Would the typical capsuleer even want another version of him or her running around? Someone just as ruthless, who knows legally only one can own their vast wealth, and who knows every secret and strategy that capsuleer uses? There is no enemy more insidious than oneself.
There is also no agent/employee/business partner more competent. Few others can understand one's vision as well, and have as vested a stake in its execution. Such a relationship could work beautifully ("nobody understands me but J00!"), if adequate safeguards are in place -- but the bitch of it is figuring out what are 'adequate' safeguards, eh?
necro lol.
But also, I read a thing a while back, which is sort-of related to this.
It said that, when asked the question:
"If there was an absolutely identical clone of yourself, would you fight with, or have sex with, them?"
Men tended to choose "Fight With", whereas women tended to choose "have sex with".
just thought that it is interesting how Gottii and Vieve have different outlooks, that fit with the silly thing I read, though not to the same extreme. Gottii says "compete with", Vieve says "collaborate with"
Weird huh?