I've -- that is me, though it's likely also crossed Celeste's mind (Vieve doesn't concern herself with such matters anymore) -- occasionally wondered if some RP hay could be made out the disenfranchisement act's missing a couple of things.
a) a reversion clause (and on that subject, who is responsible for deciding when a system is no longer occupied? Is this left solely to the FDU, the job of the Federation Navy, the President, or must each and every disenfranchised system petition the Senate and/or the Supreme Court in order to have their re-enfranchisement considered?)
b) a mention of whether the act was a one time action, or the ruling's being kept on active reserve so to be applied to any other systems that are deemed 'occupied' or 'under an unacceptable amount of foreign influence' -- y'know, by whomever's responsible for deciding such things.