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Author Topic: [Character] Ava Starfire  (Read 2095 times)

Ava Starfire

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[Character] Ava Starfire
« on: 12 Jan 2013, 07:32 »

Name: Avlynka Tarkya Surionen
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Height: 1.63m (Approx 5' 4")
Weight: 58 kg (Approx 127 pounds)
Place of Birth: Ko'mak Peninsula, Mikramurka, Matar
Date of Birth: YC 78-10-13 (36 years old)

Avlynka "Ava" Tarkya Surionen was born to Tarkya and Olno Surionen of the Star-Fire clan of Mikramurka, Matar, a primative clan of the Ko'mak Peninsula. Upon receiving her Voluval, a smallish mark known as "The Autumn Star", she was destined to become the pupil of her Clan's shaman and eventually follow in her footsteps, though due to poor life choices and the ensuing fallout which separated her from her Clan for many years, her education did not formally begin until much later. During the past couple of years, since she began to work for, or closely with, Electus Matari, Avlynka has calmed immensely, and tries to be far more aware of what she is saying, and doing, at all times.

Ava likes to think she has matured, and is able to handle her responsibilities, though several people she respects deeply have, at times, indicated to her that they do not think she is fit for the position of shaman. Ava is a proud woman, but these conversations have caused her no small amount of doubt. Avlynka has recently stepped into a new role, the role of a parent, adopting - legally - a four year old Sebiestor boy named Mitja Orvalka. This combination has served to calm her even more, and Avlynka spends much more time at "home", which may refer to her native home on Matar or, sometimes, to her apartment in Gelfiven. Ava has adopted the attitude that the Minmatar people should look forward, let go of the darkness of their past, and move forward, a goal she avidly works for.

Ava's favorite food is a Sebiestor treat known as "vya", which is made from raspberries, syrup, and spices. She also loves any form of Intaki chicken curry, and creamsicles.

Ava's favorite ship is, of course, the Wolf, a ship she knows so well, and is so well known for, that Boundless Creation engineers know her on a first-name basis; she routinely tests small upgrades and experimental attachments designed by Boundless, and her flights are monitored by them at all times by a data uplink.

Ava loves to swim; she is an amazing swimmer, and loves the water so much that she refuses to stay in any station, even for a day, that does not have some sort of pool she can take a dip in. She also loves to fish or collect seashells, or in short, do virtually anything connected with water.

Avlynka has been married once, a failed marriage to an odious Brutor named Forok Hakuli, and engaged before him, to a young man who died before their wedding date who's name was Uro. Ava, nearing 40, has given up - mostly - on any thoughts of marriage, and instead devotes all free time to her studies, her son, and the pursuit of creamsicles.

Ava's hero is Evanda Char, a woman she has never had the pleasure to meet, but who gave Ava much hope during her period of incarceration. Ava also thinks very highly of Elsebeth Rhiannon, a respect which she indicates by referring to her as "Else ma'am". The two, to Ava, embody everything there is regarding Sebiestor intelligence, determination, and grace.

Ava usually wears a simple tanktop, to show off her marks, or a knee length tunic - of course, embroidered with a large Sebiestor tribe symbol - and her usual black leather, or, if she is feeling more casual, loose-fitting camo pants, or a long, heavy Sebiestor coat-dress for more traditional occasions. She will - reluctantly - wear a more "modern" dress if the situation demands, though will not be happy about it.

Ava is extremely proud of her marks, and while many Minmatar have far more, she takes pleasure in knowing her Walk has been productive. Avlynka finds the current fad for non-Matari to get "Minmatar tattoos" distasteful, but usually attributes it to a lack of understanding on the part of the person, not to intentional disrespect. Minmatar who wear a mark and who have not earned the right to do so under traditional guidelines, however, will receive a hostile reception, if she even really talks to them at all.

Ava herself, sometimes, receives cold or even hostile reactions from other Minmatar, due to some features, such as her hair, which betray the bit of Amarrian ancestry she has. To Ava, this is very hypocritical, as most Minmatar likely have some measurable amount of Amarrian blood in them, but is something she takes in stride, now. She was formerly quite ashamed of it, but has since come to accept it as simply another factor which shaped her family and her Path.

Lastly, Avlynka has some sort of allergy to an ingredient in Zippies™ brand snacks, an allergy which manifests itself if she eats more than a couple of them at a time; they will act as a very powerful stimulant. Doctors have told her to avoid Zippies™, but as Ava simply loves them, she will occasionally allow herself to indulge.

« Last Edit: 21 Feb 2013, 07:53 by Ava Starfire »


  • Egger
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Re: [Character] Ava Starfire
« Reply #1 on: 12 Jan 2013, 14:32 »

Excellent face! Minmatar scare me, but in a good way.  I understand Ava has an addition to her “family”.  I wonder how she feels about Gallente adoptions of Minmatar orphans?

Ava Starfire

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Re: [Character] Ava Starfire
« Reply #2 on: 13 Jan 2013, 08:24 »

Excellent face! Minmatar scare me, but in a good way.  I understand Ava has an addition to her “family”.  I wonder how she feels about Gallente adoptions of Minmatar orphans?

While Ava, overall, dislikes Gallente culture, she would grudgingly admit that the child would be better off with Gallente parents than no parents. A dear friend of Ava's, a fellow Gradient member, is just such a person, a Minmatar raised by Gallentean parents... though of course she would overwhelmingly prefer them be raised in the Republic, and receive a proper Tribal upbringing. Anything less, of course, results in the poor child growing up "uncivilized".  :lol:

Laerise [PIE]

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Re: [Character] Ava Starfire
« Reply #3 on: 13 Jan 2013, 11:51 »

What about Amarr 'parents'?  :lol:

Ava Starfire

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Re: [Character] Ava Starfire
« Reply #4 on: 13 Jan 2013, 12:18 »

What about Amarr 'parents'?  :lol:

They, and the child, must of course die for the greater good.

Laerise [PIE]

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Re: [Character] Ava Starfire
« Reply #5 on: 13 Jan 2013, 16:31 »

What about Amarr 'parents'?  :lol:

They, and the child, must of course die for the greater good.

Which greater good are we talking about?



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Re: [Character] Ava Starfire
« Reply #6 on: 13 Jan 2013, 21:41 »

Anything less, of course, results in the poor child growing up "uncivilized".  :lol:
:eek: Well of course!