I guess... the game is what you make of it.
I started Eve in 2004. by around 2006, my computer couldn't handle the game very well, and I turned to autopilot space trucking and a bunch of roleplay to keep myself happy. Eve, for me, turned into an expensive chat room. As fun as Eve was for me, almost none of it was because of actual game play.
What Roberts is doing with SC is bringing back the epic space shooter, and adding to it many of the amazing immersive things Eve promised, but failed to deliver a decade into its existence. Sure, the art directing is weak, and yeah, the back story is generic, but guys... Spaceships!
How many of you dreamed of being Kirk, Spock, Scotty, etc? Whom of you can say you don't secretly want to be Adama or Starbuck? Yes, right now its WWII pewpew fluf, but in a year or less, it will be so much more. At some point, it will be whatever you want it to be. If you want to sit in a fourm and roleplay, by all means, please do. If you want to jump in the commander station or one of the turrets of my bomber while I make a run on a hardened target, more power to you.
This game, even in its infancy, brings me back to my childhood. The utter joy experienced behind a flight stick combating the evil Kilrathi, or the Shivans. Trucking loads of luxury foods to New Detroit, or shooting gate hackers in liberty space. Setting off from Arth to discover the secret between the galactic supernova. I'm not saying that SC will be the be-all end-all videogame, but bit by bit, its becoming the game I've always wanted. Perhaps in a few years, they'll have a large, procedurally generated universe, with planetary exploration, but for right now, considering its *just* a dogfighting engine, I am content.
Eve, as a game, became too expensive and too boring for me. I'm not saying you should leave her for SC, I'm saying give SC a few hours of your time. Don't worry about coming up with a back story and character--Just jump in and have fun... I'll save a seat for ya'll.