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Author Topic: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies  (Read 18072 times)

Esna Pitoojee

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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #15 on: 11 Sep 2011, 11:34 »

Alright, I have to admit... when I first read "Akhtih", I read it as "Aldrith". My next thought was, "Ald/Lou slashfic? WAT?"

Then I kind of remembered, academy for fine young Amarrian ladies. Yeah.

Also, totally enjoying this. :D
I like the implications of Gallentians being punched in the face by walking up to a Minmatar as they so freely use another person's culture as a fad.

Lord Wamphyri

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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #16 on: 12 Sep 2011, 01:39 »

Really enjoying reading this.. keep 'em coming! :)


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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #17 on: 12 Sep 2011, 13:54 »

Alright, I have to admit... when I first read "Akhtih", I read it as "Aldrith". My next thought was, "Ald/Lou slashfic? WAT?"

Then I kind of remembered, academy for fine young Amarrian ladies. Yeah.

Also, totally enjoying this. :D

Its always harems and sex slaves with you Esna...
"Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'"
― Isaac Asimov


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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #18 on: 14 Sep 2011, 14:47 »

Its always harems and sex slaves with you Esna...

Correct. :lol:

"Eve roleplayers scare me." - The Mittani

Louella Dougans

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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #19 on: 14 Sep 2011, 15:22 »

Office of the Headmistress

"Really now, girls? Brawling? Like a common slave?"

Louella and Zesia study the carpet of the office intently, while the Headmistress talks.

"This is not the sort of behaviour that is acceptable for a Fine Young Amarrian Lady, now is it?"

"no, miss" says Louella quietly. "no miss" repeats Zesia.

"I am disappointed in both of you. Very disappointed."

Zesia mumbles "sorry".

"Particularly in you, miss Tash-Murkon. What were you thinking?"

Zesia blinks, "umm, miss, umm, she like, told one of the other girls, that like, we had to touch male slaves like, things, to get stuff for like the class thing, in human biology stuff, and then made fun of us and stuff. Then she called us slave fondlers and stuff, so I hit her."

The headmistress frowns at this. "And you, miss Dougans? what do you have to say for yourself?"

Louella stares at the carpet and mumbles something.

"Speak up, miss Dougans"

"umm, like, miss, umm, I was helping Zesia, because umm, it says in the scriptures to stand with the faithful and stuff, which means to back up friends and stuff"

"I do know what the Scriptures say, miss Dougans. They also say to be respectful."

The headmistress sighs. "What am I to do with the two of you? Brawling, of all things. You have to be punished, naturally, we can't have girls running around causing mayhem."

Zesia and Louella stare at the carpet again.

"You will learn, I hope, in the etiquette classes about how you should have handled this. Impetuous brawling is not the answer. Think longer term in future, ladies.
In the meantime, I am issuing you with a punishment exercise. You will both write out a thousand times that you will not brawl like a common slave, and I mean write out, with pencil and paper.
As well as this, by the end of the week, I expect you both to have written a 1500 word essay on what you did wrong, and how you should have done things instead."

Zesia and Louella continue to examine the carpet.

"You are dismissed, return to your class"

Louella and Zesia stop examining the carpet and leave.

"thanks for sticking up for me, Louella", says Zesia
"no problem, hey, you're really Tash-Murkon family?"
"Yeah, a like, minor branch, You're True Amarr, not Udorian?"
"Yeah, I  thought you might have known? Mum says you can tell by looking?"
"I don't know about that, maybe we'll learn about it in biology"
"maybe, umm, what class is it we're supposed to be at?"
"umm, err, It looks like History?"
"oo, history, cool, guess we'd better head over there?"

The two girls go off to rejoin the rest of their group, in History class...

Louella Dougans

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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #20 on: 23 Sep 2011, 23:52 »

History class

"And, after careful study of the Scriptures, the Empire constructed the first Righteous rocket ship that allowed the Empire to return to space and begin the Divine work of bringing the Words to all planets of all stars, as is Written.
Ahh, miss Tash-Murkon, miss Dougans, how good of you to join us", says the history teacher, a tall brunette Amarrian.

Zesia and Louella take their seats, looking slightly embarrassed.

"In your absence we were discussing the thing that has had the greatest influence on the Empire since the original Reclaiming, can you tell us what was?"

"Space travel!" says Zesia. "Indeed"

"And can you tell us why, miss Dougans?"

"umm, because of umm, I don't know, cos you can't ask the Apostles and stuff in space?"

"That's part of it, yes, but not all.
The reasons why space travel has had such a profound effect on the Empire are numerous.
Firstly, entering space means many things are revealed that were previously hidden. For example, the first Imperial spacemen to see Athra, the Mother World from space, had a profound realisation of how beautiful Gods Creation is. It is one thing to have lived on a planet all your life, but to see it from space for the very first time is a wondrous occasion!
Secondly, the settlement of the Throne Worlds, took place slowly, and with the communications that we had at the time, it meant the people were out of contact with the scholars on Athra, and so when they encountered something out of the ordinary, they had to interpret the Scriptures by themselves. Many great works were written by these settler theologians, you will learn about some of them later. For similar reasons, we had such things as Hedion University, which studied the Scriptures in a new environment, to gain better knowledge of Gods Creation as it applies to the new worlds.
Thirdly, the environment of space opened up many new ways for acts of Righteousness to be manifest. Numerous are the saints who explored new planets, opened up new stargates, devised new ways of doing things, in the new environment of space.
Fourthly, the expansion into new planets meant that a great many more Holders were needed, which was a profound change to society. Of course, these new Holderships would not be just given out to anyone, no, of course not. The prospective new Holders had to prove themselves worthy of such a responsibility, and this inspired a great wave of piousness, as the nature of a Holder's Duty was greatly expanded. As well as the existing duties to their slaves, their family, their superiors, the Emperor, the nature of the duty as a Chosen of God was greatly increased.
It was written, that the duty of the Chosen was to bring the message to every star and every planet, and to accomplish this, with the new worlds, it meant many more Amarrians were needed, and so the Holder families had more children than previously, which was a profound change to Athran society.
Eventually of course, the most righteous amongst the Udorians were also given Holder status, inspiring others as well.

Now, this is only the most cursory of examinations of the effect of space travel, and we will be examining the various factors in greater detail later."

Louella and the rest of the class listen attentively as the teacher speaks about the many things discovered in space by the earliest Amarrian explorers, the lesson goes on for a couple of hours.

"And that is all for now, next time we will begin to examine the first worlds that were conquered as part of the Reclaiming, and how the people there were introduced to Righteousness."

After class, everyone goes for lunch, which passes without controversy. Louella has sandwiches and fruit.

Louella Dougans

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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #21 on: 02 Oct 2011, 01:42 »

Sports class

Louella and the other girls arrive at the sports hall and take a look around.

"hey look at this, we get individual cubicles to change in, but the showers are all like, not individual"
"eww, you mean like, we're all in together, like you know? slaves? gross"
"that's like, against Scripture and stuff isn't it?"
"totally, it's like, unrighteous to be naked in public and stuff"
"yah but this is like, indoors so not public?"
"kind of, but like, we'd see each other?"
"dunno, I think I'm going to like, just use the showers in my own room"
"eww, smelly!"
"no you smell!"
"it's probably for when theres the outdoor sports, cos of mud and stuff"
"ew, mud. But like, its in a dome, so why'd there be mud? there's no rain, is there?"
"I think they said there's like, some artificial weather or something?"
"I don't want to get rained on and get muddy because of artificial weather, that's like, just silly"

While this conversation is going on, the girls change into their sports outfits - shorts & t-shirts.

The teacher, a red-haired Udorian woman with obvious muscles, arrives "Hello girls, all ready for some fun exercise? Superb! We're going to learn some skills today, for the game of stickball. Or as the Gallente call it, hockey."

Aktih puts up a hand "Miss? we don't have to play against Gallente do we? I heard they like, walk about naked and stuff?"

Miss Savan raises an eyebrow "Naked hockey? What a curious idea. Where do you girls get these ideas from?"

The rest of the class giggle a little, Miss Savan says "Alright girls, lets get you warmed up. Follow me"

Miss Savan leads the girls through some stretches and other warm-up exercises. "Now then, has anyone played stickball before?"
Some girls shake their heads, Girned and Sehrazah raise their hands. "Oh, you have? Excellent, come up here. Now then, we'll show the others some of the correct ways to pass the ball, alright?"

Girned and Sehrazah demonstrate the correct way to use the stick to pass and receive the ball. "Super! Now class, divide into pairs and try what you've just been shown, alright?"
"no no no, miss Tash-Murkon, don't swing the stick like that, you push the ball, don't smack it"
"Very good, miss Dougans, that's exactly what we want"
"use this side of the stick, not that one, using that side is a foul. Like this"

"Good work class, now then, we'll look at controlling the ball while running with it. What you'll do is control the ball around these cones until you reach the end, then you pass the ball back to the next girl, alright? Like this"
"Good control, a little faster though"
"Control the ball, that's it. Well done"

"Superb. Now, tackling. I'm going to run with the ball, and I want you to try and take the ball from me. Using the stick to trip an opponent is a foul, so I don't want you to be doing that. Alright, try it"
"Come on, you can do better than that"
"Again, try again"
Louella runs up beside Miss Savan and shoulder charges her in the ribs, while pushing her stick between Miss Savan's and the ball, to flick it away.
"Shoulder-charging is a foul, Miss Dougans, in traditional Amarr ladies stickball. Physical contact is only allowed in Udorian-rules stickball"

"Alright now, that's the basic skills covered. Now we'll put you into teams, for a little practice game, alright?"

Sehrazah and Girned are chosen by Miss Savan as the captains for the two teams, and they pick from the other girls.

"Excellent, ladies, that's it, keep the ball under control, good tackle, keep the pace up, excellent"
The practice game ends up a draw, 4 each.

"Well, that was some superb work this afternoon ladies, some of you may eventually want to play for the Academy in the inter-school competitions!"
"You get to travel and stuff, to play stickball, Miss?"
"That's right! There's the constellation competitions, the regionals, even the Empire wide ones! The Cup final is held in Dam-Torsad itself!"
The girls look impressed at this concept.

"Now, remember to wash up before changing, cleanliness is Important for a fine young Amarrian lady, and I'll see you next time"
The girls head back to the changing room.

"I still don't like these shower thingies"
"but we're all sticky and stuff, it's gross"
"still unrighteous I think, eww"
Zesia stands up. "Well, I'm going to, like, lead by example, cos I'm a fine young Amarrian lady and stuff", which causes a giggle from some of the others, and goes into the shower.

The rest eventually follow, some shyly, and after the inevitable silliness of prodding and splashing each other, the girls end up back in the changing room, now all washed, and put their normal clothes back on.

"Wow, that's almost dinner time now, we'd better head over there"
"yeah, wonder what it is this time"

After a brief sermon by the headmistress about proper Amarrian manners, especially concerning the use of the correct spoons, dinner is served, consisting of pasta tubes stuffed with vegetables, followed by cheesecake.

After dinner, most of the girls head off to their individual rooms. Zesia and Louella however, go to the library to write out the punishment exercise they were given earlier in the day.

"whew, glad that's done, Louella"
"Yeah, hope we don't get in trouble again"
"Me too"
"I liked the stickball today, think I'll try out for the team, how about you?"
"Totally, it'd be fun to see other planets and stuff, I think"

Louella's Journal

dear mum, today was first lessons, we had biology, and it was all eww, cos it was about babies and stuff, and there were diagrams. I got into a fight, but it was alright. Then we played stickball, and I scored a goal. We had cheesecake it was yummy.
love, Lou-lou

Louella Dougans

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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #22 on: 08 Oct 2011, 04:49 »

Art Class

The next morning, Louella and her classmates have Art first thing.

"Hello class, I'm Ms. Kieram", says the teacher, a purple-haired dark-skinned Udorian woman, wearing lots of bangles and earrings. "We're going to learn about art, and some crafts too, clayworking and jewellerywork and much more. You'll enjoy it." she says, gesturing broadly, causing the bangles to jingle and chime with each movement.

Aktih raises a hand "Miss? is umm, that your normal hair colour?"
Ms. Kieram laughs pleasantly "The purple? No, it is from hair dye"
Aktih says "Oh. Cool"

Ms. Kieram smiles "Alright, now we'll start with painting. I would like for all of you to paint a picture of your favourite passage from the Scriptures. Put on an apron to keep paint splashes off yourself, and I'll hand out the paint and brushes."

After a short while, Louella paints this:

Ms. Kieram studies the artworks that the girls have produced.
"That's a very dynamic pose you've given the figure there, Zesia, very striking"
"Interesting choice of passage, Reraha"
"That's, well... that is certainly a beast, Louella"

The class admire each others work and the finished paintings are hung up to dry.

"Now, we'll all have a go at making some clayworks" say Ms Kieram. "I'll show you how a pottery wheel works, and we'll make some simple jars. You can use them for flowers for your rooms, or as a desk tidy."

Ms Kieram sets up a pottery wheel, and begins working the clay into a shape. "You have to be quite firm with the clay, really work your fingers to make it take shape"

Sehrazah and Girned whisper to each other as they watch Ms Kieram's hands work the clay. Sehrazah snorts as she stifles a giggle.

Ms. Kieram smiles at them. "Yes, it does look a bit like that, doesn't it, girls?" which causes the rest of the class to giggle as well, as they watch her sculpt the clay into a tall thin vase.

"Once we have the shape we want, we set the finished piece aside for firing in the kiln later. Now we'll all have a go"

Blobs of clay and pottery wheels are distributed amongst the class, and Ms. Kieram supervises the efforts the girls make.

"Stop the wheel, Sehrazah, it's unbalanc- Oh."
"Aargh!" says Louella as a blob of clay shoots off the wheel and whacks her in the stomach. "Ow!"
"omg, are you alright Lou?"
"I'm fine"

The rest of the lesson passes with less chaos.

Louella Dougans

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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #23 on: 22 Oct 2011, 04:51 »

Modern Studies

"Hello again ladies", says Ms. Tamarom, the history teacher. "Today, instead of early Amarr history, we will be looking at more recent events, and how they have shaped the world."

"Now, who can tell me about the Minmatar Rebellion, hmm?"

"Miss? That was when those like, unrighteous Jovians and the immoral Gallente did stuff to make the Minmatar rebel."

"Yes, Girned. I was hoping for a bit more detail, anyone else?"

"Miss? My grandad was in the fighting in the rebellion" says Louella. "He said the fuzzy-wuzzies didn't like the taste of fine Amarrian steel".

"Is that so, Miss Dougans? And what else did your grandfather say?"

"Oh, he said lots, it was all stories about stuff like fighting on the planets and stuff cos he was in the infantry. Udorian Highland Light Infantry"

"my grandad was also in the Oolies" says Sehrazah. "cool" says Louella.
"Our grandad was in the Navy" says Zesia, Reraha nods in agreement.

"That's great, girls. Perhaps you would like to ask your relatives if they would like to visit and share some of their stories sometime, hmm?"

"Now then, the background to the Minmatar Rebellion was as follows..." Ms. Tamarom lectures the class for the next hours about the background, including the interference from the Jovians and the Gallente.


"so how come your grandad was in the UHLI, Louella, if he's True Amarr?" asks Sehrazah.
"dunno, I think officers get assigned to all sorts of different regiments, maybe?"
"could be, never really thought about that sort of thing."
"me neither, hey, does this mean you're Udorian?"
"Yeah, haven't I said so?"
"dunno? how can you tell anyway?"
"not sure, maybe we can ask one of the teachers about it. Miss Nisouman probably knows, cos she's the biology teacher."
"cool, we can ask her"


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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #24 on: 22 Oct 2011, 20:39 »

inb4 nipple-identification
The assumption that other people are acting in good faith is the single most important principle underpinning human civilization.

Louella Dougans

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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #25 on: 30 Oct 2011, 09:32 »

Technological Studies

After lunch, Lou and the rest of her class wander over to the workshops for Tech. Studies.

"Aha, welcome ladies, I am Mr. Gorouyar" says the teacher, a short Udorian man with a gold tooth and a moustache. "Welcome to learning about technology. Is miss Tash-Murkon here?"

Zesia raises a hand "me?"

The Tech teacher smiles, showing his gold teeth "Welcome! I understand you will be becoming a skilled bricklayer? Excellent!"

Zesia blushes.

"Indeed, for it is a worthy occupation. Consider the construction of many of the cathedrals on the Throne Worlds, fine brick buildings they are."

"Now then, ladies, we shall start at the beginning. Foundations! They are naturally, the most important part of a building, yes? All things require a solid base, not just buildings, but also theological arguments. A house of argument built upon the sand of doubt falls over in the wind of Questioning."

Mr. Gorouyar leads the class outside, where a hole has been dug. "Now then ladies, here is a hole. We shall fill this with concrete, to provide a foundation for a new building for the school. Now then, see how deep the hole is? why do you think the hole is so large? would not a smaller foundation be more suitable?"

Girned raises a hand "umm, isn't it because a big deep hole means the foundation has a lot of mass and then won't move at all?"

The teacher smiles. "Perhaps. The answer is of course in Scripture, as all truths are. As homework, you shall find the relevant articles and study them carefully."

"Now then ladies, let us consider the concrete we shall be using. There are several parts to concrete, aggregates, sand, cement and water, just as there are several parts to Amarr society, Holders, commoners, serfs and yet together, they form a strong whole."

"So now ladies, let us mix the concrete. I shall operate this rotating drum, and you will put in the ingredients and observe how they affect the mix. We shall start with one part each."

Louella, Sehrazah and Aktih put cement, sand and aggregate into the drum. Reraha pours in some water.

"Very good ladies, see the colour and consistency of the mixture? Now, add another bag of sand, and see how the mixture changes?" The class observe these experiments, and eventually the drum is full. "Now, we shall pour the cement into the foundation", says Mr. Gorouyar. "See how it flows? There are many forms of concrete, all with different characteristics, you will study these and apply them to your estates when you are older."

"Now, we shall let this foundation set for a few days, before building upon it. Then comes the fun part, particularly for you, miss Zesia".

Zesia blushes again.

Mr. Gorouyar directs the class over to another foundation that is already completed, where there is a large stack of bricks and some mortar. "So then ladies, we shall construct a wall here. But where? First we must be sure the wall is begun in the correct place, and runs in the correct direction. This wall, has already been marked out, but when you build your own walls, you will have to plan things carefully, as indeed all things are planned, for careful thought is the Amarr way. We have a peg, and the string, to guide the bricklaying, as the Scripture guides the faithful."

Mr. Gorouyar lays the first bricks at both ends of the wall. "Now then ladies, having observed these few bricks, you will now continue. One group at this end, the others at that end. Let us proceed!"

"these bricks are heavy" says Sehrazah
"yeah" says Louella "building stuff is going to take a while"
"Our wall is going to be better than the other one" says Zesia.
"Oh, going to become a master bricklayer?" says Sehrazah
Zesia giggles "you bet!" placing a brick down firmly "more mortar!"
Lou giggles "alrighty!" and puts more mortar down for Zesia, who begins laying bricks at a furious pace.

"Ahh, miss Tash-Murkon, such enthusiasm!" remarks the teacher, which causes Zesia to blush again.

After a while, the wall is completed, and the girls look over their work.

"Very good ladies, very good indeed, a most solid and righteous wall, upright and true. Now, wash up carefully, and we shall consult the Scriptures for the rest of the lesson."

The girls wash off all the dust they've accumulated, and Mr. Gorouyar talks to them about the various proverbs, metaphors and discussions in the Scriptures relating to construction.

Louella's Journal

Dear mum, today we had art, I made a flower holder thing, and painted Zakara, Garum and the beast. We also looked at the fuzzy wuzzy war which Grandad was in. Then we built a brick wall. it was fun. Zesia says she might want to build a brick cathedral on her estate when she's older and married and stuff.

Louella Dougans

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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #26 on: 06 Nov 2011, 08:48 »

Human Biology

The class is studying genetics, and how genes are inherited.

"Miss? how do you like, tell the difference between Udorians and True Amarr?" asks Sehrazah.

Ms. Nisouman blinks. "Oh. Well, there's a few subtle differences. Mostly to do with skin colouration and so on."

"Like what? Udorians have different skin colours?" asks Louella. "Sehrazah looks same colour as me?"

"Yes. Here, look at this." Ms. Nisouman presses some buttons on the remote control for the classroom display panel. "Here you can see the differences between a True Amarr and an Udorian".

The class look at the display, dumbfounded.

"omg" says Zesia. "wow" says Reraha. Louella stares at the diagrams.

"So like, you can only tell the difference really when they're naked?" asks Sehrazah.

"That's correct, Sehrazah" says Ms. Nisouman. "There are a few exceptions, of course, where the ancestry is mixed, which makes it difficult to tell except through DNA analysis. Otherwise, yes, you can see the difference between the two"

The class stare at the diagram for a bit longer.

"Now then class, next week will be the start of your project for this year. You'll be in groups, and you will be looking after a female slave. You're going to choose a suitable mate for her, and look after her through pregnancy. So we'll continue looking at genetics so you understand how to select mates for your slaves."

"Miss, can I get a non-Minmatar slave? I'm allergic"

Social Studies and Etiquette

"Hello class, I will be teaching you all a fine young lady needs to know about society and etiquette", says Ms. Gimela, a tall, grey-haired Amarrian. "You will learn all about such things as posture, table manners, how to address others, public speaking and much more. We will also look at politics and card games, as a lady should be able to converse and advise her husband on all sorts of issues."

The class look somewhat bored with this prospect.

"We shall start today with some lessons about posture. Ms. Dougans, is that a ladylike manner to sit on that chair, hmm? Stand up. Now then class, see how Ms. Dougans stood up? was she graceful? Or did she flail around like a doll, hmm? All of you, pay attention, this is how you sit on a chair. Knees together. Now all of you, do the same. Good, good. Posture is very important, particularly when we move on to the social dancing lessons, where towards the end of the year, we will have visitors from the boys school for dance lessons."

"Settle down, class, settle down, it's not till the end of the year, no need for this outburst of exuberance".


"Hello class" says Miss Savan. "Ready for more fun exercise? It is athletics today. So let's warm up, and we'll go for a run. Come on."

Louella's Journal

Dear mum, today we had biology, etiquette and sports. I learned how to spot a Udorian, by the colour of their wigglies and nipples and stuff. Then we learned about the right fork to use at table, cos of things like what happened with Lady Phanca and all that. Then we had running in the afternoon.
for Biology, we're going to be looking after a slave while they're pregnant and stuff, I think it might be interesting and stuff, cos we get to choose a mate for them.

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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #27 on: 06 Nov 2011, 13:39 »

"Miss, can I get a non-Minmatar slave? I'm allergic"

 :lol: Is this even possible  :eek:

Louella Dougans

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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #28 on: 06 Nov 2011, 16:25 »

"Miss, can I get a non-Minmatar slave? I'm allergic"

 :lol: Is this even possible  :eek:

anything's possible in Louland :)

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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #29 on: 07 Nov 2011, 15:19 »

Louella's Journal

dear mum, this year, our timetable is like this:

1: Biology, History, Sport
2: Art, Modern Studies, Tech Studies
3: Biology, Social studies, Sport
4: Tech studies, Maths, Modern Studies
5: History, Social studies, Maths
6: Art, Church, Scripture and Literature
7: Day off.

I'm having quite a lot of fun, and have made several friends, love Lou-lou
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