Thank you for the support and well wishes.
The real-life issue that was stressing me out has lessened a bit to the point that I'm optimistic and not dreading the worst.
There are some things that I still need to think upon; I do want to push forward with the Ebon Rose concept, I guess I'm at that point where there isn't much more I can do and am trigger-shy. That is something that I have to sit back and reflect upon, but hopefully won't require stepping away from the game.
Given how I'm feeling now, I'm thinking most of this was a result of stress and adjusting to three new medications along with the current meds I'm on plus stress of real-life. Going to see how the next couple of days progress. Personally, I don't like the idea of stepping away...not so much for the game itself (it's a beautiful game and I do enjoy spaceships and explosions), but more for the RP and just interacting with you all. I realize RL is important and comes before games...I tend to lean towards extremes when under stress or when I don't have all the facts before me. Still, wanted to let you all know what was going on and not just vanish without warning.
I'll keep you all posted on what's going on. Ideally, everything will continue as is and this was just a moment of drug-induced panic
Thanks for the voices of support and such and should any of you need someone to talk/chat/vent to/at, I'm around.