All I gotta say is I joined a free-flight (sort of an open world game session you can fly around with no enemies and just practice landing and zooming around) session with a friend last night, and we had an awesome time.
Landing on the space landing platform, figuring out how to get in and out of our ships, EVAing over to the partner's ship through space, amazing visuals like, my ship piloted by my friend hovering above the landing platform, i jump off of the platform and EVA towards the ship in zero G, and then he spins the ship on its axis so the 'top' of the ship is pointing down towards the landing platform, then getting into the turret, flying around and pew pewing other people. Also lots of hijinks and laughter with the game bugs, some unexpected self-destruct sequences blowing up people on the landing platform, it was all super, super awesome. Even got surprised walking back to my loading ramp of my Cutlass by someone who had boarded my ship (with no ill intent just poking around), and I reflexively pulled out my handgun and popped him without even thinking.
It's still buggy as hell, but good lord that was fun.