Sometimes it'd be nice to have a matchmaking feature here for people who find certain aspects of the game intriguing and wouldn't mind finding other people to be a) simpatico collaborators in world-building, or b) opponents of sufficient worth to goad them into laying out how any right-minded person would see things. Both can be very valuable.
Casi, if Ulf were still around I might try to throw you two together for that crypto chat.
Going back to the original topic, one of the underlying trouble patches is the unresolved stuff about "clones". Are they grown, fabricated, or some combination, like being fabricated and then doped with aggressive donor DNA? Does it vary depending on how much you pay? Why would you choose a customised generic-blank body over a purpose-built one? What are our ones like? I remember reading the Cromeaux Inc.
article on cloning closely once, and thinking "Oh, they're A. No, they're B. No, they're A. No.... I don't know what they are."
If you somehow managed to force-grow a true clone body to adulthood, yes, I assume the body would have an intact hymen and no scars, although modifying those could be part of the detailing done on the body before you move in. If the body is built from parts and biomass, what you'd end up with would depend on what the clone-makers could and did do to it, which I expect/hope would be something you'd have some input into as a customer.