Regardless of this Syria debate,
Some of you people's answers make me awfully sad as a human.
I see a lot of cold souls and lack of compassion, and a lot of 'it's not in my backyard so I could give a shit."
I'm not saying intervention or violence is necessarily the right answer, but some of these responses I've actually found a bit shocking for a lack of empathy at other human suffering.
It's easy to debate and worry about the finer points about GDP, the UN, 'blood and treasure' from our cushy houses, full bellies, and safe borders.
You people have everything. Many parts of the world have nothing, live in fear, and bear violence daily. A little compassion goes a long way to changing how these things are looked at.
The right things done even for the wrong reasons are still good sometimes.
I think I am cold. I don't mind that label. Actually, I like it, at least as opposed to "emotional", or "hot-headed" (I am not implying this of any posters here), which are two traits I would argue have caused much more harm than strict calculation.
Yes, I have a generally full belly and a reasonably comfortable place to sleep. I also happen to work around ten hours a day, often six days a week, with fairly nasty chemicals, in order to keep those things. Is that a better life than many people in Syria get? Sure. Is it also a lot worse of a life than many others get? Yes. But that doesn't matter. Correct judgments as to optimal choices for a country have little to do with my personal comfort. If every person in Syria dies, I will not sleep one degree more uncomfortably than I do now, and if every last person was resurrected to peace and happiness tomorrow, I would not be one whit better off...and neither would you, except, perhaps, emotionally. This is true unless one of our countries decides to destabilize the region and blow a few tons of Syria and Syrians into small pieces, which, (worst and best case scenarios above be damned) I can guarantee you, will result in a lot of people in either country being a lot worse off.
And no. I have no empathy, and no compassion. I do not care about the Syrians who were gassed, and I will not care if more are. I'm not trying to be offensive, I simply do not understand why one would form an attachment to someone whom you have no interest in.
But I do know this: Syria is currently caught between Assad/Iran, and a rebel army now largely composed of Al-Qaeda and other Islamic fundamentalists. If we topple Assad's government, we are going to inflame Iran and weaken the position of its new, more pro-western leader. We are going to give the religious leaders of the Shiite sects - including in Iraq - a lot of reasons to suspect that we have it in for them. We are almost certainly going to create an unstable state which might well adhere strongly to the ideals of the Taliban - who are a hell of a lot worse than Assad. We are going to exacerbate ties with Russia, and give Putin even more ammo to consolidate his position as dictator atop a swell of anti-western sentiment.
And we are going to spend a hell of a lot of money that we do not have.
This is really, really, not a good idea.