All - The explanation for this is pretty simple, and sadly is all rooted in A'J, not actual story action.
I spent a lot of time photographing wormholes for
Project Catapult, specifically to find ol' Kuvakei. Of course, the Promised Land wormhole being what it is, it was the most interesting. CCP had a default background they used for every "generic" icon, and they also used whatever system that was, presumably somewhere in Jove-land, for their default snaps and their launch points for Live Event invasions.
When Crucible rolled around and the nebulae changed, I filed a comment or a bug somewhere, damn if I can find it, saying that there was one nebula they forgot - the one in Sansha's wormhole. It still had the old pre-Crucible graphics.
I dropped my sub shortly after, but the bug remained on file, and showed up as fixed in the latest release. Mark726 of EVE Travel, collaborator with Faulx on A'J Project Compass and me on A'J Project Tesseract, helped me out and flew out there to check.
21 Jun mark726 @webspaceships
From patch notes: "The wormhole graphic in the Promised Land system has been altered." cc @EVE_Rhavas #eveonline #tweetfleet
25 Jun mark726 @webspaceships
Iiiiinteresting. Violent Wormhole in Promised Land now only shows galactic disk in background. No nebulae. cc @EVE_Rhavas
So... it's possible that we might have some info on where Kuvakei is hiding at last. But it's also possible that this is CCP's new dumbed-down generic background.
If it's Fade, I'd also submit that Faulx is looking in the wrong place. He needs to look at A0 systems - namely K4YZ-Y (it would be very interesting to see the Abandoned Battlefield in this system) and FI01-8.