So, because of public demand, I'll start assembling Templar One's major plot revelations here, along with various political forces underway in most of the governments of New Eden.
The Templars are the Super-soldiers the Amarr Empire seeks to create based on Sleeper technology. The Amarrians were able to penetrate a Sleeper facility, and steal an intact specimin of the Sleeper race, at great cost. However, the brain of the Sleepers was the key. They had developed a fifth lobe which allowed them to transmit state data from their mind into virtuality, and back again, without any additional technology. This would be used as the gateway to having soldiers recloned with their minds transferred as well, allowing for the waging of perpetual war with accelerating, accumulating combat experience.
Jamyl Sarum seeks to use these Templars to conquer the entire known universe, and 'bring an end to war'. However, she has been betrayed.
It appears that the Sleepers are in fact a sub-race of Jovians, called the Architects. Because the Jovians, a technologically unsophisticated branch of humanity during their time, were unable to cross the vast distances of space using their primitive warp drives, quickly, the Architects were to be the ones to assemble stargates upon arrival of the Jove to the Heaven constellation. The Architects were placed in cryogenic stasis, with their minds in virtual reality during the long interstellar warps of their sleeper-ships. While in virtual reality, or the Construct, as it is called, they could communicate, interact.
The Enheduanni were the Jove assigned to watch over the Architects during the trip. And ensure that they were reanimated upon arrival to their destination to construct the colonies and space infrastructure needed for the main Jove population.
After the Fall, the Architects had established vastly better virtual realities that could simulate all of the known universe, within a time-dilated virtual construct. This way, they could do scientific experiments tens or hundreds of times faster than normally possible, with no restrictions on experimental equipment or other resources. The result was that the Architect subculture of the Jove became more technologically advanced than the rest of the Jove Empire, and the Enheduanni acted as the gatekeepers to that knowledge, as they were the only ones capable of bringing the Architects in and out of stasis.
The Enheduanni fashioned themselves as gods, the guardians of technological advancement and progress in Jove Society. Meanwhile, the Architects entered a technological singularity within their virtuality. When the Jovian Disease struck the Empire, hundreds of millions of Jove entered the Architect's construct.
However, when the Diesease Started, the Architects and the Enheduanni left Heaven constellation towards the site of the present Jove Empire. The Jovians believed that the Architects should have been able to find a cure for the disease, but they claimed that they could not. The main population of Jovians chased the Architects during their Migration, but the Architects would no longer share their technological advancements with the Jove; They only used it to support their migration.
It is implied that they then left the cluster to what is now known as w-space. "they took measures to ensure we couldn't follow them at all"
After the architects left Heaven, the Enheduanni went on to attempt to manipulate humanity, to bring them to the same utopia the Architects had been in. Vak'Atioth was the result of Enheduanni intervention, as well as the resurgence of the Minmatar Elders.
Jovians are 'born' as adults, they are brought into the world based on the collective will of the entire population. Genes are selected from a database that is passed down through the generations, custom-built to meet the needs of the present time. Because of this cultural norm, the Architects implemented a protocol: only those with human bodies could enter the Construct, and those with bodies to return to, could leave it.
The Other, the alien virtual intelligence that infected Jamyl Sarum following the succession trials, was the first virtual-born creation of the Architects, and thus, had no body to return to. The Enheduanni were unsure whether or not to let this new life form to continue, but many more were created alongside of the Other. These artificial intelligences warned the Architects that the Construct was not true reality, causing a social schism within the virtuality. The Enheduanni, those who had been entrusted to guide the Architects in and out of the virtual world, and manage their perception of it, didn't destroy the Other, and let him survive.
The Other seeks to overthrow the Enheduanni and their custodianship of the Construct. The other and his other artificial intelligences seized control of most of the Construct's universe, and now every immortal soldier created by the Amarr Empire, the Templars has a mind of an Other supporter, or an Architect that has been stripped away from the Construct, driven insane by the horror of being seperated from everything he has known.
However, because of the primal, primitive and incomplete nature of the Other, his war to overthrow the Enheduanni will come at great cost to mankind, and might even destroy the known universe and end mankind forever.
In terms of real-world politics. . .
Major political themes: The Ishukone Corporation has become a pariah within the Caldari State. Mens Reppola feels pressed on every side by ever constricting machinations of Tibus Heth. Ishukone Corporation citizens are conscripted and sent into battle with the Gallente Federation, and often die, depleting the Corporation's manpower.
In the story, Tibus Heth revokes all Ishukone's enrollment in the Science and Trade school to deplete their intellectual power as well. This is done as a personal assault agains Mens Reppola, whose daughter was enrolled in the school, and an attempt to force him to step down to preserve his relationship with his family.
Eventually, because of events in the Amarr Empire and the deployment of the Templars to the temperate world of Amamake, called Pike's Landing, Mens Reppola sees an opportunity to gain the technological advantage against Tibus Heth and safeguard his corporation. Reppola mobilizes Ishukone's entire military might and conscripts 25% of its population, and moves to Pike's Landing to seize the Templars for reverse engineering. This leads to a colossal engagement between the Amarrian force there and Mordu's Legion, Federation, and Ishukone coalition, which were seeking the same information about the immortal soldier technology.
Subsequent to this, the Legion/Fed/Ishu coalition arrange a bargain to assemble their information about the location of the only surviving immortal soldier, Templar One, recover him from Pike's Landing, and reverse engineering and disseminate the super-soldier technology across the Cluster, to preserve the balance of power against the Amarr Empire and the Empress's/Others schemes of domination. It is likely that the Ishukone will be the only of the State megacorps to make use of this technology.
Other cool PF tidbits. . .
The Minmatar are seeking to find a way to escape New Eden, under the influence of the Elders. This is called the Skymother project.
The location of the main Kameiras conditioning/research program is on the planet Hexandria in the Khanid kingdom, also known as Irmalin II. This planet was raided by the Valklears, lead by General Kintreb. General Kintreb's command is the only one left to defend Core Freedom, the space elevator terminus and colony on Pike's Landing in Amamake, the site of the main battle of the story. General Kintreb is the one who got Mordu's legion involved against the Empire, tying them into the story.
The planet four in the Tsukuras system is called Myoklar, and is a major Echelon Entertainment resort-planet. Haatakan Oritsuu attempted to have Tibus Heth assassinated there, using a squad of Mordu's Legionnaires. However, this was a failure due to CONCORD intervention, where they transmitted details of the attack to Tibus Heth to ensure his cooperation against immortal soldier technology proliferation.
THANATOS is a CONCORD special agent artificial intelligence placed within a bio-engineered clone. These agents would conduct the special business of the Inner Circle when needed, including an act of war conducted on the surface of Pike's Landing against the Gallente Federation, where THANATOS murders an entire platoon of special forces that were seeking intel about the Templars on the planet.
There is much more info, so if you see something I missed, just add it here in this thread.