That Julianus Soter founded Synenose Accord, a capsuleer corporation dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of w-space and the Sleeper AI?
Don't kill me.
I like the implications of Gallentians being punched in the face by walking up to a Minmatar as they so freely use another person's culture as a fad.
You didn't undock a bestower yet, so we cool.
It was an inside joke between Ava and I. I'm sorry I used you as a medium in that regard.But you are right, that reminds of that video of 10 haulers pwning a Vagabond.
Hi new person. EvE has now claimed your soul, you may check it at the door. And I believe the standard offering of weapons and coffee, tea, beer, or boosters has been made, so that catches everything up. Oh, and if your character is female, avoid Esna, he has a harem, unless you like that.