Like I said, you have to turn off critical / rational part of your brain or you won't make it 5 minutes into the movie. Once you let yourself be a kid you will be more than excited about giant robots physically bashing in giant lizards, instead of the more 'realistic' concept of them being blasted from a safe distance.
Seriously though, on a giant ten-story screen, the monsters, robots, and spectacle of $100 million of CGI budget are extremely impressive and absolutely worth your time. Watching it at home on your big tv will be decidedly 'meh'.
Despite thoroughly enjoying the monster bashing here are the spoiler criticisms:
I think I would have appreciated some alterations to keep the 'world' of the movie self consistent. Movies like this quickly set up their own 'rules' for how the world works, and you get on board and as long as it stays consistent then you can roll with most anything.
If I'm going to build giant robots to physically punch and kick giant monsters, give me an explanation of why this is necessary and why shooting them doesn't work too well (Their hides are too thick for our conventional weapons! We have to bash their brains in its the only way! Sure, ok, I'll go with it).
If that's the case that you build giant punching robots to do this, then don't give the damned robots ranged weapons that they use on the monsters. In some of the fights there were 'finishing move' sorts of things with missiles or giant plasma arm cannons, etc. You better believe if I have a giant plasma cannon I'm going to park the thing a mile away from the kaiju and blast his brains out from a distance, etc.
Sometimes there were giant robot sized special cutting blades (swords, etc), ok sure! That looked neat as hell, I'll roll with it....... althoug I'm still going to opt to build one of these giant cutting weapons and put the thing on a catapult and fling it at a monster instead of attaching it to something that is going to get munched on.
I think what I've often preferred in many of the Japanese versions of these things is that the giant human mecha have an awesome array of crazy weaponry; lasers, guns, missiles, who knows what. The hand-to-hand stuff sometimes happens as a last resort, but in like Robotech most of the time its flying around and blasting people.
I would have preferred a little more 'assists' during the Kaiju fights - lots of little planes and tanks and missiles and I don't know, creative ways to show it's more of a military team effort. maybe we get to see the kaiju being blasted a bit before the mecha come in to 'finish it' who knows.