I fear I might be repeating myself here, but as we grow and take in more pilots, ideas become easier to put into words.
This post is a bit more on what we are aiming at OOC.
We want to create an alternative. A non aligned RP corp, that explores what capsuleer-hood means. (And yes, we will take those that do not RP, long as they happy with what we do). Which is obviously different to different people.
Although we won't exclusively be mercs, I have always seen capsuleers as mercenary, or freelancers. We get paid to fight in the stead of others. Be it by baseliners or capsuleers. Even our industry empires are rarely subject to loyalty beyond the corp. Highest bidder wins. And thus I felt that taking contracts, when they suit us, is in line with what capsuleers are and essentially what they were created for.
A bit aspect of what we want to do, is support each other in our private goals. This is more difficult since often goals and older sympathies do not align. I look forward to exploring this aspect and finding solutions should there be opposing views. I believe that as long as people act with respect, a middle way can be found. On a larger level, this also means we stick together, as Vince has pointed out.
At the moment we also do not have a whole list of rules, our code of conduct is a guideline. Although this might become more solid, I believe that these will never have to become rules, if I look at the pilots we have attracted.
Again, some of this might be a repeat, but I hope if helps clarify our OOC goals somewhat.