This section is for new users to the forum. Say hi, tell us a bit about yourself!
What parts of Eve and Eve RP interest you? What parts would you like to know more about?
What got you into Eve?
Don't be shy!
Oh dear - what got me into Eve.
Well, I was a guild leader of a rather interesting RP guild and a raid leader for a large raiding community on World of Warcraft (yeah yeah...) and as such hosted my own vent. One of my raid healers and good RP friends asked me if a few friends could use the vent for a combat op on another game he plays. I said sure - just make em mind their manners and such.
So Du'uma Fiisi started using my vent for ops and I made them their own vent channel. Sometimes when I ran quests or what not and RP was slow I invited myself or was invited to talk with them where upon I was assaulted with knowledge about this "spaceship game" and this corp filled with cool evil good guys.
The funny part is Du'uma doesn't normally recruit people unless they are no longer on a trail account. However I got recruited before I even had an account at all.
Eve interested me because unlike WoW it wasn't "Us versus them" where your side was prepicked for you and you couldn't talk to your enemies. You could change sides, speak to your enemy, make alliances, and so forth. Nothing was "black and white" and the possibilities where endless. I tried to play an assassian spy in WoW and it failed because you can't attack fellow Alliance folks (I played a human priest, paladin and nelf druid) - but here I could do almost anything I could think of and even steal their stuff when I blow em up as Havo likes to constantly remind me.
I'd love to learn more about the lore and like drinking up neat pieces of RP history - it's like candy to a baby for me. CCP has done a lot better job at not contradicting itself then WoW did - so the history actually means something.