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That one of the primary exports of the Amarrian Theology Council is booze? (Theology Council in-game info, Market Activity tab).

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Author Topic: Evil is Crazy and Crazy is Dangerous  (Read 6770 times)


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Re: Evil is Crazy and Crazy is Dangerous
« Reply #60 on: 30 May 2013, 08:31 »

So you admit that your post saying how 'everyone who interacts with Istvaan believes he is a suave...' etc was a complete misrepresentation, Isty? :P


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Re: Evil is Crazy and Crazy is Dangerous
« Reply #61 on: 30 May 2013, 08:40 »

...a near total disregard for her own safety once in the pod.

Wait, that's a thing? I though that was par for the course, what with capsuleers being near impossible to kill off, ships being replaceable and crew being irrelevant, and all that.

You mean you hadn't noticed the incredible risk aversity that seems to have permeated capsuleer combat?  :P

Sarcasm over the internet training progression: 0->1 10% complete...

Yeah, I know. Sadly. I am cursed with having lived in an age where it was not nearly this bad  :bash:

Still, from an IC P.O.W, the risk aversity is an anomaly - everything is fleeting and utterly replaceable. BB often wonders about this, and not knowing how IRL people playing a game think, just chalks it all up to cowardice mostly. It's not improving his moods or world views much.

Hmm, maybe he will end up with some serious issues eventually.


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Re: Evil is Crazy and Crazy is Dangerous
« Reply #62 on: 30 May 2013, 08:43 »


"Eve roleplayers scare me." - The Mittani

Lyn Farel

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Re: Evil is Crazy and Crazy is Dangerous
« Reply #63 on: 30 May 2013, 08:57 »

Quote from: Quinzel
Haven't vivisected any tourists yet or etc.

You know, you're not the only one who has do deal with this:

Quote from: Quinzel
I have serious anxiety problems . . . I worry that people get the wrong idea that I act out for the sake of being edgy or whatever

No, I 'act out' because I'm terrible at roleplay and a lot of bad ideas don't occur as such to me until after the fact. Not because I actually want to be RPing a psychopath, and it irks me that half the community seems gleefully quick to slap around mental illness as a form of ad hominem, and as 'proof' that nothing my character says is actually valid. It took a while to sort of 'get the feel' for the way I wanted to characterize Saede and yeah I did some derpy ass shit with her initially, but it would be cool if that one thing didn't get pulled up ever 10 minutes as 'proof of my badness' while ignoring everything else I try to do in favour of poking holes in my RP.

If you guys just want me to leave that badly, just say so.

People will always use everything they have at their disposal to win an argument or beat down an adversary. That's to be expected. Be it mental illness, past acts, various other ad hominems based on the organisation you serve, or even made up things.

If I had an advice to give when dealing with crazy transhumanist ideals or things like that, it's not to spill the beans directly at the first occasion. Over the 5-6 years I have played Lyn, nobody exactly knows what she really believes in. Just be evasive, give hints here and there, before being sure to have enough support to stand for what you believe in.


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Re: Evil is Crazy and Crazy is Dangerous
« Reply #64 on: 30 May 2013, 09:07 »

So you admit that your post saying how 'everyone who interacts with Istvaan believes he is a suave...' etc was a complete misrepresentation, Isty? :P

Perhaps a past tense would have been apropos :p

In the end, old Istvaan is a sexier, deadlier version of me. I did pattern his mugshot after mine, rather well if I say so myself. In many ways, the character reflects my life. When he was forcibly thrust into the role of a megacorp CEO, I myself was working as a dental tech - a job I really hated, but made out well doing. When he did GHSC stuff, I was pursuing a journalism career - a more personal indulgence, than a concerted effort to build savings/a future. Nowadays, Istvaan doesn't do much except fuckloads of drugs and making an embarrassment of himself, whereas I myself am in a stage of life where I've said "fuck it" to the whole concept of work and earning, smoke tons of pot, and don't do much of anything else. Good ol' depression.

Much like with Istvaan, I see everything as a joke with no point or punchline these days.
« Last Edit: 30 May 2013, 09:20 by hellgremlin »

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Re: Evil is Crazy and Crazy is Dangerous
« Reply #65 on: 30 May 2013, 11:42 »

An intentional effect.
When I read this , I was like, "See, it was all an act so people would underestimate him.", but then I read the rest. I liked being wrong in this case, though.

On a side note: Do you like The Comedian (Watchmen)?

Victoria Stecker

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Re: Evil is Crazy and Crazy is Dangerous
« Reply #66 on: 31 May 2013, 08:27 »

Stecker is/has been a pretty terrible attempt at using some sci-fi-ish psychosis to justify a highly flippant and random character and because it was fun for me to play (there was probably some attention whoring in there too). Looking at it, it's not grounded in reality, it's hardly respectful to people who actually suffer from mental illnesses, and I'm not sure what kind of changes I'd have to make to make the character worth playing again.


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Re: Evil is Crazy and Crazy is Dangerous
« Reply #67 on: 31 May 2013, 09:04 »

On a side note: Do you like The Comedian (Watchmen)?

I think I could drink with him.
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