Nah, the problem with TEA was that it put CCPs development strategy into the storyline side of things.
The game itself has pretty much been developed on the basis that you get the bigger, better and faster thing in the next expansion instead of fixing the old things or giving the things promised before.
Basically (now I have the term in my head from the other thread) by jumping the shark, with every expansion.
Most of the new ships that has been introduced has been bigger, better and faster versions of old ships, but the ships that have really changed the game has been the ones that have been created for a purpose.
Interceptor, Stealth ships, Interdictor.
Most of the other content has been just about making things bigger, better and faster.
Then CCP did it to the storyline.
They made it bigger, better and faster. (But it was still static.)
Which, I think, woke a lot of people up.
Especially roleplayers, who voted with their wallets and went elsewhere.
Because they can get a reliable storyline that they can work with anywhere, without the shitty gameplay.