Hello everyone.
It occured to me today that you can actually make reasonably sized and priced ship models by using the triexporter and widely avaiable 3d printing services.
While this is still a bad alternative when compared to the avaiable ship models CCP offers in their online shop, this is currently the only way to get ones hands on non-battleships at all.
Since I am a terrible noobie in regards to the 3d output you can get from the triexporter ( .x (x file), .obj (object file), .3ds (3ds file) and .my (my files
) ) I would like to ask if anyone here has a good hand with things like Maya.
I'm specifically trying to figure out:
1.) how to get one of those things running. I tried Blender and Wings3d and both didn't even load on my machine (win7).
2.) how to hollow the shipmodel out. That'll cut on the price or allow a bigger model for the same price.
Cheers and thanks in advance,
Add.: Since this is for personal use only and since there are no comparable products avaiable this is legal under german law. I do not know if this is the case for everyone else, so, please, if you decide to help me (and everyone else who might want to try this), make sure you don't get into trouble beforehand.