She'd be able to get her minions to obtain it without many people knowing or info leaking?
You don't need to introduce hitherto unprecedented phenomena to have secure comms. Fluid routers, for example - which Tony can't seem to wrap his head around - cannot be intercepted.
Alright, fine.
How else would she find the Cannon? How else would she be able to tell them how to use it? How else would she be able to know the Terran Depot's location? How else would we have been able to explain the Other and further flesh out the Sleepers lore wise as a race?
Sorry, but this was all interesting to me. It's nice to see some unexplained and very advanced phenomenon in New Eden and not have to deal with hurrhurr human dramaz.
Also, speaking of the Other, wasn't her telepathy explained via her clone data's interception by said Other and modification? Hell it's 2013 and we already have electronic tattoos to enable telepathy. Why couldn't the Other, a wholly infomorphic being, intercept her and modify her electrochemically to allow for what we may PERCEIVE as telepathy, but what is in fact simply very advanced science.
We all supposedly have these comm implants in our heads along with plenty of other doodads. What's to stop the Other from giving Sarum the ability to read and translate electrochemical systems and reactions in humans in response to external stimuli (i.e. the brain doing such and such chemically/biologically to show OH SHIT IM SCARED)?
Answer: Nothing.