest for upvotes (and thus ad revenue). I believe this to be the case because TMC is already big, has a reputation for being 'the only good news outlet that isn't a single voice blog' and was clearly popular enough to be monetized before all of this kicked off. It doesn't make sense for TMC to push the up vote agenda, but it does make sense for individuals to feel the need to 'support the brand' - especially if they are not big picture thinkers or of importance to the organisation at large.
What are your thoughts? Feelings? Opinions? Preferably outside the 'lul Gewns' element - this is precedent setting for the eve subreddit, and the flow of media around the web form our fragment of the MMO-verse.