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That crews from destroyed capsuleer ships make up a substantial part of Blood Raider harvests? (The Burning Life, p. 59)

Author Topic: CVA Recruitment: 1st Praetorian Guard [1PG] - The Imperial Navy is recruiting!  (Read 2708 times)


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The Imperial Navy is recruiting!

"Surround yourself with the faithful, Stand together, for there is no strength like it under the heavens."
The Scriptures, Book of Missions 71:21

The 1st Praetorian Guard [1PG] is opening the ranks. 1PG is an Amarrian Imperial Navy-affiliated Special Operations unit, created to bring a highly mobile and elite strike force onto and behind the frontlines. 1PG only allows superior and blessed ships of Amarr or Khanid design. All and only faithful Amarrian citizens of pure True Amarr, Ni-Kunni and Khanid bloodlines may apply. God is with us! We are the Lord’s Chosen People.

To learn if you are faithful enough to join our ranks, study the 'Book of Prayers and Devotians for the Reclaimer' as published under authorization of the Praetorian Guard.

New recruits within the 1st Praetorian Guard start in the honored rank of Discipulus. Earn your promotions to the rank of Munifex and the elite rank of Immunis through specialized training exercises, trails and the destruction of the enemies of the Empire. Immunes posses specialized skills, qualifying them to perform duties atypical of normal Navy pilots. Those who seek a leading role in combat or in the organization and growth of the Guard will be recognized as such by the Triumvirate and promoted further in the ranks of officers, as shown in the full overview of the rank structure of the 1st Praetorian Guard.

"So the Lord sent forth the Chosen, to bring forth the light of faith. And those who embrace his love shall be saved by his grace. For we are his shepherds in the darkness, His Angels of Mercy. But those who turn away from his light, and reject his true word shall be struck down by his wrath. For we are his retribution incarnate, His Angels of Vengeance."
The scriptures, Book of Reclaiming 4:45

1PG is calling talented Amarrian pilots to join the ranks. Join our channel PG Forum to arrange an interview.

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam!

[OOC Addendum]

The 1st Praetorian Guard [1PG] is one of the oldest 100% Amarr loyalist PvP and role-play corporations in EVE. Make sure to notice that we fly Amarr ships only.  1PG is part of the Curatores Veritas Alliance [CVA] and active in 0.0 - Providence and the Factional Warfare zone.

The higher goal of the Praetorian Guard is to be THE place were you get the best combination of conservative based Amarrian roleplay and non-complex fun frigate combat up to deadly-serious battleship fleets with cap support, whilst always flying alongside trusted friends. In combat we excel in small and medium fleet warfare based on corp doctrines and disciplined joint corp operations. This all based on the core values of strong support of corp members, mature behaviour, honesty, sincerity, righteousness, fair play, having fun and the understanding that real life always comes first. The Praetorian Guard has something special, and that is within the group. This higher goal is what we have been building on over the years.

In short we offer:
- Purpose, an immersive environment where EVE becomes more than starship pixels shooting starship pixels.
- We learn you all the ropes of real pvp in comparison of warping and shooting around in large fleets.
- To put it in other words: you will learn how to solo destroy a Vagabond with a Retribution.
- A constant flow of small and large fleets to join to pvp, just check our killboard.
- Regular corp operations flying alongside trusted friends.
- A ship replacement program on certain ships lost in corp and alliance operations.
- Free T1 frigs, destroyers and equipment to support new players and discounts on T1 and T2 ships.

In short we require:
- True Amarrian, Ni-Kunni and Khanid players only, no exceptions.
- Only superior and blessed Amarrian ship hulls (ORE vessels are tolerated).
- That you fit your ships according fleet and ship doctrines.
- At least a skill level of 3 in "RL English" as voice communication is essential in our operations.
- Strong support of corp members, mature behaviour, honesty, sincerity, righteousness and fair play

We don't have obligations on active time in the pod, EVE is for fun. We have people from both the US and EU, from a wide range of ages and locations. Despite our grim RP limitations and narrow-mindedness, we're actually quite tolerant in RL. Honest. So trust us with your fate, we will squander it in an honorable and splendid fashion!

Come serve the Empire with us!