I almost downloaded the Eve client this weekend. I resisted the temptation. Anyways, I wouldn't have the time these days, and that is something that has sabotaged previous resub adventures. You do need to play quite a lot to get anything like a worthwhile experience out of Eve.
Yeah, I've been thinking of downloading it and at some point in the near-ish future I will just to check up on the new stuff and get a feel for things. My return will probably be short-lived, but there's the off-chance what I see might inspire me so I'll probably want to give that chance.
The point about the time investment required to get to the really good stuff is valid, though. It's also difficult to find a serious PvP squad which would be open to a more casual engagement schedule... and not getting into a serious group will probably lead to me just getting out that much faster. Conundrum.