In the post-Citizens United era, as we look at a national campaign cycle poised to spend $6-10 billion (with a larger share of it through anonymous means than ever before) I've really gotten to a point where I don't care any more. That doesn't even include state and local elections which it seems in the last few cycles have become quite powerful in their own right (especially in swing states and the financial power centers). Both parties are beholden to the same interests and won't bite the hand that feeds them. You can't mount a campaign without the donations, the donations don't come in if you aren't doing what is in their interests.
It is legalized bribery, graft and corruption.
Quid pro quo.
The U.S. has largely avoided implementing an austerity plan like the rest of the industrialized world mostly because of the election cycle. I fully expect no matter who wins that a huge swath of social programs and infrastructure spending will get gutted and somehow, despite all the hand-wringing over deficit concerns, we'll find some piles of money (borrowed at interest) to shovel into the gaping, insatiable maws of banks and corporations (that we just borrowed it from) who are already sitting on reserves higher than ever before with profit margins higher than any other time in history.
Until we deal with:
1) Commercial and investment banking under the same roof
2) Money as a form of free speech
3) Corporations having the same rights as human beings (without the responsibilities or accountability)
4) Unlimited influence on elections from anonymous sources
5) Our currency being controlled by a private entity outside of the government
Then politics,
to me, is nothing but a vapid popularity contest to decide which smiling face is going to implement the same regressive policies on us.
It is a two-headed snake, two puppets with the same puppeteer.
Obamney/Ryden 2012!