There are several remaining extreme differences between RL natural resources and EVE resources:
First, while it is extremely difficult to run off with a country's worth of natural resource, a well-placed spy could steal enough to literally end the game for one alliance - or equip another for a full campaign. Conversely, since it is impossible access resources in EVE once someone else has mined them, the main point in invasions-for-resources - to bring enough control over a region to actually harvest those resources - becomes moot.
Second, once secured in a private hangar, EVE's resources are literally impossible to embezzle/steal/etc. Consequently, important assets would rapidly become tied up in the private hangars of a handful of awesomely powerful moguls, with the current trends of ship replacement by nullsec alliances being moved into full-on "ship issuing".
So, tl;dr - invading for resources rapidly becomes pointless. Instead there will be a brief golden era of spymanship and sabotage as various groups attempt to grab as much of each others' stuff as they can before everyone wakes up and it is all moved to CEOs' private hangars/alts. From this point on, those CEOs and moguls run alliances by issuing ships, but even this would largely be moot - the most damage that could be done would still be through spymanship and sabotage, via having spies steal individual ships until the number add up.
And, if nothing else changes, we'll soon see rookie ship blobs again - because loosing 300 rookie ships will still be less damaging than loosing 10 BCs.